"Are you sure this is gonna hurt him? asked the ex-girlfriend to the witch.
"Yes, my darling, here, take this" said the witch, giving her a bunch of needles "let it go, and make him pay for what he did to you."
Friday, June 26, 2015
724 - Voodoo.

Thursday, June 25, 2015
723 - The lucky necrophiliac.
When he told her his deepest and darkest fetish to his wife-to-be, he knew he had choose the perfect woman to marry; because what she said before such confession was that she didn't mind at all, because she would die for him, anyways.
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
722 - The called from the other side.
Even though I couldn't see anything, I heard a voice calling my name in the dark, I didn't know where it came from, but I decided to follow it up, careless of where it would take me, because following that unknown voice was better than wander around, aimlessly, in the dark.
Tuesday, June 23, 2015
721 - Part of growing up.
"Turn the lights off on your way out."
"Really? Are you sure?"
"Yep" answered the little kid.
"But, and what about the monsters? Wouldn't they come to attack you with the lights off?"
"Nope, yesterday I realized I'm stronger than them."
"Really? How did you find that out?"
"Yesterday I went into the wardrobe and smacked the monster that lived there, I could beat the monster of the wardrobe, I know I can also beat any other monster that come to attack me."
"Very well, son, I'll turn the lights off in way out, then."
Monday, June 22, 2015
720 - The fable of the rabbit.
When the rabbit and the turtle came back home, tired and hungry due to the race they had just had, they saw, afar, a little farm that cultivated fruits and vegetables.
When they passed by the farm, the rabbit realized that the carrots were ready to be eaten, and he said to the turtle:
"Hey, turtle, what do you say we jump off the fence of the farm and grab a couple of carrots to restore the energy we lost in the race?"
"Are you crazy, rabbit?" said the turtle, exalted "that's stealing!"
"Yeah, yeah, but it would only be a couple of carrots, the farm's owner will never realized it, what do you say? we do it?"
"NO!" answered the turtle "I won´t do it, you go, rabbit, if you want; but don't drag me into your misdeeds."
"OK" said the rabbit "but I won't bring any carrots for you, and then don't be asking me for a bite of mine."
Then, the turtle saw how the rabbit approached the fence and jumped it off using his two strong back legs; he, then, landed on the other side of the fence, and came near the carrots stealthily; but, as soon as he grabbed the leafs of a carrot, to pull it off the earth, PUM! the rabbit's head blew in a thousands pieces.
"I CAUGHT YOU WITH THE PAWS ON MY CARROTS, YOU FILTHY THIEF!" screamed the human that had came out of the farm and now was running to the rabbit's body that lied dead on the ground.
After seen all this, the turtle came back to his home as fast as he could, and he, now, tells the story of the thief-rabbit to everyone in the woods, so all the animals could learn that stealing is a bad thing.
Friday, June 19, 2015
719 - Santa's best gift.
Even though Christmas had already passed, the naughty boy was still receiving coal everyday from Santa due to his misbehavior that year; but the boy, instead of feeling sad and blue for not getting any toys, was happy and content with the coal he get, because those kept him warm during the cold winter.
Thursday, June 18, 2015
718 - The trigger.
I heard the sound of the trigger and closed my eyes, waiting for the gun to shoot and blow away my brains; but it didn't happen, the thief had forgotten to load his gun, and taking advantage of the situation, I escaped from his arms and doing a flip I took away the gun from his hand, the roles had changed, and now it was I who was holding the gun, pointing to his head, I loaded, rightly, the gun, put my finger around the trigger, and I looked at the thief's eyes, asking myself if I, a good man, was gonna be capable of pulling the trigger and blow away the brains of the thief who would have blew mines just a few seconds ago.
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
717 - The great Christmas dinner of a dysfunctional family.
*Clink, clink, clink, clink* was the sound, the forks and knives made against the porcelain plates, and was, also, the only sound that was heard during the whole Christmas dinner.
Tuesday, June 16, 2015
716 - The lesson of the Princess.
One day, tired of being told what to do, how to act, what to eat, and how to dress, the Princess, decided to run away and live her life like a commoner; but after passing a couple of days outside the castle, and having to work hard to gain her daily bread, the Princess, came back to the castle and lived happily ever after.
Monday, June 15, 2015
715 - Luciano's colored candies.
Luciano had a bag full of colored candies, but those candies were not regular candies, they were magical candies, and each of the color of the candies would make a different reaction to the person who eat them; that's why Luciano always gave red candies to the girls he liked, because the red ones make the girls like him back; to his friends, Luciano gave them the blue ones, which made them trust him; to his parents, he gave violet candies, because those calmed them and made them forgive him for his naughtiness; and, finally, too his enemies, Luciano gave them the black candies that were on the bottom of his bag.
Friday, June 12, 2015
714 - Circles of death.
In the desert, the dying bull rose his eyes to the sky before passing out, trying to search something that would guide him through death; but the only thing he saw up there, were the circles of death that the vultures were drawing above him, while they were waiting, anxiously, his death to finally eat his flesh.
Thursday, June 11, 2015
713 - Greetings from the heights.
The first time the kid went on a plane, he spent all his trip trough the sky, waving through the circular window, hoping to wave back at the other kids of on the ground that, like him, always waved to the planes that were passing by.
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
712 - The boyfriend obsessed with vampires.
"And what do you think of this one?" she asked to her friend showing her a red turtleneck.
"I love it! You should, totally, buy it."
"I know, I will!"
"Yeah, buy it, but hey, can I ask you something?"
"Yes, sure."
"Why have you recently bought and wore so many turtlenecks? Is it a new trend I haven't heard about?"
"No, no, no, it's nothing of the sort" she replied, blushing "my late liking for the turtleneck is because my boyfriend is obsessed with vampires, and well..." she said, pausing for a brief moment before pulling down her turtleneck, so her friend could see with her own eyes the reason of her new fashion trend.
Tuesday, June 9, 2015
711 - The prayers of the helpless on earth.
"Dear God, please, send me to heaven once I die, because if living on earth isn't hell, I don't even want to imagine how it would be to spend the eternity down there, amen."
Monday, June 8, 2015
710 - The dream-eater.
"Hahaha! You? FAMOUS WRITER? Hahaha, C'mom, don't make me laugh! I've read what you write and it's nothing but trash."