Thursday, June 27, 2013

370 - The woman with derp eyes.

Aware of her condition, she kept asking me to look into her eyes while she talked, and I kept getting confused and dizzy because I didn't know which eye to look at.

The end.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

369 - Bubble bath.

Every time she got a little time for herself, she took a bubble bath to relax and think about her life; but all her relaxation and meditation POPPED as soon as her children got home.

The end.

Monday, June 24, 2013

368 - The monarch butterfly.

It landed on my nose and spread its majestic butterfly wings over my face, without letting me see nothing else but the bright colours of it wings, transporting me to a world full of happiness.

The end.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

367 - The driver who was talking to himself.

A: Yesterday my car broke.
B: Hmm...
A: I think I need to replace the tyres.
B: Hmm...
A: I haven't wash the car in like two weeks.
B: Hmm...
A: And It's been two days since I last put it gas, and I still have half a tank.
B: I see...
A: ...

The end.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

366 - The secret of surviving war.

After he came back from war and had survived gunshots wounds and the malaria, a reporter asked him what was his secret for having survived two years of war and such a terrible illness. Without saying a word, he pulled of his pocket a crumpled, stained and damaged picture of his beloved one.

The end.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

365 - The goal.

After trying and working so hard, he finally reached his goal, and now he looked at his results very satisfied; but at the same time, he was already thinking about setting his next goal before this feeling of emptiness ruined his brief happiness.

The end.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Monday, June 17, 2013

362 - Rainbow glitter.

After he overcame his depression, he always carried, as a precaution,  a bag of rainbow glitter in his pocket wherever he went, because he won't let his world to turn grey and monochromatic again.

The end.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

361 - The bad witch of the east.

The bad witch of the east was so powerful, that the only way to defeat her was that a miracle would  happen and that a house would fall upon her; thing which was impossible to happen.

The end.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

360 - Degrees.

"Honey, don't be alarmed, but the house is on fire, I made the oven exploit!"
"What?!!! How did you make the oven exploit?!!!"
"I don't know, I was pre-heating it to bake you a cake, so I set it up to 600 degrees, just like the cookbook said and then it blew!! I think our oven measures the heat in °C and not in °F, but I don't know!

The end.

Friday, June 14, 2013

359 - Santa's hard work.

After a long night eating cookies and drinking warm milk while the elves did all the work, Santa claimed he needed a long vacation in the Caribbean because of all  the hard work  he did on Christmas night.

The end.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

358 - Santa is real!!!

The little boy set a hidden camera in the living room to catch Santa's doing when he was asleep during the Christmas night.

His father, who had help the boy set all the equipment of the hidden camera, had his red costume and his show ready for the night.

The end.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

357 - An eco-friendly Christmas.

In order to preserve the planet, they decided to buy an artificial pine tree they could use several years than cut a pine tree every year, but their attempts to preserve the planet failed as they used a pine scented air freshener every five minutes because they missed the smell of Christmas.

The end.

Monday, June 10, 2013

355 - Christmas lights.

Before he went out, he thought about turning the Christmas lights off; but they looked so pretty that he changed his mind at the last moment and decided to left them on; and when he came back, he found that all his house were on... fire.

The end.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

354 - The slave.

He was so tired of working day and night, that he decided to hide himself in a box and told to his friend slave to wrap the box like if it were a present and sent it to a far far away place; but his plan failed when Santa found out what he had done, and as a punishment Santa transferred him from the wrapping section to the barn cleaning one.

The end.

Friday, June 7, 2013

352 - Letters to Santa.

Every year the postman laughed and made fun of the stupid wishes the kids wrote on their letters to Santa, and sometimes, when he felt like doing something evil, he would write them back and tell them the truth about Santa, and that he, the postman, used the letters they wrote to this fictional character to clean the poo of his cat.

The end.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

351 - The assistant.

The assistant was like ten thousand more efficient than his boss; but he would never be more than a simple assistant just because he wasn't the son of the CEO.

The end.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

350 - Tiredness.

"Could you help me with..."
"Sorry, I can't, I'm too tired."
"TIRED? Tired? Tired of what??!!  if all you've done in the past few days is lay there doing nothing in the couch."
He, then, stood up from the couch really slowly and helped her, because he knew that if he answered her question saying that he was tired of living, it was going to be so much worse that carrying a few heavy boxes around.

The end.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

349 - A day later.

He always turned in his reports and informs a day later of the dead line, and when he gathered with his friends to tell them the fresher gossips, they had already heard them a day before.

The end.

Monday, June 3, 2013

348 - Under observation.

"Would you like another cup of tea, sir?"
"And you, my lady?"
"Hahaha, what a lovely evening!"

And from the little windown of the door where I was watching, I knew that this patient needed a higher dosis of her treatment, and also that she will be, at least, two more years locked in this mad house.

The end.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

347 - Narcissism

He woke up confused and with hangover, he had drunk so much last night that the only thing he remembered was he had had sex with the more handsome guy in the universe, then he looked to the other side of the bed and realized, horrified, that the other guy was his twin brother.

The end.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

346 - Insomnia.

It was 4:38 in the morning and he was still up, he hadn't been able to sleep in 36 hours, even though he had taken his sleeping pills, they weren't working; and I don't know if it was because he was tired, or desperate to fall asleep, but  he decided to take a dosis of his sleeping pills a little bit higher than the prescribed by his doctor, and he, finally, fell asleep... forever.

The end.