Friday, February 19, 2016

808 - Valentine's day wishes.

A caring and loving boyfriend took his girlfriend, to celebrate Valentine's day, to a mysterious and exclusive sacred temple where they were given a small piece of paper to write three wishes about the other.

The boyfriend, excited, because, according to the legend, the wishes that one wrote in the those pieces of paper always come true, wrote:

  • I wish she never gets tired of me.
  • I wish she alway stays by my side.
  • I wish  she loves me forever.
While the girlfriend wrote:

  • I wish he becomes a millionaire.
  • I wish he marries me.
  • I wish he dies young.
The end.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

807 - The greatests days of a regular man.

Once upon a time there was a regular man, like you or like me, that everyday, when he woke up, he told himself: "Today would be a great day full of adventures."

After he told himself his motto, the regular man had his breakfast, went to his job, checked his email, then, at mid-day, he went to have lunch in the same old restaurant, after that he came back to his job, talked with his co-workers. Then, at five, he left his workplace, he complained about the traffic, he got home, he turned on the television and then, at eleven, he went to bed.

Once in bed, the regular man think to himself: "Wow! What a great day I've had!" remembering, with a smile on his face,  the briefs moments that had made his day different from any other day. Nevertheless, just before falling asleep, his smile broke and he thought for an instant "I hate my  monotonous and boring life."

The end.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

806 - The mutiny.

When the Captain of the boat found out what the crew was planning, he descended, stealthy, to his cabin, which was in the bottom of the ship; once there, after locking up his door, he pulled his desk to one side, rolled the carpet and, without hesitating, pulled the hidden plug to drown the boat, before the treacherous crew could execute their mischievous plan.

The end.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

805 - The really, really, malicious stepmother.

While I was sweeping the dinning room, my stepmother interrupted me for a brief second and stole the broom from my hands to start sweeping my feet.

"What are you doing?!" I asked her, exalted "You know that if a maiden gets its feet swept she will never marry!"
"Muahahahahaha!!!" She laughed, maliciously.

The end.