Her life was like a musical; but she got tired of singing about every little aspect of her life, so when the music started to play, she decided not to sing and keep her mouth shout; but when she did so, she dropped dead to the floor.
Friday, May 31, 2013
345 - The musical.

Thursday, May 30, 2013
344 - Xmas shopping spree.
He went to me mall feeling very excited about all the gifts he would buy; but came back home disappointed, empty handed and surprised of how the recession had made everything so expensive.
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
343 - Séance.
When the lights started to twinkle and the table to tremble, everybody got scared, specially the seer, because this time he wasn't doing any of his tricks.
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
342 - Eating a lollipop without biting it.
Lick, lick, lick, this time I won't bite it.
Lick, lick, lick, I'm excited, this time I'll make it.
Lick, lick, lick, focus, I'm almost done.
Lick, lick, bite! Damn! I did it again!
So I run to store to buy another lollipop.
Monday, May 27, 2013
341 - Vardogr
While he was waiting for the crossing light to turn green, he thought he had seem himself on the side of the road, staring and waving at himself, so, due to the confusion this vision had caused him, he gave one step ahead in order to meet with himself, but he didn't realize the crossing light was still red and that there was a truck coming at high speed.
Sunday, May 26, 2013
340 - Revenge.
He sat there, in the middle of the running field, watching how his students were trying to do the 20 crunches, the 50 push-ups and the 30 minutes of light jogging he had ordered them to do, and remembered when he was in their place and had vowed to, someday, make lazy adolescent suffer, the way his P.E. teacher had made him suffer.
Saturday, May 25, 2013
339 - The hidden treasure chest.
He followed, very scared, the directions the ghost of his grandfather had given him and found, very excited, a treasure chest, so thinking he would be rich, he opened the treasure chest at once, but instead of gold and diamonds, what he found inside of it was pounds and pounds of pure and crystalline salt.
Friday, May 24, 2013
338 - Final destination.
Standing on the edge of plank and one step away from falling into the ocean and become shark's food, he pledged for his life to the pirates, and told them he would do anything and even become his servant if they gave him a chance to live; but when the pirates decided they needed a new servant and let him live, the plank broke the moment he had given his first step back to the ship.
Thursday, May 23, 2013
337 - Ensuring.
"Did-did you kill him? Is-is-is he dead?"
"I don't know, let me check" he answered, then he loaded his gun and shoot him in the head and said "Yes, he is dead."
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
336 - You've got mail.
During the few seconds he took his eyes off the road to check his new mail...
He never knew what the mail was about.
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
335 - Fitting in.
Monday, May 20, 2013
334 - Wintering time.
He ate, and ate, and ate during spring to save energy for winter; but he spent all the energy he had saved when summer arrived because he played a lot with his friends; but it didn't matter at the end, because he was so tired of having played so much that he slept all winter and woke up again in spring to eat again.
Sunday, May 19, 2013
333 - Int he name of the father, the son and the holy spirit.
With a crucifix hanging from his neck, and the three friends he had invoked with the sign of the holy cross, he felt bless and save to do the misdeeds he lives off.
Saturday, May 18, 2013
332 - Imperial scandal.
From outside the castle, the villagers, not knowing what have happened, could feel the fuss of the people inside of it; because everyone, from the queen to the servants, were uneasy, whispering and gossiping with one another about the last the prince had done; and expecting that now, with a child coming in the way, the prince will grow up and stop being a rebellious boy.
Friday, May 17, 2013
331 - The wishing well.
Thousand and thousand of people travel from places of all over the world to see and throw a coin in to the famous wishing well, expecting that their wish would be granted; but what they don't know is that the wishing well can only grant one wish, and it is of the person who made it, whom had wished to become rich making a fake wishing well.
Thursday, May 16, 2013
330 - Stormy night.
- He couldn't sleep in the whole night, hiding under the bed and hugging his teddy bear, afraid that the sky were gonna fall to earth.
- He couldn't sleep in the whole night, sitting next to the window watching the rain fall and enjoying the sound of the thunders.
- He didn't even realized it had rained until he woke up the next day.
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
329 - The great garage sale of Mrs. Humphrey.
Every year, after the school is over, Mrs. Humphrey sets this great garage sale where she sells all the things she confiscated from her students during the school year.
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
328 - The pointers.
They spent their days sitting in front of their house, pointing and discussing between them the address they were asked by the people passing by; just to finish pointing to two different ways to get to the address they were asked.
Monday, May 13, 2013
327 - It's not his fault, it's society!!!
When the little boy, who was walking by his father hand, finished his candy, he threw the wrapping paper in the street, but his father, witnessing what his beloved son had done, didn't tell him anything and neither did the people who was walking near them who also saw what the kid had done; but the father and everyone complained about how littered the city was.
Sunday, May 12, 2013
326 - The cane.
He kept using the cane even though his knee was fully recovered, because, according to him "With this, my grandsons tends to be more obedient."
Saturday, May 11, 2013
325 - To Heaven the righteous, and to Hell the sinners.
When the bullet pierced his head, his lifeless body drop dead to the floor, and a second later, his soul rose in the air and saw his own corpse lying on the ground while it was raising to heaven; but out of the sudden, the ground under where his corpse was lying broke, and a bony hand came out of the deepest earth, grabbed him, and dragged him to hell, where he belonged.
Friday, May 10, 2013
324 - Seven Deadly Sins: Greed.
Unsatisfied with the income of the sales of his pianos, he also stared to sell his own organs.
Thursday, May 9, 2013
323 - Seven Deadly Sins: Wrath
"Hey! What's wrong?!"
"There was an stupid goddamned old lady in the mall who cut me in the line, treated me like sh*t and when I was about to put that wh*re in her place the security guard took me out of the mall, so I couldn't do anything of what I was supposed to do in the mall thanks to that stupid b*tch!!!!!"
"I see, but breathe, calm down!!"
"UUUUHHHGG!!! If only you'd seen her, she came with her smiley face and stood right in front of me in the line saying that I was too young, so I could wait longer that her, stupid old lady! Like if I didn't have any other things to do!!"
"And what did you do?"
"I couldn't do anything! When I was about to slap that sack of bones, she called the security guard!"
"Too bad."
"No, this is not settled, no, no, no, I know who that f*cking old lady is, I've seen her before, and the next time I see her, no one, I repeat, NO ONE, would save that b*tch from what I've planned to do her."
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
322 - Seven Deadly Sins: Envy.
The whole time she was helping her step-mother to get dressed, she look at her with bitter and grim eyes, wishing she was the one standing where her step-mother was; and waiting for the arsenic to do its job soon, so she could finally become the new matron of the house.
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
321 - Seven Deadly Sins: Gluttony.
Taking advantage of his youth and his fast metabolism, he ordered and extra piece of chocolate cake to go.
Monday, May 6, 2013
320 - Seven Deadly Sins: Pride.
"... And after you finish your report, e-mail it to me"
" Noted. Nothing else?"
"Well, now that you mention it, yes, could you please make 50 copies of this memo and handle it to all the employees of the office?"
"I'm sorry?"
"Make 50 copies.."
"No, I heard you the first time, but I didn't go to college for five years to 'make copies' for that kind of job you have that secretary of yours whom couldn't even write properly."
Sunday, May 5, 2013
319 - Seven deathly sins: Sloth.
He kept watching a long and boring tv show for hours because the remote was a little bit further of his hand reach.
Saturday, May 4, 2013
318 - Seven deathly sins: Lust.
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Friday, May 3, 2013
317 - Peanut butter and Jelly.
"...On my first day of school, the new weird kid sat by my side at the cafeteria and asked me:
"What do you have in you bag?"So did we, and we discovered that the peanut butter and jelly sandwich was the perfect combination of the salty peanut butter and the sweet jelly, and since that day on we exchanged an slice of our sandwiches everyday, and soon enough we realized that he and me were also the perfect combination, just like our sandwiches.
"A peanut butter sandwich, and you?"
"A jelly sandwich... How would like to trade a slice?"
"I mean, you give me a slice of your peanut butter sandwich and I give you one slice of my jelly sandwich, so we both have a peanut butter and jelly sandwich."
And that's how I met your father."
Thursday, May 2, 2013
316 - The lost man.
In order to not arrive late to his very important appointment, he came out of his house two hours early, and went to the bus station to wait for the right bus which would take him to his appointment place, but even though he waited and waited, his bus never came, so he lost his appointment, poor soul, if only he would have known that he was waiting in the wrong bus station and that the right one was just across the street.
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
315 - 11/11/11 at 11:11 .
He had been the checking the clock the whole day, waiting for it to mark 11:11 to make his wish, but he lost his chance because at 11:10 something happened that called his attention, and when check at the hour again it was already 11:12.