"I'm bored, I hate life, everything is always the same, so predictable, nothing interesting ever happen" he thought, laying on the couch while watching the ceiling fan spin.
Then, his cellphone ringed, a text message: "Come 2 my home, were having a partey!"
"That's so annoying!" he thought and he didn't even care to answer.
His cellphone, then, ringed again, but this time a call:
"Hey! What are you doing? Let's go to the movies, they're giving this new film which looks amazing!"
"Movies are so stupid!" He thought and hung up the phone without even saying a word.
"I'm bored, I hate life, everything is always the same, so predictable, nothing interesting ever happen" he thought, laying on the couch while watching the ceiling fan spin.
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
737 - The waiting.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015
736 - After a long day at work.
I was on the rocking chair reading the newspaper when I heard the voice of my little boy calling me "Dad! Dad! Dad! Come help me! I'm down here!.."
When he finally stopped calling me, I put the newspaper down, closed my eyes for a brief moment, and got up to the bedroom; but when my wife saw me, pale and sweated, she asked me with her particular tone "Again?" question, which I answered with a nod of my head, while I sat on the bed to take off my shoes.
"You should go see a doctor, a priest, or a witch, maybe, I don't know, to have an opinion about it" she suggested me, but I just waved my hand in the air, letting her know that I had heard her, but that I would ignore her suggestion, and without saying a word, I lied on the bed and fell asleep.
Monday, July 27, 2015
735 - Edith.
And when she got back together, with her ex, she turned into a salt statue.
Thursday, July 16, 2015
733 - The crown of the lion king.
After the previous King had lost the battle and his kingdom, the new King cut, wildly, with his claws, the mane of the previous one and put it on, over his own head, with pride, so every-lion in the pride knew that he was now, the new leader.
Wednesday, July 15, 2015
732 - The letter of freedom.
When he got to his office, on Monday, after a long and exhausting weekend, he noticed that over his desk lied a letter addressed to him, and when he opened it, he found inside of it, his dismissal and a small bronze key with which he could unlock the shackles that imprisoned him.
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
731 - The story of Shooting-star, the race-unicorn.
Shooting-star was a unicorn, who, ever since was little, was obsessed with the horse racing, therefore, every Sunday, he escaped from the Unicorn Valley to go to the hippodrome to see the horses race.
As the years passed by, Shooting-star felt that it wasn't enough just to see the horses race, he wanted to be part of one race himself, to know what did it feel to run faster than every-horse else and win it or lose it; whith this idea in his mind, Shooting-star organized a race in the Unicorn Valley, but none of his fellow unicorns wanted to be part of it, therefore Shooting-star felt super sad.
A Sunday, while Shooting-star was on his way to the hippodrome, he found in the woods a tall, thin, blonde woman, who was wearing a red short-dress, lying on the ground, unconscious; without giving her much attention, Shooting-star focused on the small red bag that was next to the woman, and after searching it for a minute, he found, between a bunch of bills, a nail file, which gave him an amazing idea, so he picked it up and ran away from the woods.
That same day, after coming back of the hippodrome, Shooting-star put his plan to action, and started to file his long and beautiful horn; even though all his friends called him crazy and tried to stop him, Shooting-star kept filing and filing his horn until he had filed it all. Looking exactly as a regular horse, Shooting-star, went to the hippodrome the next Sunday, where, luckily, he found a Jockey whom horse had injured and wasn't going to be able to run in the race; but when the man saw Shooting-star, he fell in love of his white and pure fur and decided to run the race on it.
Getting the first place, and beating all records, Shooting-star became the most famous racehorse, because, since then, he hasn't lost any single race.
Monday, July 13, 2015
730 - The mirage.
When he heard that his friends were lost in the desert, he went to look for them; but he ended up lost, as well, in the dry and yellow sand of the desert; just before dying of dehydration. he saw, afar, the mirage of his friends feasting in a oasis, therefore he left his physical body to become vulture food, and his soul ran to join the party with them as part of the mirage.
Friday, July 10, 2015
729 - Practice of creative writing.
"Today's practice is about writing a story using these words: baby, dragon, bank, married, chocolate, lottery" said the professor.
When the smartest kid of the class read his story out loud:
The other day, while I was taking my dragon for a walk in the park, I sat on the same old bank I always do, upon the name of a married couple that were supposed to love each other "for ever" While I was sitting there, I heard the cry of a baby under the bank, so I bent down, picked the little kid into my arms, and realized that he was holding a little note that reads "There's something inside of me" Therefore, without double think it, I pulled out my Swiss knife, cut-open the stomach of the baby, and to my surprise, inside of it, floating in a small pool of digested chocolate, I found the winning lottery ticket of last week; then I grabbed my dragon and ran away of the park to go reclaim my prize.
Everyone in the classroom stared at him as if he was mad.
Thursday, July 9, 2015
728 - The demon's secret.
"So? Aren't you gonna tell me your name?" asked the dying man.
"No" replied the demon.
"Not even now that I'm dying?"
"I cannot believe that after all those years we have spent together, and everything we've been through, you still don't trust me enough to tell me your name."
"Shut up, I won't tell you" grumbled the demon "and go die already, I've been waiting for too long to finally devour your soul."
Wednesday, July 8, 2015
727 - Selective memory.
"I miss him." She said.
"What?! Are you outta your mind? How can you miss him?!" said her friend.
"Yes, I miss him, he was really nice with me, he bought me flowers and chocolates..."
"Yeah! Every time he cheated on you!"
"... He invited me to dinner ... "
"And he flirted with the waitress!"
"... and he hugged me really tight and, was also, such a good kisser."
"Yeah he hugged you as he yelled at you in front of his friends!"
"Damn! But you only remember his bad side!"
"And you, the good one!"
Tuesday, July 7, 2015
726 - The empty house.
Even though they had moved all their belongings to the new house; when she came back to the old house to check if everything was ready to the sale, she realized that it was, still, full of memories.
Sunday, July 5, 2015
725 - The make-up tree.
Every time that they fought, the couple whom had more than twenty years married, took a walk to the park where, once, when they were young, craved a little heart with their initials inside of it in the bark of a tree; therefore, when they passed by that tree and saw that their initials were still there, they remembered all the happy memories they had lived together and make-up.