A young man who was walking down the street found a face-down penny on the floor, and very excited, he flipped it up, and left the penny where it was so the person behind him would find it and have a lucky day.
Thousands of people walked down the street that day; hundreds of them looked down at the penny lying on the floor; but none of them bothered on stopping for one second and pick it up because they were on a hurry, or they were too lazy, or just because a penny isn't worth the effort.
The next day, when the young man walked down the street again, he found a face-up penny lying on the floor, and very excited, he pick it up and put it in his pocket, he could not believe how lucky he was for finding a lucky penny in this hard times we are living.
Friday, May 30, 2014
479 - The lucky penny.

Thursday, May 29, 2014
478 - Dead alive.
When she was next to him, her heart stopped and she felt she ascended to heaven, where only he and she existed.
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
477 - At waiting room.
They shared shy glances and one or other smile from one side to the other of the waiting room, maybe they were made for each other; or maybe they were made to be archenemies; but they never knew, because neither of them were brave enough to stand up and say 'Hello.'
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
476 - Working out.
With every move I made, I felt as if I had set on fire all the fatness inside my body, so I liked to imagine that I could watch it burn slowly, and laughed at it and its cries for help.
Monday, May 26, 2014
475 - Relief
One day, a white cloud approached a gray cloud and asked it:
"Why are you so gray?"
"Because... ... ..."
And the gray cloud started to talk about its life and its problems until it couldn't keep it anymore and started to rain, so when the white cloud saw how devastated the gray cloud was, it hugged it, and their contact made noisy thunders resound everywhere.
As the gray cloud kept on talking and raining, it realized that, maybe, everything was not as bad as it thought it was, and when it finished telling the white cloud all its problems, the grey cloud realized that all its drops had fallen down to earth and that its gray color had gone too.
And together, the two white clouds, spent the rest of the day watching the rainbow that the grey cloud's rain had made.
Friday, May 23, 2014
474 - Passing the headache.
I imagined my mom coming in to my room and finding me dead, headless, with all the walls splashed with blood, and pieces of my brain and eyes sparse through the whole room; I imagined her screaming and running away asking for help.
I imagined the guys from the morgue picking up the rests of my body, and trying to assemble my head back together, as if I were a puzzle, while they get my vigil ready.
I imagined my family and friends crying in front of my coffin, which always was kept closed due to the horrible that my assembled head was, because there was still some pieces of flesh and skin missing that they were not were able to put back together.
I imagined the burying of my body on a rainy day, where all the people splashed their shiny black shoes with mud as they carried my coffin down on the cemetery.
And when I imagined that everything had ended and that I was six foot under ground, I realized that my headache was gone.
Thursday, May 22, 2014
473 - The headache.
Even though he had taken his pills, he felt like his head was about to explode in any second, and that his eyes and his brains would flow around the room splashing and staining all the walls and his belongings with blood.
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
472 - My son the carpenter.
It gave me the creeps to see my son do his job and make the most beautiful wood coffins ever made, because I knew that if he were to make the littlest mistake and a stake or splinter of wood would jump to his chest and pierce his heart, he would become ashes in seconds and I would lose him forever; but seeing the way his eyes bright when he worked on the wood, made all the risk worth-taking.
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
471 - The Spider Woman
She could not climb walls, nor shoot spider web from her wrists, much less she didn't have a precognitive spider-sense; but, every time she got pregnant, she would kill the father of the baby and eat it very slowly, bite by bite, during the nine months of gestation to be well fed, in order to give birth a healthy baby.
Monday, May 19, 2014
470 - Close encounter of the third kind
From the other side of the bar, the widow of the town locked down her next pray: an unimaginable handsome man with white skin, blonde hair, and a pair of blue eyes that could make even Virgin Mary fall for him.
The widow, hungry, approached him, and after several beers and a nice chitchat, she took him home.
When they arrived, they didn't lose any time and went straight to her bed, where they started to kiss and touch each other passionately; and the widow could not believe that she was going to spend the night with such handsome man, although it was just one night.
After several minutes kissing each other, the widow felt an slimy liquid running down her throat, and pushing the man away from her, she saw, horrified, how he was vomiting a brown slimy liquid, and that from his nostrils a similar but orange liquid was coming out too, while his eyes were emitting a weird light that become brighter and brighter with every second that passed.
The widow could not believe what was happening, and before she could run away, the bright light that the mas was emitting blinded her, and she lost consciousness.
The next day, the widow woke up in her bed, so she thought, relieved, that it was all been a nightmare; but when she stood up, her feet stomped on the slimy brown liquid that was coming out of the man's mouth, and before she pass out away, she saw two horrible marks on her window sill that look like if they were made by claws.
Friday, May 16, 2014
469 - By the back door.
He came in stealthily, trying not to make any noise to not to wake his wife up so late at night; but even though he tried very hard to keep it quite, he failed when he stumbled loudly upon the suitcases his wife had made with all his belongings for him to leave the house.
Thursday, May 15, 2014
468 - Piranhas.
I look over the border of the canoe and saw those fishes swimming underneath us, so I turned around to my guide, who was standing on the corner, leading the way with a long stick and asked him:
"So, you're saying me that if I fell from the canoe into the water, those fishes would eat me in a few seconds, no?"
"Yep" he answered me.
So when we were arriving to our destination and I noticed that I wouldn't need my guide anymore, I pushed him over the border of the canoe and saw how the piranhas ate him.
He had lied to me, the piranhas took longer than a few seconds to devour him, in fact, it took them around 5 minutes to eat the whole of him.
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
467 - A very realistic dream.
I ran to the bathroom, I couldn't hold it anymore, so I barely got the zipper and my pants down and started to pee.. I woke up suddenly, it was a dream! I was dreaming! It was a dream, but...
Oh! Not again!..
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
466 - Granny's secret.
While she wrote me her recipe down, she intentionally left her secret ingredient that made her food so exquisite out of it, so that future generations would remember her by saying:
"Even though I follow the recipe step by step, and the food was delicious, it wasn't as exquisite as it would've been if Granny had made it."
Monday, May 12, 2014
465 - A deadly prank.
I caught my unaware best friend from the back and whispered into his ear "This is a rob" and he, without any doubt, nor realizing it was me who was playing a prank on him, withdrew his gun and shot me dead in the head.