The Princess was coming down, running, the stairs of the castle, she was very excited for the arrival of the Prince who would be her fiancé; but when she saw him coming through the big doors of the hall, she stopped right where she was, turned around, climbed the stairs back as fast or even faster than how she was coming down of them, and locked herself in her chamber in the highest tower of the castle, from where one could hear her say between sobs:
"I rather kiss a frog! I rather kiss a frog!"
Friday, April 24, 2015
694 - The ugly prince.

Thursday, April 23, 2015
693 - The Hangman
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
"A!" cried the guilty man.
_ _ _ _ A _ _ _ A _
The guilty man, then, looked where the guard was standing and saw, horrified, how he was starting to pull down the lever.
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
692 - After the storm there is always ...
He stood up between the debris and looked around, the storm had ceased, but instead of feeling calmed, what he felt, was desperation, when he saw that everything was destroyed.
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
691 - Reality-Tv
"I should totally have a reality" he told himself after something very unusual and funny had happened to him, without knowing, that in a planet of a far away galaxy, an alien was rolling in the floor laughing after seeing what had just happened to him.
Monday, April 20, 2015
690 - The race of life.
I was riding a foal who was running unstoppable to the finish line, when I remembered, how in my days of youth I went out for a ride through the meadow till I reached the orchard, where I used to pick a flower of a delicious smell, I stopped there to watch the clouds and pet my horse; I also remembered that when I got back to the city I used to trow a coin in the main square's fountain, where I always found a lady of yellow skin like a quince, to whom I always said hi taking my hat off; but she, she always ignored me, because I have never appeared on the newspaper, and that was the kind of men she liked, those who have been to great theaters and that were famous, because she wanted to live big, in a building as high as the sky; but then, I came back to the reality when I heard the public claiming my name, because I had won the race, then they took me a photo which would be in the first page of the newspaper of tomorrow, and I wonder if that lady would remember when she saw my face in the newspaper of tomorrow.
Friday, April 17, 2015
689 - Para ser bella hay que ver estrellas.
Ever since the Ugly Princess heard the Spanish saying "Para ser bella, hay que ver estrellas" she started to spend all her nights in the balcony, looking at the stars with the hope that when the dawn came, she would be a little bit less ugly.
Thursday, April 16, 2015
688 - The ghost.
Everyday when I went out of the house, I saw an old lady sitting in the staircase of the house in face of mine, and I and everyone of the block always waved to the old lady from the afar.
A day, during dinner, It occurred to me to tell my parents:
"Have you thought that someday when the old lady, of the house in face of ours, die, appears sitting in the staircase like if nothing had happened?"
"What old lady are you talking about?"
"The old lady of the house in face of ours, the one who is always sitting in the staircase and waves to everyone who passes by."
"But, son, the house in face of us is abandoned since the old lady who used to live there died when you were two."
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
687 - Rather bear the ills we have than fly to others that we not know of.
Girlfriend 2: What?! That bastard hit you again? No, girlfriend, no, you have to leave him, this cannot go on.
Girlfriend 3: It's true, girlfriend, you should not let that monkey hit you, leave him, I am sure you can find someone better, you're young, beautiful, leave him and find some one else.
Girlfriend 1: But what if I don't find anyone else.
Girlfriend 3: Don't think like that, I know you can find a man a thousand times better than that bastard.
Girlfriend 2: Yeah, my friend, leave him.
Girlfriend 1: All right, all right, I'll broke up with him and I'll find someone else.
Two months later.
Girlfriend 3: Have you heard?
Girlfriend 2: No, what happened?
Girlfriend 3: The new boyfriend our girlfriend found killed her in a jealous rage.
Girlfriend 2: WHAT?!!
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
686 - Mental problems.
He was feeling his mind so foggy, that, despite the sun was shining brightly in the sky, he felt that a storm was gonna break in any moment.
Monday, April 13, 2015
685 - The big difference.
"Son, this is a knife, and this, this is a dagger, learn the difference."
"What is the difference, dad? To me they're both the same."
"The difference is figurative, son, because in your life, a knife could cut you, hurt you; but a dagger, a dagger could kill you."
Friday, April 10, 2015
684 - Paparazzi
When the big celebrity was walking in an empty ally and stomp, mindlessly, over a crack with her high heels, she fell hardly against the ground; but she got up quickly and walk away, smiling, because no one had seen her.
When she got back to her House in Bel Air and turned on her computer, she saw, horrified, how her name was in all the tabloids because the pictures and videos of her fall were on he internet and that was what everyone was talking about.
Thursday, April 9, 2015
683 - Janette's suicide.
Drowning in her depression, Janette, decided to to take her life, because she thought that nobody cared for her and that nobody loved her; and she was right, because no one noticed she was gone until three years later when, by chance, the janitor of the building she used to live in, found her dead body hanging from the ceiling of her apartment.
Wednesday, April 8, 2015
682 - The grim plan of the Tooth Fairy.
Out of the sudden, in a regular day, it started to rain gummy-bears of all the colors and flavors one could imagine; and all the children stopped doing what they were doing to go out and play under the gummy-bears rain, opening their mouths up to the sky to catch and eat all the gummy-bears they could, until all their milk teeth got cavities and fell from their mouths.
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
681 - The gold digger.
"What is it that like the most about me?" He asked her.
'Your car and your beach house' She thought but answered instead:
"Everything, your eyes, your smile, everything! I love the way you are, how you treat me and the way you make feel!"
Sunday, April 5, 2015
680 - Curiosity killed the cat, didn't it?
One day when Schrodinger's black cat, who was always prying around the house, snuck himself into the box.