Friday, October 3, 2014

569 - The murdering hand.

At the jury:

"I'm innocent, I tried to protect her; but my hand, my hand was stronger than me!"

The murderer was trying to defend himself pledging that his hand had life itself, and that it was his hand that had killed all those persons.

The judge and the jury were confused, the man sounded so innocent; but the proofs said otherwise, therefore he was sent to the guillotine to pay for the crimes he had commit.

The man accepted his fate; but he asked that before they cut off his head, they cut his right hand first; and the judge feeling pity for him accepted his petition.

The day of the execution, just like they had promised, they were going to cut the right hand of the man before beheaded him; therefore he put his arm where his neck should have gone in the guillotine and when the scythe fell over his wrist, he screamed in pain; but then...

"I TOLD YOU! I TOLD YOU! DIDN'T I??? IT WASN'T ME!! IT WAS MY HAND!!! NOW YOU BELIEVE ME?" the man screamed,  excited, when his hand had jumped out of the basket where it had fall and had started to strangle everyone around.

The end.

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