Before the plane took off, he thought he had seen, through the circular window of the plane, a tall, skinny, shadow waving its bony hand, as if it were saying good-bye; but he didn't gave it a thought, and started to read some magazines to enjoy his flight.
Once the plane took off, he stopped reading to look through the window again, and this time, he noticed that the clouds were shaped as a skull, and a little bit intrigued he continued reading to not let bad thoughts invade his mind.
Then he heard the announce of the captain informing the crew that the plane was about to arrive to its destination, and he looked trough the window again, and sighed feeling relief; but this time his breath had tarnished the glass and formed a screaming skull with the mist, he thought that his imagination was playing a distasteful trick on him, and wiped the glass immediately to erase the image from his mind; but when he finished wiping the glass, he just had time to see through the window the fire that had started on the wing of the plane before the motor and the whole plane exploded.
Monday, March 31, 2014
445 - Sings of a upcoming death.
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Posted by
Sir Helder Amos
8:30 AM

The end.
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