Sunday, March 31, 2013

384 - @ the classroom.

Time 13:05 hours:

"The second world war... 1939... Europa... Nazis... United States... Hiroshima... 1945..."

Time 13:10 hours:

The students think: "This class is so boring and eternal! It felt like years ago since I check the time and it's only been five minutes."

The teacher thinks: "My God! I feel  I've talking, and talking, and talking for hours and it's only been five minutes, will I ever finish this class?!"

The end.

Friday, March 29, 2013

282 - The civilized specie.

"We are the civilized specie" they say, but they don't give water to the thirsty unless they've got something in return, they sell their dignity for drugs, sex and alcohol, they hate themselves and they cheat and kill each other without feeling any regrets.

Wow, that sure is civilized!

The end.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

280 - The assault of the stingy Priest.

When the Priest counted the spare change that his followers had put on the alms basket, he felt insulted because of how little he got, so he designed a sinful plan to make his followers be more generous with the alms.

The next Sunday,when the Priest was reading out loud the word of the Lord, an armed and hooded man came in the church screaming "This is an assault!!!" and the Priest very calmed, told to his congregation:

"Brothers and sisters, please do not panic, and cooperate with this young man whose steps have been carried away of the Lord's path, remember that our lives are more valuable than any other material good we may have, and also remember that God knows what he does, and maybe in the near future we will regain and multiply everything that we are going to lose today to this young thief."

The end.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

279 - When autumn arrived.

It wasn't until the last day of summer that the last bud of the tree bloomed into the most beautiful flower, so all the other flowers and leafs rejoiced and party all night long because of the blooming of the last bud, therefore the next day, tired and hangover, all the flowers and leafs of the tree lost their colors and started to fall down of it, one by one.

The end.

Monday, March 25, 2013

278 - The battery toy.

The little boy played, and played, and played with the battery toy until its lights fade away and it batteries drained. Now, the battery toy has been laying unused in the corner of the little boy's room for weeks, months and maybe years.

The end.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

277 - The rock on the road.

Everyday he walked for the same old road and tripped with a rock which were lying in the middle of the road; but since he always was in a rush, he never stopped for a minute to move the rock out of the road, nor even tried to dodge it, so he kept tripping on the rock every time he walked for the road.

One day, when he tripped on the rock, he lost his balance and fell flat on the pavement, fracturing his skull and dying instantly; the rock which had seen everything what happened, laughed out loud, and moved a little to right, to see if it could make the women with pink stilettos who always passed by its side trip on it too.

The end.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

276 - The new King.

After the King's death, the Princess announced that she would marry the man who win a challenge that she would reveal in the following days, so that he would become the new King.

All the knights, peasants, and countryman of the land, took their swords and started to train right away, excited for a possible combat which would show who was the stronger man of the village.

The day of the challenge, all the knights, peasants and countryman were using their finest armor, and their swords were so sharp that they could cut the wind; but all the training, armor and swords didn't help them at all, because when the Princess announced from her balcony, that the challenge will measure their intelligence, only the Erudite of the land smiled under his filthy robe.

The end.

Friday, March 22, 2013

275 - Designated driver.

He, the designated driver, only drank a couple of beers and enjoyed the party more than everyone else, because the following morning, he made fun of all the crazy stuff his friends had done while they were drunk and that now they didn't even remember.

The end.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

274 - Salvation.

When people heard that the end of the world was near, the files for getting into the church confessional were infinite, the paper headlines were all about the good deeds people were making, everybody was doing the right thing to do, because everybody wanted to be saved by a great divinity, but when the day of the end of the world came, their prays nor their good deeds were enough to saved them from the terrible catastrophe.

The end.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

273 - Drought.

Two worried country men were talking:
"This drought has been eternal, yo!"
"Yeah, if it doesn't rain soon,we'll lose all the crops."
"And I've heard that a swarm of moths is heading toward here from the north."
"Just what we needed! We're doomed!"
"Yeah, well, but at least it couldn't get any worse, could it?"
And when the country man said this, both of them shared a quick glance into each other eyes and looked up to the sky... Maybe?.. But not, the sky was clear and without any rainy cloud on it.

The end.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

272 - Feeling smallness.

When the ant came out of the anthill, it looked up to the sky and felt small, so small like a particle of dust in the vast universe; a few seconds later, the foot of an distracted human being who was looking up to the sky and feeling the same, stomp over the ant and killed it.

The end.

Monday, March 18, 2013

271 - The sacrifice.

Drops of blood fell from the table where the dead body of the 16 years old virgin girl was laying, filling the duct which lead it to the stone that kept the God sealed, and fulfilling the tribute needed to bring it back to this world.

When the blood touched the stone, it broke into two pieces and a dark large shadow with red eyes emerged from it; but it was very weak, because the sacrifice hadn't been enough, so it killed the six people who had gathered together to bring it back to life in order to regain its strength.

Once all its power was back, it came to the table where the dead girl was lying, pulled the dagger out of her chest, and with a deep kiss it bring the girl back to life, whom, as soon as she opened her eyes, threw her arms around it and said:

"Honey! I was so scared, for a moment I thought that those six douchebags had ruined everything!"

The end.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

270 - The Godfather.

After the dinner with the Godfather, and his fellas, a napkin with the amount of money I would have to pay to get rid of my enemy was passed to me before the bill came in.

The end.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

269 - The last human on earth.

The day that everything comes to an end and just one human remain on earth, I just wish that human will be a misanthropic one, whom enjoy solitude; because I want him to realize sooner than later that philanthropy  is something innate in the humans beings.

Ha-ha, I can already hear him cry.

The end.

Friday, March 15, 2013

268 - The ugly duckling, Part II.

The ugly duckling spent most of his youth watching his reflection on the lake and waiting for him to become a beautiful swam; but as time past by, his look never changed; and even though he waited all his life to become a beautiful swam, his ugliness never left him, so at the end he died being an ugly duck.

The end.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

267 - The ugly duckling.

The ugly duckling made fun of  his brothers and bullied them because they were pretty ducklings, which meant, that unlike him, they would become regular ducks when they grew up.

The end.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

266 - The fairy-girl.

A girl visited the fairy land in her dreams, and there she found miles and miles of flowers field, where she played along with all her fairy friends; and before waking up, the Queen of the Fairies gave her a pair of beautiful wings so she could come back and play with the fairies any time she wanted.

Excited for her dream, the girl woke up ecstatic, and realized that the wings the Queen had given her, were still on her back, which meant that her dream had been real; but as soon as the Fairy-Girl came out to the world, the scientists took her away and locked her in a lab to study her, so the Fairy-Girl became very sad, because she couldn't come back to the fairy land to play with her fairy friends, whom were waiting for her with knifes and forks on their hands, ready to satisfy their needs of human flesh.

The end.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

254 - The grandpa.

"So... What do you say little buddy? are you ready to listen how Cinderella story ends?"
"No, daddy, let's start a new story tonight, I already heard how Cinderella story ends."
"But, how? If I worked 'till  very late last night, and when I came home you were sleeping already."
"Yep, but since you never arrived and I couldn't sleep without listening to one of your stories, grandpa came and finished Cinderella story for you."
"Yep, he came floating through the window, sat down right there where you are sitting now, finished the story and then he disappeared... Why are crying daddy?!... Aren't you going to tell me a story?!"

The end.

Monday, March 11, 2013

264 - From the eggshell.

While his mother was hatching him, he overheard all the problems of the world: misery, starvation, corruption, global warming, etc; so he decided not to come out of his eggshell and live inside his own little world, free of any worrying thought, and under the protection of his mother.

The end.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

263 - Daniel's story.

Daniel was a 13 year old an unusual boy, because at such young age he already made the difference being  nice and gentle to everyone he met; but since he was so nice and gentle, people started to doubt about his real intentions, so they spread rumors about Daniel being a two-face hypocrite, so everyone turned its back to him and started to reject Daniel every time he did something nice for some else.

Daniel realized what was happening around him, and very disappointed, he turned all his kindness into evil, leaving all his good deeds behind to become what people expected him to be, a two-face hypocrite; but as soon as Daniel changed his attitude, all the rumors about him disappeared in the thin air, and everybody started to treat him like a regular person again.

The end.

Friday, March 8, 2013

261 - The fisherman and the fish.

Once upon a time there was a fisherman who went fishing everyday by the side of the river; but every time a fish bit the bait he pulled it out of the water, weighted & sized it and then he set them free back in the river.

In one summer day, the fisherman had caught six fishes in less than an hour, and curiously they have weighted and sized the same; but when the seventh fish bit the bait, it came out of the water screaming:


The fisherman, shock by the talking fish, kept him hanging in the air, while it swung from one side to the other.

"But if I do what you say, you'll die!" said the fisherman.
"I want to die! Winter is coming, the river will froze, I am going to die anyways."
"But, but I'm not a murderer, I don't want to kill you!"
"But I want to die!! Why else do you think I've bitten you bait so many times?"
"Of course! Everything makes sense now, it seemed so strange to me that I had caught so many fishes in one hour and all of them with the same weight and size, but they weren't many fishes, it was only you; you, trying to use my bait as a way to escape from your future death; you, using my bait to commit suicide, just like a human would do it by hanging himself off the roof of his house; you, taking advantage of me; but I'm sorry, I won't let you die, so go find someone else, I'm putting you back in the water."

But by the time the fisherman stopped talking, the fish had already died.

The end.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

260 - The black angel.

We had lost the control of the wheel, and the car was heading straight to the cliff, I unsuccessfully tried to push the breaks, but as the car didn't stop I jumped out of it, but when I did it, it was too late, we had already fallen off the cliff.

As I was falling, I saw a shadow come to me from the sky, and as it came closer to me I noticed it was an skeleton lined with a thin black skin and with two black feathers wings, it was death, and it was coming for me.

Death tried to grab me and take me with it, but I wasn't let it take me away that easily, so I fought with it for my life, or at least that was what I thought at that moment, so between punched and kicks I slipped away death bony arms and saw it go away.

Then I looked down and I realized I was about to hit the bottom of the cliff, and there, a tall blonde women with fully red lips and blue eyes was standing and waiting for me with her arms wide open.

The end.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

258 - The last dance.

When the record-player played the music, she stood up from her armchair and started to dance with each and everyone of the ghost of her past loves in the solitude of her study.

The end.

Monday, March 4, 2013

257 - The race of the flames.

In the meadow, the flames were racing at full speed, the first one to reach the woods would be the winner and would become King of Flames; luckily, all the flames lost the race, because the firefighters arrived just in time to prevent the biggest wildfire of all times.

The end.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

256 - Friday the 13th.

The unluckiest man of the world was afraid of this day to come, because if he already had bad luck in a regular basis, he didn't want to imagine what would happen to him in a Friday the 13th, so he tried to keep all the black cats away from him, not to break any mirror glass and nor to step on any crack.

That day, the roles swap, and instead of having bad luck, the unluckiest man of the world had a lucky day for the first time in his life, so he got a promotion on his job, scheduled a date with a pretty girl and he even found random money on the street.

But as soon as the Friday the 13th ended, and Saturday the 14th arrived, everything went back to normal, and the company where the unluckiest man of the world worked, bankrupted; the pretty girl never arrived to their date; and the money he had found,  was false, so he ended behind the bars, paying for a crime he hadn't committed.

The end.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

255 - Plastic surgery.

"Doctor, I wanna be pretty, that's why I've come here, because I want you to make me a Liposuction, a nose job, a boob job, and I also want you to stir my skin so I don't have wrinkles anymore."
"I can easily do all you've asked for, lady, but I am very sorry to tell you that after all those surgeries, you'll still be ugly."
"But, why? What are you talking about, doc? If you did all I ask for, I'll have a perfect body! I'll be prettiest girl in the world!"
"I'm sorry, lady, but the only surgery you need to be pretty is a Lobotomy."

The end.

Friday, March 1, 2013

254 - The last days of Cupid.

I found a very peculiar hobo in the streets of NYC, he had a pair of plucked wings, was wearing diapers and  was holding in his hands a bow and a piece of paper that had written on it "Love is over, unemployed"  and before such sad situation, I approached the guy and dropped some change I had in my pockets in the hat he had in front of him, and as I did so,  he looked at me, surprised by the act of charity I had just made, and told me:
"Love soon will come to your life"
"Thank you very much for your wishes, sir" I said "but my heart has been broken so many times that I no longer believe in that what you call love."
And when I spoke those horrible words, I saw the hobo die in front of me, victim of an heart attack.

The end.