He invented a time machine to try to avoid the death of his beloved one; but no matter how many times he came back and changed the past, he always ended up seeing his beloved one die and die, in one and a thousand different ways.
Friday, September 18, 2015
756 - Destiny is written with blood.

Thursday, September 17, 2015
755 - Slamming the door at love.
"Hey, you!"
"Er... I... I would like to meet you!"
"I don't, bye!"
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
754 - The theory of the Creationism: the origin of the platypus.
"Mom, where do we come from?" asked the little platypus to his mother, when he saw his reflection over the lake in which he was drinking.
"What did you say, honey?"
"I asked you where do we come from" he repeated "Do we come from the ducks?"
"No, honey, we do not come from the ducks."
"And the beavers? Do we come from the beavers?"
"No, honey, we do not come from the beavers neither."
"So, where do we come from?"
"We come from there" said the mother, pointing with her paw a white building that was next to the lake.
"From there?" asked the little platypus, shocked "From that white building where that human with a lab coat, carrying in his hand a duck and beaver in a cage, is coming in?"
"Yes, honey, we come from there, and that human you see there, yes, that one who is laughing like a maniac, he is our creator, our God.
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
753 - Claustrophobia.
When the person he liked got in the elevator with him, he felt that the walls started to close and that the air was missing in the place.
Monday, September 14, 2015
752 - The horrible premonitory nightmare.
In the morning, when he came out of his apartment, he saw his neighbor coming out of her apartment as well, and he remembered the nightmare he had had the night before.
"Good morning" she said, passing next to him.
"Hi! Good morning, er, eh..." he told her, doubting whether he should tell her, or not, the horrible nightmare he had had the night before in which she got robbed and violently murdered.
"Uh? Do you need something?" She asked him, smiling.
"No, no, it's nothing, I'm sorry I bothered you, have a nice day!" he said, and walked away thinking how evil it would have been to take away the big smile his neighbor had on her face, by telling her such horrible nightmare in which she were cut in pieces.
"Dreams are just that, dreams, they're not, and they do not become real" he said to himself as he got in the elevator.
At night, when he finally got home and turn on the news, he froze when he heard that his nightmare had come true, his neighbor had been brutally murdered, and since then, he regrets everyday not having told his neighbor about the nightmare, and he wonders if she'd still be alive if he had told her.