When she got her gift, she felt really excited to hear the meowing coming out of the box; her boyfriend had given her what she wanted: a cat!
Feeling excited, she took the animal out of the box, raised it in the air and, after hugging it and kissing it, she put it down and read the note that had come with the package.
"I really hope you enjoy the gift, although it is the last one you'll receive from me, because I don't want to be a part of this relationship anymore; I love you very much, but I cannot stand your jealousy and your scenes; I hope that one day you'll learn how to control yourself and stop being such a stalker and obsessive, so you can find someone to love you because, otherwise, this small little cat I am giving you today will be the first one of many that you'll end up having when you get old and single."
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
814 - The Saint Valentine's day's gift.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016
813 - Love after death.
Just before the zombie ate the last piece of brain that was left on earth, he saw, a far, the zombie women whom he had loved while human; and, approaching her, he invited her to share the brain with him; just as they had done, when they were alive, the night they met, with the last piece of chocolate cake that was left on that fancy restaurant.
Monday, April 4, 2016
812 - Infidelity and pretense.
When she got home, after having an affair with her lover, she found his husband with anther women.
"What are you doing with that women???!!" she screamed, faking rage and desperation, while her heart raced of emotion because, finally, she would have an excuse to divorce him and be happy with her other man, whom, according to her, was her true love.
Friday, March 4, 2016
811 - Love emergency.
While her husband was in the shower, in the date she had planned to revive the spark of love of their relationship that, little by little, had started to fade away due to his absorbing job as a doctor; the cellphone of his husband ringed.
"Hello?" .
"Hi, is the doctor around? One of his patients just arrived to the hospital and need to be urgently attended"
"I'm sorry" said the woman "but the doctor is unavailable at this moment because he is attending another emergency more important to him."
Wednesday, March 2, 2016
810 - Case solved.
When she walked in the detective's office and saw the tall, well-built and mystery man standing next to the window, her heart jumped and felt breathless.
"Good morning, Miss, How can I help you?" asked the detective when he saw her, with a gentle voice and looking her in the eyes.
"I... I... Well..." she said, lost in the brown eyes of such magestic man "I had come here to hire your services to help me find the love of my life, but..."
"But..?" questioned her the detective.
"But I think I have already found him" she sais, blushing.
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
809 - A sacrifice of love.
"Happy Saint Valentin's day my darling!!!" she was told by her new boyfriend, while he gave her a huge box of chocolates; and she, after kissing and thanking him for the present, picked, with shaky hands, one of the chocolates and put it in her mouth even though she knew she was allergic to it.
Friday, February 19, 2016
808 - Valentine's day wishes.
A caring and loving boyfriend took his girlfriend, to celebrate Valentine's day, to a mysterious and exclusive sacred temple where they were given a small piece of paper to write three wishes about the other.
The boyfriend, excited, because, according to the legend, the wishes that one wrote in the those pieces of paper always come true, wrote:
- I wish she never gets tired of me.
- I wish she alway stays by my side.
- I wish she loves me forever.
- I wish he becomes a millionaire.
- I wish he marries me.
- I wish he dies young.
Wednesday, February 17, 2016
807 - The greatests days of a regular man.
Once upon a time there was a regular man, like you or like me, that everyday, when he woke up, he told himself: "Today would be a great day full of adventures."
After he told himself his motto, the regular man had his breakfast, went to his job, checked his email, then, at mid-day, he went to have lunch in the same old restaurant, after that he came back to his job, talked with his co-workers. Then, at five, he left his workplace, he complained about the traffic, he got home, he turned on the television and then, at eleven, he went to bed.
Once in bed, the regular man think to himself: "Wow! What a great day I've had!" remembering, with a smile on his face, the briefs moments that had made his day different from any other day. Nevertheless, just before falling asleep, his smile broke and he thought for an instant "I hate my monotonous and boring life."
Thursday, February 4, 2016
806 - The mutiny.
When the Captain of the boat found out what the crew was planning, he descended, stealthy, to his cabin, which was in the bottom of the ship; once there, after locking up his door, he pulled his desk to one side, rolled the carpet and, without hesitating, pulled the hidden plug to drown the boat, before the treacherous crew could execute their mischievous plan.
Wednesday, February 3, 2016
805 - The really, really, malicious stepmother.
While I was sweeping the dinning room, my stepmother interrupted me for a brief second and stole the broom from my hands to start sweeping my feet.
"What are you doing?!" I asked her, exalted "You know that if a maiden gets its feet swept she will never marry!"
"Muahahahahaha!!!" She laughed, maliciously.
Tuesday, February 2, 2016
804 - The original sin.
When Adam refused to give Eve a taste of his banana; she ran, infuriated, and bit the forbidden apple.
Friday, January 29, 2016
803 - The donut, the apple and the snake.
When Eve came back home from the gym, she found, over the table, a chocolate donut and a beautiful red apple and, just before picking which one would be her snack after her training session, a snake came out, hanging, from the ceiling and told her:
"Com'on! Grab it! You know you want it! Look how delicious it looks!"
And Eve, thinking that she was being stronger than the temptation, picked up the apple and bit it.
Tuesday, January 26, 2016
802 - Crime of passion.
When she told him she loved him and that she would do anything for him, his eyes lit and, shamelessly, he asked her:
"Really? Would you do anything for me?"
"Yes!" she answered.
"Even kill? Would you kill for me?" - he asked her, thinking about his other girlfriend, who had recently told him that she was pregnant.
"Yes!" She reassured him, without hesitation.
Monday, January 25, 2016
801 - Home, sweet home.
After a long trip on her broom, when the witch came back to her home in the woods, which was made of gingerbread, chocolate and caramel. She took a piece of chocolate from the ceiling of her home, she ate it and read aloud the message of the carpet, which was made of bubblegum and which said: "Home, sweet home."
Monday, January 18, 2016
800 - The boy and the unicorn.
Once upon a time, there was a groups of boys that always played soccer next to the forest and, one day, one of those boys kicked the ball so hard that it rolled into the forest and, before the other kids started to yell at him, he ran behind the ball to go for it, getting into the forest as well.
After a few minutes of following the trace of the ball and getting deeper into the woods, the boy found out that the ball had rolled up until a small clear a little bit further of the trees.
When the boy reached the small clear to pick up the ball, he froze, because just in the middle of the clear was a baby unicorn, as white as snow, lying on the grass; and the unicorn noticed the boy, who was watching him amused by its beauty.
After the boy realized that the unicorn had noticed he was there, he tried to get a step closer to the mystical animal, but as soon as he moved, the unicorn got in his for hoofs instantly; then the boy tried to explain to the animal with signs that he was there just to get the ball.
The unicorn, understanding the boy, got closer to the ball and tried to kick it with its hoofs but he only tripped himself and almost fell, then the mystical animal tried to pass the ball to the boy with his head, but, as soon as his beautiful long and sharp horn touched the ball, it exploded doing a loudly Boom! that scared the unicorn and made him run away between the trees until he got lost of sight.
The boy, then, after snapping himself back from the amusement of all he had just seem, picked up the pinched ball and came back to where his friends were waiting. And when they saw him coming back with the ball pinched, the asked him: "What happened to the ball?!" and the boy just answered: "An evil hedgehog pinched it up."
Friday, January 15, 2016
799 - Love triangle.
While the man spent his nights sleeping like a log, with his conscious clear as if he weren't doing anything wrong; his wife and the other women spent the night crying, one unable to sleep since she was too afraid that one day he would walk out of her life and leave her, and the other, unable to sleep due to the sadness and frustration that she felt because she knew that he would never be fully hers.
Thursday, January 14, 2016
798 - Fattening the piggy bank.
After they had passed several hours complaining about the behavior of their parent, the younger of the two brothers said:
"Why don't we kill father to receive his heritage?"
"Are you crazy or what?"
"I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking."
"We cannot kill father, well, not yet, we have to be patient and stand him a little bit longer, while he still can work and make more money for our heritage."
"Right! That's right, brother, you are so smart!"
"Of course, I'm the older, so when father reach the mid life crisis and start to spend all his money on traveling and needless luxuries we'll get rid of him."
Friday, January 8, 2016
797 - The heritage.
"What are you doing??!!"
"I'm adding nutmeg to father's soufflé."
"Are you crazy?! Father is allergic to nuts!!"
"I know." She said, with a big evilly smile on her face.
Wednesday, January 6, 2016
796 - The untidy vampire.
Even though he knew that his friends didn't know how hard it was to tidy up when one doesn't have a reflection in the mirror. One full moon night, the vampire, who was the prettiest man when he was alive, killed all his friends and got drunk on their blood to forget all the bullying they did to him for being, all the time, untidy since he had become a vampire.
Tuesday, January 5, 2016
795 - Th No. 1 Best seller.
He was decided, therefore, he picked a white sheet of paper and started to narrate: "Once upon a time..." even though he didn't know what the book would be about or how it would end, he did know that the only way to accomplish his dream of writing a book was starting it.
Monday, January 4, 2016
794 - Love is not forever.
Two years after she sacrificed herself to save the life of his beloved, she started to roll over in her grave when he payed her a visit in the cemetery to tell her that he had met another girl, and that he soon would marry her because, according to him, that would be what she would have liked: that he went on with his life.