A: "I'm starving!"
B: "C'mom, hold it up a little bit more, the camp mustn't be too far now, I think it is just behind that hill."
B: "Wow, you really are starving, uh?!"
A: "That wasn't me."
And when they turned their backs to see what had made that weird sound, they saw an starving dinosaur running toward them at a high speed.
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
566 - Starving.

Monday, September 29, 2014
565 - Every penny worth.
When the rich woman finished paying her bill at the supermarket and the cashier gave her a few pennies as change, the rich woman looked at them with disgust and threw them to the floor like if they were worthless.
I, who was watching everything in the line to pay for my products, ran to where the rich women was, pushed her a littler and picked up all the pennies she had thrown, those few pennies were just what I needed to buy a chocolate milk that I had left on the shopping car because I was short of money.
Friday, September 26, 2014
564 - Robots.
"These robot will be installed there, where all your workers are, and it will produce 5.000 units daily, approximately 4.500 units more than what all your workers produce together in a day, and you won't have to pay him extra-shifts, nor bonus, nor anything, so... What do you say?"
"Mmn, I don't know... 5.000 units you say?.. Mmn... I don't like these new technologies, and I don't like the idea of having something without intelligence nor soul doing all the work of my company."
"And, do you really think that your workers, after being working for you for years, repeating the same action one time after the other, eight hours a day, everyday, still have a soul? Believe me, my friend, when I told you that my robot has more souls than all you workers together, its because it has."
Thursday, September 25, 2014
563 - The lost muse.
The writer used to sit everyday at the same hour in front of his computer to write, where his muse always waited for him to inspired him the most brilliant ideas.
One day, the writer sat in front of his computer but his muse wasn't there, and without her, he couldn't write a word worth reading.
The next day and the following, the writer noticed that the muse wasn't there, next to his computer, anymore, so he packed his stuff and went travelling for searching his lost muse.
The writer traveled the world and tasted all kind of delicious meals, but he couldn't write about them because he didn't have his muse by his side; he saw beautiful landscapes, but he couldn't write about them either without his muse; he met awesome people, but as you know, he couldn't write a word about them.
When the writer came back to his home after having traveled all over the world searching for his muse without finding her, he got really surprised when he saw her standing next to hes computer; and without losing any other second, he put all his luggage away and sat to write with his muse by his side.
While he was writing, the writer asked the muse:
"Where have you been? I've tasted delicious meals, seen beautiful landscapes, and met awesome people."
"I've always been here, waiting for you to come back" answered the muse.
"But, I went away to search for you!"
"I know."
"I had to hide myself from you for a couple of days because you were running out of ideas, and I needed you to get out and see the world, taste delicious meals, see things you've never seen before and meet all kind of people different from you; so now, you have tons of storied to be told, so stop talking and focus on writing."
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
562 - The rabbit with the peg-leg.
The rabbit with peg-leg was always limping all over his pirate ship, with a glass of brandy in his hand and looking to the horizon, remembering the old times when he used to live in the forest and hopped everywhere without nothing to worry about; but now...
Now his only goal was to get his revenge...
To get his revenge against that old pirate who had chopped his leg off in order to have a good luck charm to commit all his piracy.
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
561 - "Everything is fine"
"Everything is fine, everything is fine, everything is fine" he kept on telling me, when in reality, for me, nothing was fine, nothing.
Monday, September 22, 2014
560 - Early suicide.
Scared of living a meaning-less life, the fetus tied the umbilical cordon around his neck when he was just one week away to be born.
Friday, September 19, 2014
559 - Laughing instead of crying.
Everyone was shocked when he approached the coffin of his father and he started to laugh and laugh like a mad-man, laughing so hard and loud that he gave everyone in the funeral the goosebumps.
Thursday, September 18, 2014
558 - Heavy sleep.
"Look dad! There's a dog sleeping in the middle of the road!" Said the little kid to his father looking through the window of the car.
The father, when he heard his kid, looked back through the driving mirror and noticed that his son was right, there was a dog lying in the middle of the road.
"How that dog sleeps in the middle of the road, dad? How he's not awakened by the sound of the car that pass so near him?" wondered the kid.
"I don't know, kid... He must be a really, really heavy sleeper..." said the father, doubtful, because he didn't have the guts to tell his son the truth about the dog.
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
557 - The polar bear.
When the polar bear came back from his vacation from the Caribbean, no one recognized him, because he had tanned so much that all his fur wasn't white like the snow anymore but brown and dark like the fur of any other regular bear.
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
556 - The lost treasure chest: the best employees.
After firing his almost new employee, the employer withdraw a box full of resumes to evaluate for hiring a new one, and while he was looking for the best candidate to fill the post, he got a brilliant idea.
Since he was tired of hiring someone who had a the best resume and to fire him or her a few weeks later because the person turned out to be the complete opposite of what his or her resume said; he decided to make a little game which would provide him the best employee; therefore he hid five treasure chests through the city at the same time he send a booklet of instructions of how to find those chest to everyone who had applied for the post, implying that those who found the treasure chests would receive a great surprise.
Half of the persons who received the booklet didn't even try to find the treasure chests, and a lot of those who tried, gave up when they were half way because there was a lot of things to do before finding one.
Only three people found the treasure chests, and to their surprise, there not was gold nor a prize inside of them but an employment contract.
So the employer found the best employees he had had in years, and to his surprise, a year later, when he re-checked their resumes, he found out that according to their resumes, those three people didn't have what it was needed to fill the posts they had earned in the game, and in regular conditions he would have never hired them.
Monday, September 15, 2014
555 - The rooster alarm..
After having break hundreds of alarm clocks, she bought a rooster who could wake her up at dawn, and since it was a living animal, it'd be able to evade the pillows, shoes and punches she'd usually throw at her alarm clocks to turn them off, and the best part was that if any or all of those things ever hit the rooster instead of turning itself off, he would cry louder for the pain it would feel and would definitely wake her.
Friday, September 12, 2014
554 - Message from the underworld.
Thursday, September 11, 2014
553 - The hide and seek of the safety box.
The safety box always ran in a rush to hide herself behind the painting of the living room when she played hide and seek with her others safety boxes friends.
Needless to say that she always got caught first.
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
552 - Chloroform: The love potion.
He got home feeling very happy and cautiously smelling the strong scent of the little bottle of love potion he had purchased and that would make his lover to accept all his cares, his kisses and his love without complaining and without saying a word about how much she disgusted him and hated him, nor how she wished for him to be dead or in jail.
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
551 - The stains in the ceiling.
He had been several minutes quiet, laying in the couch, looking at the ceiling with a thoughtful expression on his face.
His roommate, who had noticed that, invited him to go grab a beer in order to cheer him up; but he refused because he didn't want to go out that night; therefore his roommate made him go out and grab a beer because according to him, he wouldn't let him become one depressed and bitter guy for not having found the meaning of life.
Later, when he was drinking his beer and talking with the waitress in the bar, his mind was still in his room, wondering how many stains there was in the dirty ceiling.
Monday, September 8, 2014
550 - Omne ignotum pro magnifico.
When he first saw the magician perform all his tricks he was speechless, and thought the magician was some kind of deity, someone superior to human kind; and since that day he got interested in magic, so he started to search and discover each and every one of the secrets behind all the tricks the magician had made.
When he saw the magician for the second time, all his tricks seemed dull to him, and thought that the magician was nothing but a big fake.
Friday, September 5, 2014
549 - The earthquake and the massage chair.
"Ye-e-e-eah!!! I know! Isn't this great? I've never been able to afford a massage chair, but not I can imagine that it must feel something like this" he said, clinging hard to the armrest of his regular wooden chair.
Thursday, September 4, 2014
548 - The black rhino.
When the black rhino noticed that the poaching was wiping out his race, he started to disguise himself as a white rhino every morning using baby powder all over his body; and that's how he have make it to survive even though all his relatives are extinguished, confusing the hunters whom, everyday, ask him if he had seen a black rhino around.
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
547 - The black sweater.
When Jimmy turned 12, he received a black sweater as a present for the winter; but Jimmy got so attached with his black sweater that he never took it off whatever season it was, because it made him feel warm and secure; so everyone could see him wearing his black sweater even in the hottest day of summer.
Jimmy was wearing his black sweater when he got his first kiss when he was 14, and also he was wearing it when he crashed his first car at the age of 17; but one day, when Jimmy was 21 and was in the middle of a date with the girl of his dreams in a very cold night, Jimmy, for the first time in his life, took off his black sweater and offer it to the girl, who accepted it gladly.
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
546 - The endless love-story.
"I love you."
"And I love you more."
"No! I love you more!"
"No way! I love you more!"
"In your dreams! I love you more!"
Monday, September 1, 2014
545 - The bodyguard.
He was hired for protecting the back of the president, therefore he focused so much on doing a very good job that he didn't even noticed when the president got stabbed on the chest.