Every night, he went out with his droogies to steal the expired milk that the street's bakery throw away, because this milk made him feel powerful, full of wrath and made his adrenaline run through his veins, making him know that it was time to become ultraviolent.
The Cat DeLarge attacked every other dying cat and seedy dog that he would found on his way, he hunted rats and scratched every one who get near to him, and he did all this while his mind was playing the ninth of Ludwig Van.
Saturday, June 30, 2012
011 - The Cat who believe it was Alex DeLarge.

Friday, June 29, 2012
010 - THAT'S MY WIFE!!!!
Michael arrived smiling to his job, and talked with his coworkers about the last soccer game, women and porn.
When they were talking about porn, they all gathered in the smallest office to check out the new videos of their favorite porn site, and to everyone's surprise the new video of the week had been shoot in the very same place where they were watching it.
Michael got closer to the screen and identified the main characters, the man was his boss and the women...
One week later, Michael was sent to jail for having committed a double homicide.
Thursday, June 28, 2012
009 - The Number Nine is happy to be an Spanish Speaker
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
008 - I wanna be the very best.
And after catching 'em all, beat the eight gym leaders and the Elite Four; a new Region will come out along with a New Generation and I have to start over again.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
007 - In a silent night.
His ears were bleeding due to the noises that his mind was making.
Monday, June 25, 2012
006 - The wise men took them away.
A very poor spanish boy, eager with the arrival of the Three Wise Men left his only pair of shoes on the window sill before going to bed, hoping to get a present from the Three Wise Men.
The next morning, the spanish boy woke up, thrilled, untill he took a look at the window sill and discovered that there wasn't any present left for him and neither was his shoes.
Sunday, June 24, 2012
005 - Stars have fun too.
In the sky, stars never get bored, because every night is full with thrill and entertainment, watching how humans get drunk and high and how they fight, rape and kill each other.
Saturday, June 23, 2012
004 - At tea time.
All kind of dinosaurs gather together at tea time, Brontosaurus drink green tea, Tyrannosaurus Rex, on the other hand, drink the blood of the last prey they've hunted, and the Ornithomimus drink the eggs they've stealed.
This big Tea Party was host by the Velociraptors, who heat and serve the Tea, Blood and Eggs; with such velocity that everydinosaur can enjoy a warm cup of their favourite drink at the same time.
Friday, June 22, 2012
003 - January 3rd, 1990.
While in a town far away from the city, a women, dressed as a bride, that have comitted sacrilege was murdering the Priest, father of the child she was carrying inside of her; in the city, a group of doctors were trying to save a child that was being delivered with his umbilical cord wrapped around his neck; and at the same time the priest, smiling, took his last breath, the newborn child took his first one and bursted into tears.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
002 - The last app.
Broke, hungry and with only $1 left on his credit card, he headed to the "All you can eat for $1" but on his way there, he saw a huge billboard announcing that the last update of his favourite videogame was available on iTunes for only 0,99 cents.
So, without thinking about it, he pulled out his iPhone, purchased the update and played, and he played so much and got so focused on the game that he forgot he was hungry and broke.
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
001 - The procrastinator and the endless resolution list.
Every december 31st he writes a resolution list he would like to accomplish during the upcoming new year.