I walked up the stairs with my hands tied on my back, and even though I had made my mind, I was scared, because there was no way back, so I kneeled down and set myself in the position I had been taught earlier, then a gunshot indicated that it was time, and I heard the sound of scythe cutting the air, I felt it fly over me and closed my eyes, and when I opened them again, all I could see was a basket made of straws.
Monday, December 31, 2012
194 - A basket made of straws.

Sunday, December 30, 2012
193 - Asallam, the unicorn.
Asallam was running through the green fields of a meadow until he reached the cliff, but it didn't stop him, so he continued running and jumped into the emptiness of it.
Saturday, December 29, 2012
192 - Small talk between men.
A: "Did you see the game last night?"
B: "Yeah, I can't believe we lost again. Hey! look at that hottie over there!"
A: "Damn! She's hot!"
B: "So... are we going drinking on Saturday?"
A: "Sure. Hey! Look at that other hottie over there!"
Friday, December 28, 2012
191 - The carpenter.
There was once a carpenter who had always dreamed about being a blacksmith, and because of that, all the pieces of wood he made, ended up converted in charcoal.
Thursday, December 27, 2012
190 - Bon appetit: Let's eat grandpa!
He always omitted all the commas in his writings, so when he went visiting his grandpa, instead of saying hello, he bit him in his arm.
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
189 - The third world country population.
The third world country population worry about the water and power service, inflation, the beers and the president, and with all those worries they have no more space in their minds to worry for really living.
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
188 - Bona fide.
A horse was pasturing in the same place he had always pastured when an old cow approached him and told him:
"The grass from that meadow over there are fresher and greener"
"if that's so, why are you here, then, and not there?"
"I don't know, I just wanted to let you know."
"But that's not your duty."
"I know, but neither it is to keep and enjoy something so good all by myself."
Monday, December 24, 2012
187 - The vampire hunter.
He waited until twilight and went out with an wooden stack on one hand and a crucifix on the other, he was going to hunt the vampire who had taken away his beloved wife.
Sunday, December 23, 2012
186 - The cat in the hat.
Since he wanted to change the routing of his magic act, the magician tried to pull a cat out of his hat; but when he put his hand into the had, the only thing he found in there were scratches and bites from the cat, who was really upset for being so much time locked in a tiny hat.
Saturday, December 22, 2012
185 - The Mermales singing.
He traveled across the seven seas, and in his journey, more than one mermaid tried to drown him in the bottom of the sea; but their songs nor their glares affected him, because were the Mermales who really worried him.
Friday, December 21, 2012
184 - Crabs and snails.
He hanged an hammock between two palm trees, laid on it and look up to sky, watching the clouds and its different shapes. He saw some clouds in the shape of rabbits, others in the shape of horses, but there were only two clouds that really called his attention, because the shapes they had, didn't match them at all: one walking straight forward, and the other sliding on the sky very quickly; and they made him understand that in order to stand out, one must be different from the crowd; but what could be more different that a human who lies on a hammock to watch the shape of the clouds in the sky?
Thursday, December 20, 2012
183 - At Marinela's house.
At Marinela's house a little goose, a penguin and a Dalmatian gathered together to have a snack and chitchat, until an starving kid, who was arriving from his soccer practice, ate them all.
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
182 - The never ending war.
Thunders and Rainbows are still fighting, up in the Heaven Kingdom, the eternal duel between the Good and the Bad.
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
181 - Narcissus
When Narcissus went jogging shirt-less, he left all the girls and some boys breathless, flashing them with his abs, and intimidating them with his warm "Hi."
Monday, December 17, 2012
180 - The bar-code.
In the Savannah, the lions pick which one is the best zebra to eat as supper by reading the specifications they have in their fur.
Sunday, December 16, 2012
179 - Voulez-vous coucher avec moi ce soir?
"Voulez-vous coucher avec moi ce soir?" Kept repeating a desperate whore who was walking under the Eiffel tower.
Saturday, December 15, 2012
178 - Unknown language.
And when they speak, you can't understand any word they say but:
Friday, December 14, 2012
177 - The radical vengeance.
When the little red riding hood realized that she wouldn't be able to escape from the wolf, she ate the poisoned apple and died instantly, so when the wolf ate her, he died poisoned as well.
Thursday, December 13, 2012
176 - Euthanasia.
Her grandma was so sick, that in the basket that the Little Red Riding Hood was taking to her, instead of having food and drinks for her to get well, the basket only contained a poisoned apple.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
175 - The meaning of life.
He was standing in front of the mirror, naked, with a gun in his hand pointing at his head, tears running down his cheeks, but even though he wanted to end his suffering once and for all, his fingers were not strong enough to pull the trigger, because he had a feeling that he had come to this world to accomplish a mission, he didn't which one, though, but he knew that it wasn't like this that everything was supposed to end.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
174 - The ghost.
He freaked out when he passed in front of the mirror, he had seen a a ghost! and when he turned on his heels to escape from the bewitched house, he saw his lifeless body laying over the coach he was resting a few moments ago.
Monday, December 10, 2012
173 - The proposal.
He kneeled in front of her, looking her in the eyes and withdrawing his hands from his pockets and raising them up in the air, he told her "I love you." She rolled her eyes at him, reached for the key which may set free her forbidden lover and threw it into the crocodiles' tank.
She knew better, and if she released him, he would never be her slave nor her preferred lover.
Sunday, December 9, 2012
172 - The Pink Elephant.
I followed the Pink Elephant because he would take to where the candies were, and after three days of walking, we arrived to a clearance where the Elephants were made of candy, so there were Chocolate Elephants, Bubblegum Elephants, Vanilla Elephants, and all kind of Candy Elephants you could imagine, and I was so starving that I literally ate an Elephant.
Saturday, December 8, 2012
171 - The ironic air-hole.
The seal that was almost suffocated decided to break an air-hole through the ice, in order to be able to breath, but as soon as she inhaled the mouthful of air that would save her life, an harpoon pierced her head, and she became the supper of an starving esquimau.
Friday, December 7, 2012
170 - (Father's day)²
On father's day I woke up early in the morning, made breakfast and brought it to my two fathers in bed to celebrate their day. You don't know how lucky I am for having not one, but two fathers who loves me and take care for me everyday.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
169 - The cone.
The cone was worried about how hot it was, because if she continued sweating like she was doing, she would be dead before lunch time.
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
168 - The longest nap.
In mid afternoon, he laid down to take a nap at the same time he always did, but this time, he didn't wake up two hours later as usual, nor four hours later, nor six, nor eight, nor sixteen hours later; because he had died, although he was still dreaming like if he were to wake up someday.
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
167 - In a napkin.
In a napkin were found the remains of her disease, and of her desire to be thinner.
Monday, December 3, 2012
166 - At the fourth cup of coffee.
Everyday this writer came to my tavern, took a sit in the table in front of the window, pull out a little notebook and asked me for a cup of coffee, then another, and another and it was not unit I served him the fourth cup of coffee that he would start to write.
"Have you thought about publishing your work?" I asked him one day.
"I am not ready yet " he answered me with a smile "Everyday I come here to drink coffee and to write, but inspiration doesn't hit me until..."
"Until you have your forth cup of coffee" I interrupted him, finishing the sentence for him.
"That's right! So the day that inspiration strikes me at the first cup of coffee..."
"Would be the day that you know your work is worth publishing" I interrupted him again.
"That's right!"
I turned around and came back to the bar, and the I realized that the writer was fervently writing on his little notebook and some napkins, and before I could serve him the second cup of coffee he was already gone and I've seen him in my tavern since that moment on.
Sunday, December 2, 2012
165 - The cook.
Every dish the cook made was spiced with sad tears that have fallen from her face into the food, because back at home, her kids were starving and she didn't even have a radish to cook for them.
Saturday, December 1, 2012
164 - The blank book.
He carries a blank book in his hands everywhere he goes, so everyone who sees him could think "What a smart and cultured boy he is" but in reality he is just a fake, like the book he carries everywhere.
Friday, November 30, 2012
163 - The hidden cult.
At the end of the deserted alley, a Fray was knocking at a hidden door in the dark.
"Password?" whispered a voice from the inside.
"The Great Lord will fall on the twelfth night" answered the Fray with a hiss, and the door opened, quickly, to let him in "I've got bad news" the Fray said before the door shut behind him and the silence fell again in the deserted and dark alley.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
162 - The Chicken (Sequel)
The chicken was so decided to cross the road, that he didn't realize that in the middle of it an old, tall, hooded friend with a scythe in his hand was waiting for him; and even though the chicken didn't make it to the other side of the road, his friend indeed took him to the other side.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
161 - The chicken.
The chicken was so tired of being called coward, that he packed up his things and ran away, the time had come for him to cross the road.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
160 - Golden Arches.
The thrill a little boy feels when he is passing through the Golden Arches, can only be compared to the thrill that an adult feels when he gets a promotion.
Monday, November 26, 2012
159 - Sulfur perfume.
The aroma her body exuded makes everyone, from the purest angel to the evilest daemon, tremble with desire.
Sunday, November 25, 2012
158 - The rattrap.
Every morning my cat used to sneak out of the house and come back late in the night, I have never worried about my cat before, because he's always come back and kept me rat-free, but it's been a few days since I last saw my cat, and today, I found a dead rat in the rattrap.
Saturday, November 24, 2012
157 - Drastic solutions.
"Get a laser and a shotgun, I think that'll be enough."
"And what I am supposed to do with all this cyanide"
"Keep it, maybe some day you'll need it, or if they caught us, I suggest you to take it yourself."
Friday, November 23, 2012
156 - Heartbeats.
He placed his hand over his chest just to make sure he was still alive.
Thursday, November 22, 2012
155 - Multiple Personality Disorder.
HE switched his personality according to his hair; when his hair was combed and tidy he could be as good as an angel; but when his hair was messy and untidy even the Devil feared him.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
154 - Descansa en paz.
This is the story of a Latino Boy who had always wished to live in the US, so he spoke English pretty well, he celebrated its holidays, and he even knew more about the US than about his natal country. The Latino Boy grew up and become a man and he worked very hard to accomplish his dream.
The day he would finally depart to the US, the plane in which he was flying exploded when he was arriving, and since nobody claimed his body, he was buried in a local US cemetery, and his soul rested in peace for the eternity because his Tombstone reads "Rest In Peace" in English instead than "Descansa en paz" in his mother tongue.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
153 - The divorce.
"I am keeping the house."
"Well, then I am keeping the sports car."
"And I want the silverware"
"I also want the automatic grill..."
And the discussion of the assets continued for a long time, while the kids were waiting to see who was going to call for them first; but they didn't worry at all, because, thanks to the school's sports classes, they were used to be called at last.
Monday, November 19, 2012
152 - The dagger.
The dagger with it sharpened leaf, bathed in poison a few years ago, still contains the power to kill any mortal thar crosses its path.
Sunday, November 18, 2012
151 - The campfire.
When I went to the beach I set a campfire and burned all the memories I had with you: but now, I am unable to extinguish the burning flames of it.
Saturday, November 17, 2012
150 - In the barn.
In the barn the cows were making milk, the chickens laying eggs, and the pigs eating unstoppable in order to gain weight; and the farmer instead of being milking the cow, recollecting the eggs, or killing his fat pigs; was in his studio, planning and scheming on a way to seize his neighbors lands.
Friday, November 16, 2012
149 - Size DOES matter.
"Size doesn't matter" they always said to the little lion who was to inherit the throne and leadership of the pride; but when his father, the king, died and he had to battle against his humongous uncle for the crown, he was beaten like a rented mule and also he was exiled from his kingdom and from the pride forever.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
148 - Urban myths.
The black guy from the hood always takes advantage of the urban myths to get all the ladies into his bed, from where they all leave looking very disappointed.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
147 - The Graduated Man.
The Graduated Man rejoiced himself because he had finally graduated, and bragged to everyone he knew about it; but when the time came to pay for the subway or a movie ticket, he always unfolded his old student card to get a discount just like he hadn't graduated yet.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
146 - Rain Dance.
Up in the sky, the clouds were laughing so hard at the humans, whom were making their dance full of weird movements, that they ended up peeing themselves and all over the land where the humans where dancing.
Monday, November 12, 2012
145 - Letter to the Great Lord.
Oh Great Lord! I am writing this letter as my last confession, because I've sinned, I've failed you and I've desecrated your home, your name and my vestment; and that's why I am taking off my robe and dropping my vows, because I have to hide myself in order to not be sent to prison; I know you'll be able forgive me for what I did, because your love is infinite and I hope that someday those little man I've made so wrong, could be able to forgive me too and to get over any physical or psychological trauma I might have caused them.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
144 - Cold nights.
Saturday, November 10, 2012
143 - The hooded rider, or, Looks can be deceiving.
The hooded rider was always on time to rescue the lady in danger, or those who pretend to be in danger only to be saved by him and see him; because all the ladies wonder: "who was the man who hid himself under the hood?" And they imagined him tall, with curly blond hair and blue eyes, even though they had passed in front of him thousand of times in the town and the only thing they deigned to address to him was a look of disgust and contempt.
Friday, November 9, 2012
142 - The well.
Down there in the well live the most horrible creatures you could find on earth, which feed themselves with the dreams and hopes of the intrepid persons that get close enough to the well to fall into it.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
141 - Always ready!
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
140 - Bad kids.
"Give me your money or I'll hit ya in the face!" The bad kids used to tell me when I was in school as they took my lunch money away; now that I've grown up and I am not a kid anymore, things are still the same, or even worst I may say, because now they say: "Give me your money, your phone and the jewels, quick! otherwise I'll shoot ya in the head!" and that scares me even more than what they used to tell me before.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
139 - Playing with fire.
Monday, November 5, 2012
138 - The best hiding place. Pt 2.
When the monsters get tired of hiding up on the bed, and they start to feel wanderlust, they hide themselves in the gown up kids they live with, and since then, we have to learn to live with and among them.
Sunday, November 4, 2012
137 - The best hiding place.
All the monsters hide themselves up on the bed, so that, when kids and parents look for them under the bed, they cannot be found.
Saturday, November 3, 2012
136 - The wrong career, or, The cab driver.
The cab driver true passion and vocation was to tell stories, tales and fables, real or fiction; so believe me when I tell you that you'll never hear any of his customers complain about getting bored in their way to their destination.
Friday, November 2, 2012
135 - Time doesn't wait for anyone.
Finally, after a hundred years, the prince, who was meant to break the spell, arrived to the tower where the princess laid; but the only thing he found there, was her skeleton under a white veil spilled with blood, and next to it, an starved dragon.
Thursday, November 1, 2012
134 - The cause of a dinosaur couple for getting a divorce.
He roared and roared to her "RAWR, RAWR, RAWR!!!" but she no longer knew if those roars kept meaning 'I love you' or if they were 'I hate you' roars.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
133 - Breaking news.
Everybody was waiting for the eleven o'clock newscast to hear the breaking news, but what newsman gave to their public wasn't the breaking news, because new breaking news were happening as the newsman was reporting.
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
132 - The king's censorship.
The commoners, not knowing the new rule imposed by the king, weren't pleasantly surprised when they bought their favourite 18+ Magazines and found the face of their king censoring all the inappropriate parts of the models in the magazine they wished to see the most.
Monday, October 29, 2012
131 - The fall of the cow.
When the humans fall on their knees to praise a God, just like the cows when they fall, they're unable to get back on their feet and continue with their lives on their own.
Sunday, October 28, 2012
130 - The red ball.
The red ball was my son's favorite ball, He always played with it day and night, under the sun or under the rain, in the park or in the house: How I hate that God damned ball! Because even though all the moments of joy it gave to my beloved son, I'll never forget the day it decided to stop right in front of that moving truck.
Saturday, October 27, 2012
129 - Life project.
"Are you done yet?"
Friday, October 26, 2012
128 - In mother's day.
The little caterpillar came out of his hiding spot because he wanted to surprise his mother by giving her the biggest leaf of the tree where they lived, so he climbed and climbed until he finally reached the top of the tree, cut the leaf and when he was about to start go down the tree he was attacked by a bird, a young bird that was very happy because he had found the perfect gift for his mother.
Thursday, October 25, 2012
127 - Social Web-Sites.
Spiders set special Sites in their Spider-Webs to keep in touch with their relatives and friends, which brings problems, gossiping and misunderstandings; but just as the humans, that's what spiders live for.
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
126 - The snail race.
And by the time the snails reached the finish line, the trace of slime they had left on the start line was already dried.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
125 - A not so very prodigal son.
His father decided to erase him from his will right before his death.
Monday, October 22, 2012
123 - The exorcism.
A thousand of prayers were prayed for him, a hand was set upon his head by the priest, holy water was spread over his body and a cross was put over his chest even though he didn't vomit any green stuff, nor try to desecrated a crucifix, nor his head rotated 360 degrees over his neck, because it wasn't a demon that was inside his body, but a very quick mind that was attacking his feelings.
Sunday, October 21, 2012
124 - The importance of grammar.
Grammar is important because it is not the same to say "I love you," "I love you?" nor "I? Love you!"
Saturday, October 20, 2012
122 - Holiday.
(5/2/1998) Not a single wand should be raised to work, fight nor clean, today we only celebrate, eat and dance because he-who-must-not-be-named have finally die.
Friday, October 19, 2012
121 - Alzheimer.
My grandma knitted me a pair of gloves and a scarf for winter, I will never use them, though; because my poor senile grandma have forgotten that we live in a tropical weather country.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
120 - Most wanted: Peter Pan.
Flying over London, Peter Pan is always using his smile, his words and fairy dust to kidnap the most prettiest and innocent girls to play with them and make them his mother.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
119 - The castaway
"Help! Help!" - screamed the castaway from the small island he were on, and a seagull that was flying near him approached him and pecked him gently.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
118 - Daniela's diary.
Dear diary;
Today I was playing tennis with my friends when out of the sudden a tall skinny guy all dressed in black with a withe hoodie took a sit in the harrows and watched us play, I shared a awkward look with my friends and continue playing even though I kept my eye on the boy, he looked so sad and empty, but as I played with my friends and joked about it, I saw him smile, and he even threw us the ball when it went to stop near him. He sit there and watched us play for almost half of an hour, and I noticed he was keeping the score of the game for himself, and then just as he came, he stood up and left.
I wonder if I'll ever see him again or if the smile that my friends and I stole from him made his day.
Monday, October 15, 2012
117 - It's a pear.
The pear is paciently waiting for her lover to give him the good news, and the more she waits for him, the more pear the good news become.
Sunday, October 14, 2012
116 - Hidden messages.
A triangle, an eye, a gesture with the hand, a goat and a lot bunch of things that may look insignificant but that are trying to control your mind without you even realizing it.
Saturday, October 13, 2012
115 - Sailing journal.
Day 1: Today I was separated from the world I knew and from my mates, I am alone now and in disposition of the captain.
Day 2: The captain assigned me a very special task, it looks like I am going to be the boat, but I think that by that he means that I am going to be in charge of everything.
Day 3: As soon as I woke up, the captain started to dress me up with my new uniform, it is too colorful for my taste I may say.
Day 4: What is going on? The captain had taken me by surprise and have started to fold me and transfigure me, Ouch! It hurts!
Day 5: I have become a brand new Boat and the captain gave me a new name today.
Day 6: I'm sailing on my first voyage, I am very excited!
Day 7: What's going on? I am sinking and falling apart! Help!
Day 8: This are my last words, sheets of paper were not born to become boats, but I am departing from this world very happy because I'll never forget the smile and happiness I gave to the captain from the very moment he ripped me off of my notebook.
Friday, October 12, 2012
114 - Waiting for the sun.
The habitants of the South Pole were lying on their beds, waiting for their alarm clock to ring and for the sun to rise to start their day, they were tired of resting.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
113 - A literary date.
In a April 23 of many many years ago, Cervantes and Shakespeare met in hell to drink a beer, talk about books, words, literature and women.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
112 - A cards game.
When the deck gather together to play, the Ace, having an Human up his sleeve, wins every game they play.
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
111 - The cage.
While he was moving back and forth in his swing, the idea of flying away occurred to him, but when he spread his wings up, they got hurt because of the size of his cage, it was too tight. So he tried to escape but he couldn't break the padlock that kept him locked, and form that day on you can hear him sing a sad and melancholy song about how much he would've liked to be a little canary instead of a human.
Monday, October 8, 2012
110 - Literary worlds.
To take a break from his awful reality, he used to escape to the different worlds that his best friends, the books, had to offer.
Sunday, October 7, 2012
109 - The metoerite.
A boy that was playing with his tricycle on the outskirts of the city saw a meteorite fall to the earth, the boy surprised and scared went to the place where the meteorite had crashed and he found a red rock that was glowing due to its high temperature and when he first saw it he thought "A star have fallen from the sky"
So the boy waited for the rock to cool down, took it and he tried to throw it back again to the outer space because he didn't want that the wish that the star had upon it never come true, so he threw and threw the meteorite with all his strength until he got very tired, but it didn't even reached the sky.
Nowadays that boy isn't a boy any more, he is an astronaut, and the first thing he did when he went to the outer space was to put back where it belong the star he had found so many years ago, so that somewhere in the earth the childish wish of a sad adult come true.
Saturday, October 6, 2012
108 - Graceful moves.
The spiders, like if they were on the ballet, were moving gracefully from side to the other of the stage, knitting the spider-web that warded their moves and assured them their dinner.
Friday, October 5, 2012
107 - The dream of every paper serviette.
Every paper serviette dream about having an extreme makeover to become green and valuable.
Thursday, October 4, 2012
106 - Lycanthropy.
Once a month He wakes up out of his bed, in the nearest forest to his town, with his clothes all torn up and spilled with blood, with pieces of meat between his teeth, a hoarse voice and with a weird soreness in all his muscles...
It have happened again and will continue to happen every month until the moon doesn't rise up in the sky any more.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
105 - Martin.
If you ever asked about Martin everyone would say "He is the happiest man in town! Every morning he comes out of his house with a big smile on his face, and he comes back in the night with a even bigger smile, regardless how hard his day would have been"; but that's because nobody really know anything about Martin, because if they did, everyone would say "He is the saddest man on earth!"
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
104 - The boy who reads Kafka.
The boy who reads Kafka started to acquire abilities to deep reasoning and also he started to criticize the way humans think and act like if he wasn't one of them.
Monday, October 1, 2012
103 - 12/21/2012
All the humans ran scared to hide under their hatches to try to survive the end of the world.
When the Creator arrived to the earth, he found not a single soul walking on it and that made him so disappointed and anger that he destroyed everything that crossed his path.
Sunday, September 30, 2012
102 - Romeo.
She always imagined her sweetheart saving her in a white horse, she always imagined him kissing her and taking her to a far away place where they could live happily ever after; but she was still in her office, waiting for him...
Saturday, September 29, 2012
101 - Blots of ink.
He enjoyed drawing dogs with his leaky old pen. and one day he drew 101 dogs having a fantastic adventure.
Friday, September 28, 2012
100 - The writer.
The writer drowns his emotions, sufferings and joys in words; that's why he enjoys so much writing Micro-fiction.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
099 - Death.
"Are you afraid of me?" whispered Death to her ear, caressing her pink cheeks with its bony fingers and playing with her hair using its scythe.
"No, why would I be afraid of you if I am already dead?"
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
098 - A happy ending.
He used to believe that life was like a movie and that everybody at some point of their life would found a happy ending; but what he didn't know was that since he had always been so weird and different, his movie was one of those few in which everybody came out of the cinema with tears in their eyes.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
097 - The bull's horns.
They have always told him that he should grab the bull by its horns, but how can he grab the horns of something he couldn't see? Because to him, his bull was the shadows of his fears, his past love, his dreams and his desires.
Monday, September 24, 2012
096 - The train-tracks.
He never doubted about whether if he had made the right choices in his life or not, because although he wasn't in charge of his life decisions, he always knew he was in the right track, since he fulfilled his life purpose, which was all that he cared about, transporting people from one side to the country to the other and making kids smile with every single one of his "Choo, choo!"
Sunday, September 23, 2012
095 - The mind maze.
Ideas run from one side to the other looking for a way out of the mind maze, some of 'em eventually find it and get the chance of being wrote down; meanwhile the others miss it and when they trace back their steps to find it again they got lost and are never to be found.
Saturday, September 22, 2012
094 - Bloody dawn.
"Look at what you've done!"
"I know, I'm a creator of mass destruction"said he with a single tear running down his cheek.
"Don't cry, I am here to help you"
And with a hug and a kiss they both spend the whole night cleaning the mess he had created until sunrise.
Friday, September 21, 2012
093 - Dog retirement.
At his age, he was confined to lay in front of the window and saw how the mailman left the mail and walked away smiling.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
092 - The Valley of the Unicorns.
He explored the earth, sailed the seven seas, and flew through the sky looking for that sacred valley where unicorns live, which he had seen in his dreams and he knew existed; but where? where?..
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
091 - Waiting for the cremated ones.
After he came back from the dead, he sat on the grave of his relatives waiting for them, but the earth didn't show any sign that they were coming back to life, even though, there, in their graves it said that they were dead.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
090 - Need for control.
Tired of living under the oppression of their ruler, the people revealed against him, and fought to abolish the oligarchy that control them just to establish a healthy, democrat and repress dictatorship.
Monday, September 17, 2012
089 - Nights of grief.
"Calm down, everything is going to be fine, he will come back" He whispered to himself every night before falling asleep.
Sunday, September 16, 2012
088 - The mime.
The mime wandered through life looking for colors, but the only thing he found was a grayscale.
Saturday, September 15, 2012
087 - Oh, the moon, the moon.
Walking over the moon he realized how lonely it was, right and left all he could see was dust and rocks, and so he wondered: "Why all the dreamers wish for the moon?"
"You have to be a dreamer to know it" replied the moon, "because you, as simply as you are will never understand that they wish for me because I am closer to the stars, because I am unique, because I am unreachable, because I am beautiful even though I am just a big rock, and they wish for me for a thousand more reason that I ignore"
"If that is so, I'm going to start to dream, because I am already here, with you, I can have you" said the man.
And when the moon heard those words, she expelled him from her orbit, because anyone who wish for her can't have it, because the moon is an unreachable dream.
Friday, September 14, 2012
086 - The Dung Beetle that wanted to be a Yankees Pitcher.
Tired of playing with Dung Balls, the Dung Beetle went to New York City to try his luck, and now he's become the first Dung Beetle to play with a real Ball, and thanks to him the Yankees won last MLB season.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
085 - Child exploitation.
To survive the freezing winter, Geppetto forced Pinocchio tell lies in order to not run out of firewood.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
084 - Dehydrated of love.
He cried, he cried, and he cried until his eyes dried and you could only hear his desperate screams because he wasn't able to continue crying.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
083 - Madness.
"Have I gone mad?" Asked the dog to his master.
"I don't think so, you're the most down to earth dog I've ever spoken with!"
Monday, September 10, 2012
082 - Ultraviolence.
Oh yeah! It felt so good to hit the crap out of hobos, steal cars and rape harmless women; because every single one of theirs cries for help made me feel strong and powerful 'cos their lives were in my hands, I was a God... Until I woke up and turned the tv off, realizing I was still being the same loser I've always been.
Sunday, September 9, 2012
081 - Pineapple Juice.
When his only son ordered such an exotic beverage like Pineapple Juice, he knew that if he wanted to be a good father, he would have to get ready to fight against homophobia, support gay marriage and listen to Lady Gaga in the car everyday on their way to school.
Saturday, September 8, 2012
080 - At the end depression won.
Gradually, he gave up in the endless battle that overwhelmed him, that railed him against the wall, that drained all his strength and confused him, making him believe that the only way of winning it was...
He killed himself.
Friday, September 7, 2012
079 - Life's solution.
"If you ever feel bad, take one of these pills."
"And what about if I feel very very bad, doctor?"
"Take two full boxes of these pills and all the pain will go away" Said the doctor with gloomy eyes and a malevolent smile.
Thursday, September 6, 2012
078 - Creating monsters.
An apple pie was lying in the windows sill of the kitchen while the mother was finishing cooking dinner, when out of the sudden, her little daughter called by the sweet scent of the apple pie showed up in the kitchen and asked:
"Mother, can I have a piece of pie?"
"I'm sorry honey, but I baked the pie as a dessert for after dinner"
"But I do not want pie after dinner, I want pie NOW!" Refuted the little girl raising the tone of her voice.
"If you want pie, you'll have to wait until diner time and eat all your food" Replied the mother undisturbed.
And when the little girl heard what her mother said, she started crying, whining and shouting awful things to her mother such as: "You are a terrible mother..." "I do not love you, I love father better..." "I wish aunt Margaret were my mom..."
So the mother hurt and offended by her daughter words took off the pie of the windows sill, cut two piece of it and she and her daughter sat down to eat and enjoy the delicious pie before dinner.
At dinner time, the little girl didn't even touch her food.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
077 - The Devil is among us.
And when the Devil dress himself as a human the hardest part to him is figuring out how to conceal his horns.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
076 - The hanged-man.
The hanged-man enjoys of the eternity swinging from one side to the other.
Monday, September 3, 2012
075 - Cereal killer.
Every morning a new victim falls into his hands, and with all the hatred of the world he drowns them in a bowl full of milk, and then he eats them to leave no trace.
Sunday, September 2, 2012
074 - Canine instinct.
He pulled with all his strength and got loose from the chain that imprisoned him, no more food on the plastic plate with his name on it nor more punishments for doing his necessities in places where he shouldn't; he'd finally be free, he'd eat garbage, he'd wander dirty in the streets and he'd be happy.
Saturday, September 1, 2012
073 - March the 14Th.
On March the 14Th he always had a piece of apple pie as dessert.
Friday, August 31, 2012
072 - And they lived happily ever after.
Thursday, August 30, 2012
071 - In perspective.
Lost between the agony of his life and the darkness of the night, he threw himself off to the emptiness... and before he crashed to his dead he looked up to the sky for the last time, only to discover that it was colorful and bright.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
070 - The ghostbuster.
The ghostbuster spend all his life looking for ghosts, even now, after he's passed away, he is still roaming the earth looking for one.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
069 - When you saw it, you thought about it.
Monday, August 27, 2012
068 - The Noctambulant.
The noctambulant enjoys the peace, quietness and bandwidth that only the night can provide him.
Sunday, August 26, 2012
067 - The king of the jungle.
The king of the jungle is about to lost his crown, because in the pride, the female lionesses are realizing that they don't need an authoritarian monarchy.
Saturday, August 25, 2012
066 - 360 Degrees.
He made a radical change in his life, but, after all, he ended up in the same place where he started.
Friday, August 24, 2012
065 - Destiny.
Destiny is just an arrogant bitch who never makes a mistake predicting what would happen, and that's why she is always saying "I told you so."
Thursday, August 23, 2012
064 - Among friends.
"Hi" He answered to himself when he realized the solitude he was living in.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
063 - Pieces of soul.
You can find pieces of soul in every drawing, every writing or in every photo that were made, written or taken to release the feelings held in our soul.
Now I really hope you to take care of this little piece of my soul.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
062 - The first impression.
When he first saw her, he thought she was a naughty girl and he proved himself right when he paid her for her services.
Monday, August 20, 2012
061 - Behind his sweet blue eyes.
Behind his sweet blue eyes he hides all the hate, wickedness and malice that only the reincarnation of Satan could feel.
Sunday, August 19, 2012
060 - Human bustle.
Right after he recovered his sense of hearing, he'd have paid all his money to get back all the peace and quietness that existed in his head.
Saturday, August 18, 2012
059 - February the 29Th.
The prophets say that if you look to the starts at the exact minute in which February ends and March begins in the years that are not leap years, you can live a whole day in a wonderful world full of magical creatures and fantastic animals that only a few have seen.
Friday, August 17, 2012
058 - A boy's gotta do what a boy's gotta do.
And that's why when he reached ten years old, he left his home and started his travel across the world to become the very best.
Thursday, August 16, 2012
057 - James Dean.
Ever since he was a kid he was a rebel without a cause, I remember seeing him playing in the playground of his favorite fast food restaurant with his shoes on.
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
056 - The boy who had a monkey that groomed him.
When the flea and the louse finally got married, they choose the wrong head of a boy to live, so they got eaten by a monkey.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
055 - Always in style.
She woke up with an smile on her face, which disappeared when she saw her reflection in the mirror and realized that it didn't match with the sadness in her eyes.
Monday, August 13, 2012
054 - The gold medal.
He never wore his gold medal over his chest because although he had trained very hard to win it, he didn't feel he deserved such honor.
Sunday, August 12, 2012
053 - Gardener vocation.
Even though the princess was in danger, our hero did no more than to cut the grass.
Saturday, August 11, 2012
052 - Speaking of the King of Rome.
Speaking of the King of Rome, she decided to name her newborn Caesar.
Friday, August 10, 2012
051 - The boy who didn't know how to swim.
The boy who didn't know how to swim was so afraid of drowning that he didn't even get into the ball pool.
Thursday, August 9, 2012
050 - forty-eight, forty-nine and... fifty!
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
049 - A well balanced diet.
- A well balanced diet is all about equally drinking all types of blood every night - said Dracula.
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
048 - The Imagination World.
Very few have been to the imagination world, and when they come back to the real world to tell the stories they lived in the imagination world, they are considered rather looney or nuts.
Monday, August 6, 2012
047 - The little fish that swam.
The little fish that swam, swam across the five oceans avoiding all kind of fishing nest to end in the jaws of the one that he thought loved him.
Sunday, August 5, 2012
046 - The Death.
The death drinks a nice cup of coffee while we born, reads the newspaper as we grow, eats a cookie while we graduate and gets very excited when we fall in love; she gets bored when we drown ourselves in the daily routine and drinks another cup of coffee while we reproduce our race, her fingers go pitter-patter against the table as we get our fist wrinkle, and there's when she finally stands up and shakes her robe, because she has gotten tired of waiting and since we are not going to where she is, she has decided to come for us, slowly but sure.
Saturday, August 4, 2012
045 - The white rabbit.
Without even care about getting his head chopped off, he took a vacation to the flower gardens.
Friday, August 3, 2012
044 - Casimiro almost looked.
And thanks God he didn't, 'cause he would have turned into a Salt Statue.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
043 - Minesweeper.
While some play it with their fingers safe and sound, others risk their legs without even being playing.
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
042 - He's just a Grammatical Error.
He thought he was better than the best, like the more better.
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
041 - The stars.
Monday, July 30, 2012
040 - The forties, wrinkles and menopause.
Sunday, July 29, 2012
039 - The countdown.
He's been waiting for it so long, that when he realized that the time was coming, he started to count how many minutes he had left.
Saturday, July 28, 2012
038 - Tip, tip, tip, tip...
Every night, the leak doesn't let him sleep, and between curses he swears: "Tomorrow I'll get it fixed."
Friday, July 27, 2012
037 - Playing dead.
It fell asleep practicing the new trick it had learned to impress its master, and when he woke up, his master had already flushed it away.
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
036 - From love to hate there's only one step away.
So as I walk, I felt that I loved you, that I hated you, that I loved you, that I hated you, that I loved you...
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
035 - The Red Queen.
She walked graciously through the Royal Gardens, checking that every single rose in it were red, and making awful jokes that everyone had to laugh at if they wanted to keep their heads on.
Monday, July 23, 2012
034 - The Lefty Man.
Tired of being called by this stupid nickname, he learned how to write and throw the ball with his right hand.
Sunday, July 22, 2012
033 - A cup of tea in a hot afternoon.
- God, it's hot!
- Here, have a cup of tea.
- Why, but a cup of tea, which is a warm beverage, will not refresh me.
- Yes, I do know that, but it is the only thing I have to offer you.
Saturday, July 21, 2012
032 - The little grasshopper.
He hopped and hopped through fully paved city wondering the origin of his name and his raison d'etre.
Friday, July 20, 2012
031 - Untitled.
That was the name of all his work that he wrote without even thinking about them.
Thursday, July 19, 2012
030 - A Suicidal Note.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
029 - The Cuco.
Despite the warning of his parents, instead of going to bed, he got ready to fight and kill the hideous monster that would come if he didn't do it so.
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
028 - With the power of imagination.
He traveled with his dear friend Jules to the center of the earth, until he read the last page and came back to the surface of the earth.
Monday, July 16, 2012
027 - The Super Tomato
It took advantage that the human had left the cupboard door open, rolled to the edge of it and throwing itself off; and for less than a second he felt his Super Powers, until he crashed against the kitchen floor and changed his name from Super to Smashed Tomato.
Sunday, July 15, 2012
026 - The abandoned park.
Sadly yearned the days full of joy and fun that it provided to children, young, and old.
Saturday, July 14, 2012
025 - A free of vices man.
He enjoys eating any type of ice cream but Rum-Raisin Ice Cream, because remember, he is free of vices, so he doesn't drink nor smoke.
Friday, July 13, 2012
024 - My Grandma's Closet.
My Grandmother has a magical closet where she keeps the toys, the jewels, the clothes, the shoes and the food.
I have never seen my Grandma's Closet, but I hope I can see it some day.
Maybe, when I come out of my Grandma's Closet, I'd look back and discover all the mysteries that it hides.
Thursday, July 12, 2012
023 - The Number 23.
It's the great minds entertainment when they got nothing to do.
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
022 - The Black Swan.
As soon as he hatched from his egg and took a look around he felt different and unique, always being rejected by his siblings, he decided to leave the pond at a very young age and raise along the ravens, turning into an scavenger, manipulator and evil Black Swan, which has been seen flying around with a coat made of feathers of white swans.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
021 - The Martians.
Monday, July 9, 2012
020 - It's not easy to be Queen.
A Little Ant tired of working day and night looking for food, decided to become the Queen Ant of the nest and live an rested and easy life.
The fists days being Queen the Little Ant was very satisfied with the decision she had made, because the only work she had to do was to eat and laid eggs, but as the time passed by, the Little Ant started missing the fresh air, the freedom to walk anywhere, the liberty to do whatever she wanted when she wanted, and she realized how hard it was to be Queen, locked up all day in the nest, doing nothing but eating and laying eggs.
The Little Ant, then, wished to be a worker Ant again, but this time, no ant wanted to be Queen.
Sunday, July 8, 2012
019 - The cad.
He kissed me, he touched me, he made me yours and the very next day he fled away and I never saw him again.
Saturday, July 7, 2012
018 - The Mice of the NASA.
The Mice of the NASA found a way to sneak into the Apolo 11 and traveled to the moon, once they got there they tried to eat it and sadly discovered that the moon wasn't more than dust and rocks.
Friday, July 6, 2012
017 - A mutual wish.
A young sad and depressed boy was wandering in the city, crying, his thoughts and emotions were tormenting him, so he looked up to the sky and stopped for a second to watch the single star that was shining that night.
And as the young boy made a wish upon the first star of the night, the star made a wish upon the first human that had stopped to look at her.
Thursday, July 5, 2012
015 - Looking for happiness.
He decided to go walking looking for happiness; and even though his shoes got worn out and his feet bled, he never stopped walking.
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
015 - The Monster of the Building.
I see how everyone walks straight to the jaws of this horrible monster and it devours them without any compassion, it is never satisfied, it always come back for more and more, but it is weird though, because it vomits them as much as it eats them, and the vomited ones always come out of it in a rush, running, scared. Sometimes The Monster bites them with its two huge and terrifying teeth and other times it chokes himself with the people inside of him, locking them in its throat for hours.
I am way too scared of this hideous monster and that's why I always use the stairs.
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
014 - Insomnia.
With circles under his eyes, weariness that sore like if a thousand of needles were pinching his body and his brain working faster than never, he kept tossing and rolling on his bed until dawn.
Monday, July 2, 2012
013 - Swapping roles.
A father and his son happened to celebrate their birthday at the very same day, respectively speaking, one of them got a video game, an action figure and chocolates as birth presents, meanwhile the other got a bottle of whiskey, a pack of cigs and a very boring book.
Sunday, July 1, 2012
012 - An old man told him so.
A boy, running very fast passed next to an old man, who told him:
- Don't run so fast, my dear boy, you'll get hurt.
The boy, ignoring the old man, kept running, tripped and fell.
Saturday, June 30, 2012
011 - The Cat who believe it was Alex DeLarge.
Every night, he went out with his droogies to steal the expired milk that the street's bakery throw away, because this milk made him feel powerful, full of wrath and made his adrenaline run through his veins, making him know that it was time to become ultraviolent.
The Cat DeLarge attacked every other dying cat and seedy dog that he would found on his way, he hunted rats and scratched every one who get near to him, and he did all this while his mind was playing the ninth of Ludwig Van.
Friday, June 29, 2012
010 - THAT'S MY WIFE!!!!
Michael arrived smiling to his job, and talked with his coworkers about the last soccer game, women and porn.
When they were talking about porn, they all gathered in the smallest office to check out the new videos of their favorite porn site, and to everyone's surprise the new video of the week had been shoot in the very same place where they were watching it.
Michael got closer to the screen and identified the main characters, the man was his boss and the women...
One week later, Michael was sent to jail for having committed a double homicide.
Thursday, June 28, 2012
009 - The Number Nine is happy to be an Spanish Speaker
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
008 - I wanna be the very best.
And after catching 'em all, beat the eight gym leaders and the Elite Four; a new Region will come out along with a New Generation and I have to start over again.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
007 - In a silent night.
His ears were bleeding due to the noises that his mind was making.
Monday, June 25, 2012
006 - The wise men took them away.
A very poor spanish boy, eager with the arrival of the Three Wise Men left his only pair of shoes on the window sill before going to bed, hoping to get a present from the Three Wise Men.
The next morning, the spanish boy woke up, thrilled, untill he took a look at the window sill and discovered that there wasn't any present left for him and neither was his shoes.
Sunday, June 24, 2012
005 - Stars have fun too.
In the sky, stars never get bored, because every night is full with thrill and entertainment, watching how humans get drunk and high and how they fight, rape and kill each other.
Saturday, June 23, 2012
004 - At tea time.
All kind of dinosaurs gather together at tea time, Brontosaurus drink green tea, Tyrannosaurus Rex, on the other hand, drink the blood of the last prey they've hunted, and the Ornithomimus drink the eggs they've stealed.
This big Tea Party was host by the Velociraptors, who heat and serve the Tea, Blood and Eggs; with such velocity that everydinosaur can enjoy a warm cup of their favourite drink at the same time.
Friday, June 22, 2012
003 - January 3rd, 1990.
While in a town far away from the city, a women, dressed as a bride, that have comitted sacrilege was murdering the Priest, father of the child she was carrying inside of her; in the city, a group of doctors were trying to save a child that was being delivered with his umbilical cord wrapped around his neck; and at the same time the priest, smiling, took his last breath, the newborn child took his first one and bursted into tears.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
002 - The last app.
Broke, hungry and with only $1 left on his credit card, he headed to the "All you can eat for $1" but on his way there, he saw a huge billboard announcing that the last update of his favourite videogame was available on iTunes for only 0,99 cents.
So, without thinking about it, he pulled out his iPhone, purchased the update and played, and he played so much and got so focused on the game that he forgot he was hungry and broke.
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
001 - The procrastinator and the endless resolution list.
Every december 31st he writes a resolution list he would like to accomplish during the upcoming new year.
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
About 365 MicroFictions
365 MicroFictions is the english version of my Original Project 365 Microcuentos in which I post a MicroFiction everyday since january 2011 which was suppoused to be until december but I keep on posting nowadays with a new goal of reaching 1.000 MicroFictions.
So in order to spread my words worldwide I am going to start to translate all the Microfictions I have already posted on 365 Microcuentos here, following the same pattern and posting one MicroFiction per day starting this Summer.