While I was riding the bus on my way to the office, my mind, which is never quiet, started to wonder what would a person do if they ran out of money in the streets and they would need to take the bus, so I wonder: Would they ask for change to pay the bus-ticket? Would they talk to the bus driver to let them ride for free?Would they walk home? and a thousand more question I forgot when I got to the office.
Saturday, August 31, 2013
416 - A fortuity, the story of a lucky man.

Friday, August 30, 2013
415 - Karen's Unicorn.
There is a Chinese Restaurant in a little town in the UK where the rumor has it that all the food it sells is magically delicious; because it's Karen's Unicorn who make them.
Thursday, August 29, 2013
414 - The marvellous adventures at the end of the slide.
He slipped at high speed on the slide, and when he reached the end of it, he went out flying, crossing the sky, and travelling to a far away land where he fought against dragons in order to rescue the most beautiful princess; but all his marvellous adventures ended when he woke up from his coma in the hospital.
Friday, August 23, 2013
413 - Electroshock.
Tied on the chair, he felt how the electricity hit his body and caused him those pleasant but at the same time painful seizures that ease his pain.
Thursday, August 22, 2013
412 - The Angel of (Dis)Grace.
Instead of taking care of me, my angel had his fun at my expense watching how I manage to deal with all the dangerous situations he should have protected me of.
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
411 - Women eagerness of doing several things at the same time.
They think they can drive and do her make up at the same time.
Monday, August 19, 2013
410 - Sleeping with the enemy.
He got home tired after a long day at work, and when he got into his bed and tried to relate to her wife how his day had been; she growled to him between snores:
"Shut up! I'm tired, let me sleep!"
And he spent all the night awake, silently crying and feeling more lonely than ever.
Sunday, August 18, 2013
409 - A very busy housewives.
Between the soap opera, making lunch, the soap opera, drinking tea with her friends and the soap opera; she never had time to take care of her children.
Saturday, August 17, 2013
408 - The lone wolf.
Even though he was very happy being a lone wolf, deep down his heart, what he wished the most was to form a pack of 2.
Friday, August 16, 2013
407 - The kite.
The kite wanted to get loose of the wild child who was holding her from the ground, and fly the sky freely; but she didn't know that if the child were to let her go, she would instantly crash into the ground.
Friday, August 9, 2013
406 - The man with the Phoenix tattoo.
Before he died, he clearly expressed he wanted to be cremated, so that he could reborn from his ashes.
Thursday, August 8, 2013
405 - I saw the devil.
When I saw him sitting on the pavement, asking for change; I realized his presence, and it gave me goosebumps and made my heart race; but before I could run away from him, he dedicated me an devilish smile of satisfaction that left me breathless, because he knew the reaction he had caused on me.
I swear that what I saw was not human, even though it looked like one.
I've never been so scared in my entire life.
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
404 - Error.
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
403 - Hemorrhoids and bad sexual education.
"Momma! Momma! Bring the camera! I've grown up! I've got my first period!!!" yelled the boy excitedly from the bathroom.
Monday, August 5, 2013
403 - A man of faith.
He always cross himself very proudly of his beliefs every time he passed by a church, but it had been years since the last time he had stepped a foot in one.
Sunday, August 4, 2013
401 - Emasculated and dumped.
Due to the complains of his wife because he always left the toilet seat up; he started peeing sitting.
Due tot he complains of his wife because he never helped in the kitchen; he started cocking everyday.
Due to the complains of his wife because he never clean the house; he started sweeping and weeping the floor regularly.
Due to the feminine his husband had become, she left him for a real Macho, whom splashed all the toilet seat with his pee, whom didn't even know how to make a sandwich and whom always left his dirty clothes all over the house.
Saturday, August 3, 2013
400 - The Super Hero.
He came out of the burning house smiling as if nothing bothered him; but in reality, he could hardly bare the heat of the flames and the pain of his broken bones.