A long time ago, the outer space was full of comets, which were divided in two big teams, the leaders of each teams were the strongest comet of them, which were praised by the other comets.
One day, to see which of the two leaders comets were the strongest, they decided to attack the planet Earth, even though they knew it was very dangerous, they agreed that the comet which could cause more damage at crashing against the planet, and come back to the outer space would be the strongest comet.
So the two comets, very excited about the challenge, and motivated by their peers comets, ran at high speed towards the planet Earth, and when they started to trespass the atmosphere layers they started to erode, leaving a trace of dust in the air behind them, so when the crashed against the Earth, they were not bigger than a nut.
Meanwhile, in the outer space, the rest of the comets saw, very disappointed, how their two leaders had lost the challenge, and they went back to their regular life as if nothing had happened.
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
314 - The strongest.

Monday, April 29, 2013
313 - Suppositions.
"Hi, how are you?" I asked.
"Hi, not as well as you" he answered me.
"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!" And even though I tried, I couldn't stop myself from laughing out loud at his response.
Sunday, April 28, 2013
312 - The Monarchy of Casanova.
He established a Monarchy between the three women in his life, so he addressed his wife as his Queen; to his lover as his Princess; and that girl he had met on a Friday night in the pub of his town, he called her "My Lady."
Saturday, April 27, 2013
311 - Don't touch me!!!
While we were speaking, I couldn't take my eyes off his dirty hands, stained with mud, oil and sweat, they were also full of pustules, and his fingernails were long, and dirty-black, with coagulated blood under all of them.
Friday, April 26, 2013
310 - Escape.
He wrote a goodbye letter, grab his luggage and took the first train that could take him to a far far away place, where he could start a new life, leaving all his problems and sadness behind.
Thursday, April 25, 2013
309 - Reality-Check.
I remember how I used to lay my head over your chest to listen to his heartbeats and check that you were real, that what I felt was real; but I was wrong, because now that you're gone, I feel trapped in this cruel and real world, and those moments of unreal happiness seen so long ago.
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
308 - In a night out.
I realized how pretty the lights of the city were, even though they outshone the light of the stars in the sky.
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
307 - A bad habit.
She had the bad habit of biting her nails.
One day I saw her squatting int he middle of the street, rocking herself like if she were a rocking chair, biting her bloody bones that once had flesh and were her fingers.
"What would have happened to her?" I wondered, but I didn't stop by to ask her, because I had more important things to do that day.
Monday, April 22, 2013
306 - Dyslexia.
Once upon there was once time enchanted a Prince Far Far Away love Witch in freezing lips a love one in a land of a real Princess who kiss up and saved her.
Sunday, April 21, 2013
305 - Stereotypes.
While I was sitting on the back of the bus, I started to watch the people around me, whom, maybe, would be going home just like me, then I started to wonder about what they were thinking, so I created all this hypothesis in my mind according to their physical appearance:
"That smiley fat girl must be thinking about hamburgers an cake."
"That black guy must be waiting for the right time to rob us."
So I did, with all the passenger on the bus, and now I think that if I would had been able to watched myself in that moment, I would've thought: "And that quite guy, who looks so shy and lonely, must be thinking about withdrawing the gun he has in his pocket, kill us all and then kill himself."
Saturday, April 20, 2013
304 - Jack O'Lantern
Once a year, all those decapitated heads with candles inside of them lighted his path, which was always full of horrible monsters carrying bags of candies.
That was the only day he felt alive, because even though he was afraid of the monsters, he felt guided by the heads, and didn't feel he was lost nor was loosely wandering between worlds.
Friday, April 19, 2013
303 - Sunday.
Between visiting his parents, going to the church, shopping the groceries, washing and ironing his clothes, and cleaning his apartment, he spent his day doing all this chores, without having a break to think that tomorrow it all begins again.
Thursday, April 18, 2013
302 - Saturday.
IT starts when the clock mark the 00:00 hours, but with a drink in his hand he doesn't care about time, but when he wakes up at 12:00 hours with a terrible headache and backache he starts to worry about time, because he have a lot of things to do that can't be arse due to the hangover he has.
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
301 - Friday.
Even though you woke up way before the sun even came out, and had spent a long at work, all the tiredness of the day fade away when you saw your friends calling your name with beer bottles in their hands, the fun was about to start, as it usually does every Friday night.
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
300 - Thursday.
Mixed emotions, the weekend was so close now, yet so far away.
Monday, April 15, 2013
299 - Wednesday.
He was never able to find a parking spot on this day, so he had to left his car in a corner far away from his workplace, he was always interrupting others conversation, and everybody was telling him to move away because he was in the middle of their way, so he wondered if all that had something to do with this day, if they were mere causalities, or if it was some kind of lame jock from the destiny.
Sunday, April 14, 2013
298 - Tuesday.
He was very happy, because he had overcome the first day of the week, so now he spent all his day checking the clock, waiting for it to mark 5 p.m. to leave his work, it had only been two days, but this week looked like it was eternal; but at least the weekend was getting closer.
Saturday, April 13, 2013
297 - Monday.
The ring of the alarm clock was drilling his ears, telling him that it was time ti start a brand new week; so with all the tiredness that Sunday had left on him, he woke up and came back to his depressing and boring routine.
Friday, April 12, 2013
296 - The first love.
"Excuse me, Helena?"
"Yes, have we met before?"
"I don't think you remember me, but we went to the same school when we were kids, I'm Zachary, Zack, the boy who always wore a red cap backwards."
"Of course I remember you Zachary! How could I forget you if you were the one who made my school days a living hell! You used to hit me, bite me, say lies about me, break my books, send me disgusting draws, call me nerd and even insult me! And yes I do remember that day you put my pony tail in a cup of painting and tried to cut it off!!!"
"Ye-yeah, that was me" Said Zachary blushing.
"Well, in that case, I'm so NOT glad to see you, bye!"
"Wait! I still like you!"
Thursday, April 11, 2013
295 - Cured.
Here it comes my friend George, it's so good to see him with an smile on his face, It's been ages since I last saw him smile, since his depression attacked him, I think, I'll say hi to him:
"Hey, George!"
"How are you?"
"Fine, I'm doing fine, you?"
"I'm great! I just noticed you were smiling, I'm so glad to see that you are a little happier than before, you know, because of your sickness and stuff, I thought I'd never see you smile and happy again."
"Thanks buddy! And you know what? I promise you that you'll never see me sad nor depressed again."
"Awesome! It's so good that you have such a positive attitude, so you better keep your word, uh?"
"Of course! You know I am a man who keeps his promises. Oh my god! Look at the time! I'm sorry but I gotta run, I have something very important that I gotta do."
"Mkay, George, It was good to see you this happy."
"Thanks man! Bye!"
I am so glad George is getting better, but I still don't understand why such an intelligent man like him had to suffer so much due to a stupid illness.
I cannot believe George is dead! I saw him yesterday and he was doing so good! Could it be that the very important thing he had to do was that? But... but how I could not notice what he was planning to do? He looked so well!! Goddammit!!!!
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
294 - The one-legged cripple.
After a long day of limping through the city asking for some change, he came back home counting how much he had collected that day, with a bottle of Jack under his right arm and a terrible pain in his legs for faking his limping all day.
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
293 - The Scarecrow.
The Scarecrow spent all his days firmly fixed in the middle of the crop fields, afraid that someday the crows would discover his secret, and decided to attack the crop fields instead of just watching them from the distant trees; because the Scarecrow knew, that if the crows changed their mind, they would eat all the crops, because he would not be able to do anything to prevent nor defend the fields from the crows attack.
Monday, April 8, 2013
292 - Project CO-9: Reformed Criminal.
"Just before going to sleep, all those blurry images come to my mind, confusing me, I don't know whether they are dreams or lost memories; but they're always the same: my hands spilled with blood, doctors tying me up to a chair, a switch and a flashing light... And every time I try to clear those images in my head I feel sick and drained, so I've stopped trying and have learned how to ignore them, nevertheless, I really would like no know more about my past.
Sunday, April 7, 2013
291 - Old-fashioned.
In our last family vacation we went to the old-fashioned, country house of my grandpa, there was an old-fashioned clock, an old-fashioned tv, an old-fashioned portrait of our family, an old-fashioned kitchen, several old-fashioned rooms, and of course, my grandpa was also there; and he scolded me when he saw me playing with my laptop, because, according to him, the real games were meant to be play in the nature and with real people.
Saturday, April 6, 2013
290 - The cursed ring.
He found a ring with a warning note about it being cursed in a little black box in the park, but fascinated with the beauty of the ring, he didn't pay attention to the warning note, and put the ring in his index finger, murmuring how credulous people may be.
Since that day, a series of unfortunate events ruined his life: he got divorced, lost his job, his parents died, was diagnosed with cancer, went bankrupt, his house fired...
Now, the ring lies at the bottom of the ocean.
Friday, April 5, 2013
289 - Following the advise.
When he was a child, the inventor of the first time machine was visited by the future version of himself, whom warned him about not to spend all his time in creating a time machine, but to find a way to escape from the planet earth instead, because in the future everything was chaotic, humans were hunting and eating each other, the water supplements had run out, all the forest had been deforest, also...
But the future version of the ex-inventor of the first time machine hadn't finished his warning lecture, when he drop dead on the floor, and vanished in a flashing light a few seconds later.
Thursday, April 4, 2013
288 - The bomb.
... 5 ... A drop of sweat is running down my forehead.
... 4 ... Time is running out.
... 3 ... Hang in there...
... 2 ... Get, ready...
... 1... NOW!!!
1 ..........................
And I saved the world from the noise pollution that the microwave oven would've made to announce that my ramen was ready.
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
287 - Passional emergency.
Elise was very excited because she had finished her work early, so she run to her house to set a surprise for her husband, whom she found in their bed, naked, between the legs of her own sister; unnoticed and full of rage, Elise ran to the greenhouse and break the protective glass of that red ax which was meant to be use only in emergencies.
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
286 - The wild heart.
To protect herself from love, the Princess hide her heart in the deepest part of the forest, where it grew as a savage, killing and eating all the gentlemen brave enough who had tried to allure and tame it.
One day, a young lady who was wondering in the forest, accidentally found the wild heart of the Princess, and with the caring love and soft touch that only a woman could have, she successfully tamed the heart, and came back to her village with the heart of the Princess under her domain; so the Princess fell madly in love with the young lady, and soon enough the village was ruled by two beautiful Queens, but when the peasants and countrymen heard what had happened, they took over the castle of the Two Queens and burned them alive for reasons they could not understand nor much less accept.