While her husband was in the shower, in the date she had planned to revive the spark of love of their relationship that, little by little, had started to fade away due to his absorbing job as a doctor; the cellphone of his husband ringed.
"Hello?" .
"Hi, is the doctor around? One of his patients just arrived to the hospital and need to be urgently attended"
"I'm sorry" said the woman "but the doctor is unavailable at this moment because he is attending another emergency more important to him."
Friday, March 4, 2016
811 - Love emergency.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016
810 - Case solved.
When she walked in the detective's office and saw the tall, well-built and mystery man standing next to the window, her heart jumped and felt breathless.
"Good morning, Miss, How can I help you?" asked the detective when he saw her, with a gentle voice and looking her in the eyes.
"I... I... Well..." she said, lost in the brown eyes of such magestic man "I had come here to hire your services to help me find the love of my life, but..."
"But..?" questioned her the detective.
"But I think I have already found him" she sais, blushing.
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
809 - A sacrifice of love.
"Happy Saint Valentin's day my darling!!!" she was told by her new boyfriend, while he gave her a huge box of chocolates; and she, after kissing and thanking him for the present, picked, with shaky hands, one of the chocolates and put it in her mouth even though she knew she was allergic to it.