In the White House, no one noticed that little golden fish of the president blinked every now and then.
Friday, May 22, 2015
709 - The alien spy.

Thursday, May 21, 2015
708 - After Halloween.
When everyone had gathered up all the Halloween decoration, the poor Jack started to feel lost again when he no longer saw the lights of the pumpkins leading the way.
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
707- The funny earthquake.
When the earthquake started, the crying of the baby who was lying on the ground, because she had fallen down learning how to walk, became into a loudly laugh.
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
706 - Don't drink the kool-aid.
"Don't drink" he whispered to my ear at the same time that he kissed my cheek and passed the golden cup into my hands. I, following his advice, faked drinking, and then I passed the golden cup to the person next to me, whispering the same words I was told, before giving him the kiss on the cheek.
Minutes later, only I and the man before me were the ones who remained standing up in the grand circle of people; everyone else had drunk from the golden cup and lied dead on the floor.
Monday, May 18, 2015
705 - The secret burden.
One day he woke up being able to see demons, and when he went out to the street, he was surprised to see all the demons regular people were carrying in their backs.
Friday, May 15, 2015
704 - Love has no boundaries.
Her heart raced, when she saw his face for the first time in the airport.
Thursday, May 14, 2015
703 - A cruel one.
"I never loved you" he whispered to her ear, after she had finally gave him her virginity.
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
702 - The alchemist's secret.
When alchemist served the dinner in a silverware made of gold, all his guest asked him:
"How did you get this amazing silverware?"
"The silverware? Well... uh... This silverware was a gift the king gave me for doing him some favor, yeah, yes, it was gift from the king" answered, nervously, the alchemist, while he made sure with his hand, over his pocket, that the little scarlet stone were there.
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
701 - Law of universal gravitation.
In a hot and sunny day of summer, Isaac sat under the shadow of an apple tree to refresh himself; and while he was amusing himself, seeing how the leafs of the tree slowly fell to the ground every time a wind blew, an idea, like fallen from the apple tree, came to his mind.
Monday, May 11, 2015
700 - The toast.
When everyone stood up from their seats and raised their glasses up to toast for the health of the King; the Prince, whom had been poisoning his father to obtain the crown; stayed sit, crossed his arms firmly, and didn't even hold a glass in his hands.
Friday, May 8, 2015
699 - Acting tips.
"And remember guys" said the artist to his students "in the theater, it is easier to play the roles of happy people, because the human being, when is sad, it is used to hide his sadness and pretend to be happy to keep the appearances; therefore, playing roles of sad people is harder, because when the human being is happy, it is not used to hide it, but to do otherwise and tell everyone about it."
Thursday, May 7, 2015
698 - You gotta be kiddin'!
When he finally could get out of the pit he had lived all his life, the daylight blinded him for a brief moment; and in that brief moment, his captor realized that he had climbed his way out, and ran to push him back to the cold and dark pit again.
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
697 - Curiosity killed the cat.
"Common kitty!" said the curious boy, carrying his cat in his arm and going down the basement of the abandoned house, from which only one came back alive.
Tuesday, May 5, 2015
696 - The man of a thousand swords.
He dropped, disgusted, the sword with which he had pierced the chest of his enemy, and leaving him half-dead in floor, turned his back to him and walked back to his carriage.
"Sir, your sword!" said his second.
"That sword is useless" he said proudly "because it is now stained with the blood of that mongrel; tomorrow I'l get another one."
Monday, May 4, 2015
695 - Keep calm and drown down.
When he, who didn't know how to swim, fell into the deepest part of the pool, remembered that in those kind of situations, one must keep calm, therefore little by little, he sank and sank until he reached bottom of the pool, and there, he couldn't keep his breath any longer and died drowned.
And nobody in the pool noticed what had happened until his cold and inert body, came floating to the surface of the pool.