Even though the quality of the toys had decreased significantly, It was not until Santa could slid down the chimneys easily, without his big belly stopping his way, that he admitted that he was also affected by the economical situation of the country.
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
793 - Christmas recession.

Monday, December 28, 2015
792 - The iron statue.
When I came out of the school, I saw one of my weakest student sitting in front of the iron statue of the founder of the school, he was staring at it with a sad and empty look on his eyes. So I, worried, approached him:
"Looking at the statue, uh?" I asked him in a friendly manner.
"Yeah." He answered with a sight.
"Is something wrong?"
"Nope, it's just that sometimes I would like to be made of iron like this statue" he said with melancholy.
"So no one could make me bent down to my knees and I could just remain on my two feet, standing strong."
"Oh, but I can make bent down this statue to its knee."
"How?" he asked me, confused.
"Look" I said, taking a lighter and a key-ring of a miniature of the statue out of my pocket. Then I put the mini statue in the ground in the same way the real statue was standing and, afterwards, I lighted the lighter and put it close to the knees of the key-ring.
"I don't understand."
"Look" I repeated, and after a few seconds, the fire started to melt the knees and legs of the mini statue and it fell to the ground bending down to its knee. My student looked shocked. "Get it?" I asked him, thinking that I had showed him something that didn't need an explanation.
"Yes, yes, thank you!" he told me with a big smile and shining eyes as he grabbed his things and ran out of the school.
The next day, you cannot imagine how much I regretted not explaining my point to my little student, when the fire alarm ran off because he had locked all the student that had bullied him in the gym and had set them on fire.
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
791 - Patience, patience.
Even though he was sure that good things come to those who wait, he kept checking the clock every minute that seemed like an eternity.