At the end of the deserted alley, a Fray was knocking at a hidden door in the dark.
"Password?" whispered a voice from the inside.
"The Great Lord will fall on the twelfth night" answered the Fray with a hiss, and the door opened, quickly, to let him in "I've got bad news" the Fray said before the door shut behind him and the silence fell again in the deserted and dark alley.
Friday, November 30, 2012
163 - The hidden cult.

Thursday, November 29, 2012
162 - The Chicken (Sequel)
The chicken was so decided to cross the road, that he didn't realize that in the middle of it an old, tall, hooded friend with a scythe in his hand was waiting for him; and even though the chicken didn't make it to the other side of the road, his friend indeed took him to the other side.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
161 - The chicken.
The chicken was so tired of being called coward, that he packed up his things and ran away, the time had come for him to cross the road.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
160 - Golden Arches.
The thrill a little boy feels when he is passing through the Golden Arches, can only be compared to the thrill that an adult feels when he gets a promotion.
Monday, November 26, 2012
159 - Sulfur perfume.
The aroma her body exuded makes everyone, from the purest angel to the evilest daemon, tremble with desire.
Sunday, November 25, 2012
158 - The rattrap.
Every morning my cat used to sneak out of the house and come back late in the night, I have never worried about my cat before, because he's always come back and kept me rat-free, but it's been a few days since I last saw my cat, and today, I found a dead rat in the rattrap.
Saturday, November 24, 2012
157 - Drastic solutions.
"Get a laser and a shotgun, I think that'll be enough."
"And what I am supposed to do with all this cyanide"
"Keep it, maybe some day you'll need it, or if they caught us, I suggest you to take it yourself."
Friday, November 23, 2012
156 - Heartbeats.
He placed his hand over his chest just to make sure he was still alive.
Thursday, November 22, 2012
155 - Multiple Personality Disorder.
HE switched his personality according to his hair; when his hair was combed and tidy he could be as good as an angel; but when his hair was messy and untidy even the Devil feared him.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
154 - Descansa en paz.
This is the story of a Latino Boy who had always wished to live in the US, so he spoke English pretty well, he celebrated its holidays, and he even knew more about the US than about his natal country. The Latino Boy grew up and become a man and he worked very hard to accomplish his dream.
The day he would finally depart to the US, the plane in which he was flying exploded when he was arriving, and since nobody claimed his body, he was buried in a local US cemetery, and his soul rested in peace for the eternity because his Tombstone reads "Rest In Peace" in English instead than "Descansa en paz" in his mother tongue.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
153 - The divorce.
"I am keeping the house."
"Well, then I am keeping the sports car."
"And I want the silverware"
"I also want the automatic grill..."
And the discussion of the assets continued for a long time, while the kids were waiting to see who was going to call for them first; but they didn't worry at all, because, thanks to the school's sports classes, they were used to be called at last.
Monday, November 19, 2012
152 - The dagger.
The dagger with it sharpened leaf, bathed in poison a few years ago, still contains the power to kill any mortal thar crosses its path.
Sunday, November 18, 2012
151 - The campfire.
When I went to the beach I set a campfire and burned all the memories I had with you: but now, I am unable to extinguish the burning flames of it.
Saturday, November 17, 2012
150 - In the barn.
In the barn the cows were making milk, the chickens laying eggs, and the pigs eating unstoppable in order to gain weight; and the farmer instead of being milking the cow, recollecting the eggs, or killing his fat pigs; was in his studio, planning and scheming on a way to seize his neighbors lands.
Friday, November 16, 2012
149 - Size DOES matter.
"Size doesn't matter" they always said to the little lion who was to inherit the throne and leadership of the pride; but when his father, the king, died and he had to battle against his humongous uncle for the crown, he was beaten like a rented mule and also he was exiled from his kingdom and from the pride forever.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
148 - Urban myths.
The black guy from the hood always takes advantage of the urban myths to get all the ladies into his bed, from where they all leave looking very disappointed.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
147 - The Graduated Man.
The Graduated Man rejoiced himself because he had finally graduated, and bragged to everyone he knew about it; but when the time came to pay for the subway or a movie ticket, he always unfolded his old student card to get a discount just like he hadn't graduated yet.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
146 - Rain Dance.
Up in the sky, the clouds were laughing so hard at the humans, whom were making their dance full of weird movements, that they ended up peeing themselves and all over the land where the humans where dancing.
Monday, November 12, 2012
145 - Letter to the Great Lord.
Oh Great Lord! I am writing this letter as my last confession, because I've sinned, I've failed you and I've desecrated your home, your name and my vestment; and that's why I am taking off my robe and dropping my vows, because I have to hide myself in order to not be sent to prison; I know you'll be able forgive me for what I did, because your love is infinite and I hope that someday those little man I've made so wrong, could be able to forgive me too and to get over any physical or psychological trauma I might have caused them.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
144 - Cold nights.
Saturday, November 10, 2012
143 - The hooded rider, or, Looks can be deceiving.
The hooded rider was always on time to rescue the lady in danger, or those who pretend to be in danger only to be saved by him and see him; because all the ladies wonder: "who was the man who hid himself under the hood?" And they imagined him tall, with curly blond hair and blue eyes, even though they had passed in front of him thousand of times in the town and the only thing they deigned to address to him was a look of disgust and contempt.
Friday, November 9, 2012
142 - The well.
Down there in the well live the most horrible creatures you could find on earth, which feed themselves with the dreams and hopes of the intrepid persons that get close enough to the well to fall into it.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
141 - Always ready!
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
140 - Bad kids.
"Give me your money or I'll hit ya in the face!" The bad kids used to tell me when I was in school as they took my lunch money away; now that I've grown up and I am not a kid anymore, things are still the same, or even worst I may say, because now they say: "Give me your money, your phone and the jewels, quick! otherwise I'll shoot ya in the head!" and that scares me even more than what they used to tell me before.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
139 - Playing with fire.
Monday, November 5, 2012
138 - The best hiding place. Pt 2.
When the monsters get tired of hiding up on the bed, and they start to feel wanderlust, they hide themselves in the gown up kids they live with, and since then, we have to learn to live with and among them.
Sunday, November 4, 2012
137 - The best hiding place.
All the monsters hide themselves up on the bed, so that, when kids and parents look for them under the bed, they cannot be found.
Saturday, November 3, 2012
136 - The wrong career, or, The cab driver.
The cab driver true passion and vocation was to tell stories, tales and fables, real or fiction; so believe me when I tell you that you'll never hear any of his customers complain about getting bored in their way to their destination.
Friday, November 2, 2012
135 - Time doesn't wait for anyone.
Finally, after a hundred years, the prince, who was meant to break the spell, arrived to the tower where the princess laid; but the only thing he found there, was her skeleton under a white veil spilled with blood, and next to it, an starved dragon.
Thursday, November 1, 2012
134 - The cause of a dinosaur couple for getting a divorce.
He roared and roared to her "RAWR, RAWR, RAWR!!!" but she no longer knew if those roars kept meaning 'I love you' or if they were 'I hate you' roars.