All of them who knows my condition despise me and look at me with disgust, everyone avoid touching me and talk to me as if I were to contaminate them that easily, no, that's not easy, but I've had enough of everyone despising me, so from now on, I don't care, I'll go out wearing my best clothes and I'll make others go through the hell I'm living.
Friday, November 28, 2014
609 - Contagion.

Thursday, November 27, 2014
608 - A thing about her name and my bad memory.
After we'd been talking for a few minutes, she told me that I was addressing to her with a mistaken name, and I, ashamed, apologized. We continued talking a little bit more, and again I called her by a mistaken name, which pissed her off and made her walk away. Nowadays I'm still ashamed for what happened that day; but I'm even more ashamed of the fact that I still can't remember her real name.
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
607 - The teddy bear.
There was the Teddy Bear in the corner of the cradle, ready to make his attack, sure that no one, ever, will suspect of him because he was so cute and hug-able.
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
606 - The master piece.
A:"I think this painting represents the big depression we all go trough when we feel we lose ourselves."
B:"No, for me, in the other hand, I think that what the artist wanted to express with this piece of art is that even though we change and grow as humans being we're still the same in the inside."
A:"Are you out of your mind? Look at those dark colors, with that shinnies ones, they only mean depression..."
B:"No, look! Here comes the artist, let's us ask him."
And when they both told the artist their theories about his painting, he was shocked to see all the things people could thing of that useless piece of canvas he used to clean his brushes with.
Monday, November 24, 2014
605 - Karma: The curse of the pregnant witch.
To the witch, the pregnancy was the worst thing that had happened to her, the nausea, the extra kilos, the hormonal changes that always made her cry and laugh out of the sudden...
Therefore, for her, the only one to blame for her condition was the man who had fecundated her, so, to get her revenge, she cursed him and transformed him into a Sea-Horse so he would go through all the suffering she was going through during the pregnancy.
Friday, November 21, 2014
604 - The Man-Seahorse.
The man was shocked, he couldn't believe what his eyes were looking at, it couldn't be... it was biologically impossible; but, still, in his trembling hands, he was holding the results of the pregnancy test... He? Pregnant?
Thursday, November 20, 2014
603 - The monkey's wish.
The monkey sat, tired, in front of the mirror, he had just came back from his practice of Walk Upright, and he saw, hopeful, the small replica of the Vitruvian Man he had attached to the superior left corner of his mirror; soon he we'll be like him, soon...
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
602 - Inverse psychology.
"Darling, when are you going to call your lawyer to sing the prenup?" She asked her fiancé.
"Uh? What? What prenup?"
"The prenup, darling, I want you to make one for me to sign, because I don't want anyone to think that I'm marrying you for your money."
"What are you saying honey??!! I love you, and I trust you, I won't make you sign any prenup!"
"But, darling, I..."
"No, no, no, I told you I don't want you to sign anything, so end of the conversation."
"OK, darling, I won't insist, I love you!" She said while she gave him a kiss on his cheek with a malicious smile on her face.
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
601 - The hidden Princess.
A long time ago, to find a husband for the Princess, the King invited all the nobleman between 23 and 25 years to his castle and organized a big hide and seek game; where all the nobleman should close their eyes and count to 100, to give time to the Princess to hide, therefore they would have to go find her, and the one who did it, would become her fiancee; but since the Princess didn't want to marry any of those guys, she hide herself so well that no one could find her; and to today's date they haven't found her yet, so most of the people of the town believe that that big hide and seek game wasn't real but just a story their ancestors had made up to tell the children of the town.
Monday, November 17, 2014
600 - The priest's daughter.
All the men of the town knew the secret under the robe of the priest's daughter, because all of them had been a victim of her charms and had fallen into the claws of such a 'diabolic woman' as they called her.
The priest's daughter was very peculiar, she liked to play; but at the same time she defended her beliefs, and that's why all the men of the town had been ashamed by her, because when they took her to bed, and pull up her robe, they'd find a silver chastity belt and before they could say or do anything about it, she would start screaming:
"Sinner! You will burn in hell, sinner, for trying to take advantage of someone as pure as me!"
Friday, November 14, 2014
599 - Rules were meant to be broken.
"Hey, hey, hey! What are you doing?!"
"I'm just picking up this cookie I drop a moment ago."
"I see, but you can't do that, you dropped that cookie like ten seconds ago, and you know the rule..." but before I had finished talking, he had already eaten the cookie.
Thursday, November 13, 2014
598 - The shy Prince.
"Wait, wait, wait! Before you kiss me, could you please bring me some clothes? because when I turn back into a human, I'll be naked and I don't want you to see me like that at least until our wedding night" said the frog, ashamed, to the Princess.
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
597 - February 17th 1978: the day it snowed on the Sahara.
"And if you lose, you would have to make it snow in the Sahara" said Father Time to Mother Nature.
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
596 - A marriage full of lies.
A few weeks later they had signed the divorce papers, she decided to sell the engagement ring her ex-husband had given to her; but when she went to the jewelry store and there they told her that the diamond on her ring was fake, she was not surprised at all.
Monday, November 10, 2014
595 - One knows when it's not true love.
"How come you broke up with your boyfriend?"
"Yeah, I found out he wasn't my true love."
"What? How? You two were perfect for each other! How could you know that?"
"I just know, you see, the other day when we were talking on the phone and I had to go I said goodbye to him and he told me 'bye!' but he didn't hang up, so neither did I; then he told me 'you hang up' and I told him, 'no, you hang up' and out of the sudden he hung up, so I called him back immediately and told him 'we are over!' and since then he has been calling me and texting me but I haven't answered his calls nor texts, I don't want to know anything bout him anymore!"
Friday, November 7, 2014
594 - The price of saving a life.
The ambulance was insane, going at a high speed with its siren on; making all the cars in front of it move throw themselves to a side of the street to give her way, inside the ambulance was a man about to die, and behind, it had left a few already dead ones due to all the cars crashes it had induced.
Thursday, November 6, 2014
593 - The test of the sensei.
There was once a Great Sensei who was famous for training the best fighters of martial arts, and because of that, everyone wanted to be trained by him; but very few mothers passed the test of the Sensei to admit their children into his academy; because he thought that to be a great fighter of martial arts, one must have the attitude for it even before being born.
"And, tell me Mrs, how was your child when he was in your belly? Calmed? Or did he kick a lot?"
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
592 - Just a little bit dizzy.
"Are you alright?"
"Yes, yeah, I'm fine... I'm just a little bit dizzy" He answered as he counted 15 fingers in the hand that was right in front of his eyes.
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
591 - The golden shower.
In her home, she had a golden bathroom, where everything was made of gold, the shower, the toilet, everything; so every time she had stayed out, and she would have to take a shower in a regular bathroom, she would say, sadly, "I wish I could have my golden shower" ignoring the fact that that she had just said had made all the vicious man look kinkily at her.
Monday, November 3, 2014
590 - The hacker.
Since he couldn't crack the computer, he smashed it to pieces with a hammer.