She always imagined her sweetheart saving her in a white horse, she always imagined him kissing her and taking her to a far away place where they could live happily ever after; but she was still in her office, waiting for him...
Sunday, September 30, 2012
102 - Romeo.

Saturday, September 29, 2012
101 - Blots of ink.
He enjoyed drawing dogs with his leaky old pen. and one day he drew 101 dogs having a fantastic adventure.
Friday, September 28, 2012
100 - The writer.
The writer drowns his emotions, sufferings and joys in words; that's why he enjoys so much writing Micro-fiction.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
099 - Death.
"Are you afraid of me?" whispered Death to her ear, caressing her pink cheeks with its bony fingers and playing with her hair using its scythe.
"No, why would I be afraid of you if I am already dead?"
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
098 - A happy ending.
He used to believe that life was like a movie and that everybody at some point of their life would found a happy ending; but what he didn't know was that since he had always been so weird and different, his movie was one of those few in which everybody came out of the cinema with tears in their eyes.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
097 - The bull's horns.
They have always told him that he should grab the bull by its horns, but how can he grab the horns of something he couldn't see? Because to him, his bull was the shadows of his fears, his past love, his dreams and his desires.
Monday, September 24, 2012
096 - The train-tracks.
He never doubted about whether if he had made the right choices in his life or not, because although he wasn't in charge of his life decisions, he always knew he was in the right track, since he fulfilled his life purpose, which was all that he cared about, transporting people from one side to the country to the other and making kids smile with every single one of his "Choo, choo!"
Sunday, September 23, 2012
095 - The mind maze.
Ideas run from one side to the other looking for a way out of the mind maze, some of 'em eventually find it and get the chance of being wrote down; meanwhile the others miss it and when they trace back their steps to find it again they got lost and are never to be found.
Saturday, September 22, 2012
094 - Bloody dawn.
"Look at what you've done!"
"I know, I'm a creator of mass destruction"said he with a single tear running down his cheek.
"Don't cry, I am here to help you"
And with a hug and a kiss they both spend the whole night cleaning the mess he had created until sunrise.
Friday, September 21, 2012
093 - Dog retirement.
At his age, he was confined to lay in front of the window and saw how the mailman left the mail and walked away smiling.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
092 - The Valley of the Unicorns.
He explored the earth, sailed the seven seas, and flew through the sky looking for that sacred valley where unicorns live, which he had seen in his dreams and he knew existed; but where? where?..
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
091 - Waiting for the cremated ones.
After he came back from the dead, he sat on the grave of his relatives waiting for them, but the earth didn't show any sign that they were coming back to life, even though, there, in their graves it said that they were dead.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
090 - Need for control.
Tired of living under the oppression of their ruler, the people revealed against him, and fought to abolish the oligarchy that control them just to establish a healthy, democrat and repress dictatorship.
Monday, September 17, 2012
089 - Nights of grief.
"Calm down, everything is going to be fine, he will come back" He whispered to himself every night before falling asleep.
Sunday, September 16, 2012
088 - The mime.
The mime wandered through life looking for colors, but the only thing he found was a grayscale.
Saturday, September 15, 2012
087 - Oh, the moon, the moon.
Walking over the moon he realized how lonely it was, right and left all he could see was dust and rocks, and so he wondered: "Why all the dreamers wish for the moon?"
"You have to be a dreamer to know it" replied the moon, "because you, as simply as you are will never understand that they wish for me because I am closer to the stars, because I am unique, because I am unreachable, because I am beautiful even though I am just a big rock, and they wish for me for a thousand more reason that I ignore"
"If that is so, I'm going to start to dream, because I am already here, with you, I can have you" said the man.
And when the moon heard those words, she expelled him from her orbit, because anyone who wish for her can't have it, because the moon is an unreachable dream.
Friday, September 14, 2012
086 - The Dung Beetle that wanted to be a Yankees Pitcher.
Tired of playing with Dung Balls, the Dung Beetle went to New York City to try his luck, and now he's become the first Dung Beetle to play with a real Ball, and thanks to him the Yankees won last MLB season.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
085 - Child exploitation.
To survive the freezing winter, Geppetto forced Pinocchio tell lies in order to not run out of firewood.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
084 - Dehydrated of love.
He cried, he cried, and he cried until his eyes dried and you could only hear his desperate screams because he wasn't able to continue crying.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
083 - Madness.
"Have I gone mad?" Asked the dog to his master.
"I don't think so, you're the most down to earth dog I've ever spoken with!"
Monday, September 10, 2012
082 - Ultraviolence.
Oh yeah! It felt so good to hit the crap out of hobos, steal cars and rape harmless women; because every single one of theirs cries for help made me feel strong and powerful 'cos their lives were in my hands, I was a God... Until I woke up and turned the tv off, realizing I was still being the same loser I've always been.
Sunday, September 9, 2012
081 - Pineapple Juice.
When his only son ordered such an exotic beverage like Pineapple Juice, he knew that if he wanted to be a good father, he would have to get ready to fight against homophobia, support gay marriage and listen to Lady Gaga in the car everyday on their way to school.
Saturday, September 8, 2012
080 - At the end depression won.
Gradually, he gave up in the endless battle that overwhelmed him, that railed him against the wall, that drained all his strength and confused him, making him believe that the only way of winning it was...
He killed himself.
Friday, September 7, 2012
079 - Life's solution.
"If you ever feel bad, take one of these pills."
"And what about if I feel very very bad, doctor?"
"Take two full boxes of these pills and all the pain will go away" Said the doctor with gloomy eyes and a malevolent smile.
Thursday, September 6, 2012
078 - Creating monsters.
An apple pie was lying in the windows sill of the kitchen while the mother was finishing cooking dinner, when out of the sudden, her little daughter called by the sweet scent of the apple pie showed up in the kitchen and asked:
"Mother, can I have a piece of pie?"
"I'm sorry honey, but I baked the pie as a dessert for after dinner"
"But I do not want pie after dinner, I want pie NOW!" Refuted the little girl raising the tone of her voice.
"If you want pie, you'll have to wait until diner time and eat all your food" Replied the mother undisturbed.
And when the little girl heard what her mother said, she started crying, whining and shouting awful things to her mother such as: "You are a terrible mother..." "I do not love you, I love father better..." "I wish aunt Margaret were my mom..."
So the mother hurt and offended by her daughter words took off the pie of the windows sill, cut two piece of it and she and her daughter sat down to eat and enjoy the delicious pie before dinner.
At dinner time, the little girl didn't even touch her food.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
077 - The Devil is among us.
And when the Devil dress himself as a human the hardest part to him is figuring out how to conceal his horns.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
076 - The hanged-man.
The hanged-man enjoys of the eternity swinging from one side to the other.
Monday, September 3, 2012
075 - Cereal killer.
Every morning a new victim falls into his hands, and with all the hatred of the world he drowns them in a bowl full of milk, and then he eats them to leave no trace.
Sunday, September 2, 2012
074 - Canine instinct.
He pulled with all his strength and got loose from the chain that imprisoned him, no more food on the plastic plate with his name on it nor more punishments for doing his necessities in places where he shouldn't; he'd finally be free, he'd eat garbage, he'd wander dirty in the streets and he'd be happy.
Saturday, September 1, 2012
073 - March the 14Th.
On March the 14Th he always had a piece of apple pie as dessert.