Around his bed at the hospital had gathered all his relatives and friends to celebrate his birthday number 107 even though his medical condition; but what was supposed to be a nice celebration, turned out to be a tragedy when his head drop dead over his birthday cake after he had blew off all the 107 candles with just one blow.
Wednesday, December 31, 2014
632 - The last breath.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014
631 - The power of the tears.
She was shocked to hear her beloved tell her that he hated her and that he didn't want to see her never again, after she had given him his drink with the love potion on it.
The fool had gotten the recipe wrong, and instead of adding three tears of sadness, she had added three tears of joy.
Monday, December 29, 2014
630 - The tragedy of the cut silver thread.
After he had seen the pyramids of Egypt and had walked the Great Wall of China, he decided to come back to his body from his astral projection; but when he pulled the silver thread, he realized, horrified, that it has been cut.
At his home, his son was shaking him, strongly, by the shoulders trying to wake him up, because he had had a terrible nightmare and he wanted his daddy to tell him that it was just a dream.
Friday, December 26, 2014
629 - My best friend, the rock on the way.
"And... tell me more about your childhood, how did you do on school? Did you have many friends?"
"To be honest with you, doc, no, I had a lonely childhood, I never had friends, all my classmates always mocked me because I was different, although..."
"Although... what?"
"Although I had one friend, if you could call it like that... it wasn't human."
"How come it wasn't human? And what was it instead? Did you have an imaginary friend?"
"No, doc, this friend of mine wasn't human, it was a thing, it was a rock I always found of the way to school and that I'd kick all the way there, and while I did so I used to tell it all my problems, then, when school was over, I'd find the rock on the same spot I had left it in the morning and I'd kick it back home, so in that way, it always accompanied me. "
"And, what happen to that rock?"
"Well, one day, while I was in class, they cleaned the street in front of the school and since then I never saw it again."
Thursday, December 25, 2014
628 - The room 69.
He was running, desperately, through the corridor full of doors, he had to get to the room 69 as soon as possible; but when he passed the door with the number 68 on it and stopped in the next one, he saw, disappointed, that the golden number on it was 70 instead of 69.
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
627 - Faith is powerful.
When the little demon sneaked into the church, he went to the small chapel where the humans light candles to the image of the Providence asking for their wishes; there, the little demon breathed in and then maliciously breathed out with all his forces to blew off all the candles that lighted the Providence; but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't blew off any single candle and instead, they burned and lighted the Providence more brightly.
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
626 - The secret of the demons.
"And those, my little demon, are the things you always have to carry with you every time a human opens the portal towards their world."
"What are those, dad?"
"Those are GPS, my little demon, and every time a human opens a portal to their world, you have to grab a bunch of them and and leave one in each of the humans who had participated in the ritual of the opening of the portal."
"Why do I have to do that, dad?"
"Well, my little demon, because in that way, after the ritual, you can track them down and know where they are all the time."
"And why do I wanna know that, dad?"
"To scared them and hunt them down for the rest of their life, my little demon, because that's our job, scare and hunt the humans who play with the unknown."
Monday, December 22, 2014
625 - The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
"And you go to room right now!!!" I yelled to my son.
I couldn't believe it, I had yelled to my son; even though I had promise to myself a thousand times that I'd never be like HIM, that I was gonna be different, and now...
Now I realized that everyday that passes I'm becoming more and more like HIM, no matter how much I try to not to be like HIM.
Friday, December 19, 2014
624 - Samson's hair.
When she got home from the hairdresser, she admired her new extensions in front of the mirror, because she looked so beautiful with them that she felt powerful and full of strength; then, when she tried to grab a glass to drink something, the glass broke in her hand because of the strength she had grabbed it with, and so did the broomstick when she tried to grab it to clean the glass.
Surprised by the new super-strength she had just developed, she tried to pick up the couch that, before, she had never been able to even move an inch; but this time, she raised it into the hair with just one hand, she could not believe it, with her new extensions came along a new super-strength unimaginable.
Thursday, December 18, 2014
623 - The last test.
I was standing in front of the last test, if I really was the chosen one I wan't going to feel any pain and I would walk out it harmless, with my chin up and as the new governor of the village; but even though I had doubts about whether I could do it or not, I kept on because it was too late to go back, so, when I heard the gong, I, sure of myself, took the first step to what was, indeed, my last test.
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
622 - Self-esteem problems.
At Notre-Dame:
"Hey Hunchback! You are ugly! Get out of my sight, because your ugliness is hurting my eyes!" Said the Gargoyle to the poor Hunchback to feel a little bit better about her own ugliness.
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
621 - The devil always(never) keeps his word.
"Who are you, human? And why have you call me?" Asked the Devil, mad.
"I am a young writer, and I have called you because I want to offer you my soul in exchange for a wish"
"And what is it that you wish for?"
"I want to write the best novel ever, and that it get published and translated in thousands of countries and tongues."
"That's it?" Confirmed the devil, annoyed.
"Then sign here with your blood."
A few months later, when the young writer finished writing the word "end" in the last page of his novel, a fire broke out on his house and it killed him and destroyed everything in the house but the novel he had just wrote, which was so good that after being recovered from the ashes, it got published immediately in all the countries of the world and translated into a thousand of tongues.
Monday, December 15, 2014
620 - The black rose.
When the maiden was wandering in the park, she saw a black rose, and, fascinated by it, she approached it and tried to touch it, but when she did it, her finger got pinched by a thorn and all her blood was drank by the black rose, which is now a regular red rose.
Friday, December 12, 2014
619 - The bad guys never win.
When the bad guy won at the climax of the movie, he couldn't believe it, "it is a miracle!" he thought and celebrated his victory endlessly; but what the poor bad guy didn't know, was that, that movie was only the first part of the trilogy.
Thursday, December 11, 2014
618 - The house of the modern witch.
Since the old house made of candy wasn't attracting any children, she could eat, lately; she had to re-invent herself and built a brand house made of smartphones, laptops and tablets.
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
617 - The feminist ogre.
Under the only bridge there was to cross the river lived an ogre, whom, every time, he saw that a woman was going to cross it, he would hurry himself to help her get to the other side; but. every time a man tried to cross the bridge, the ogre would hurried himself to attack him, instead.
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
616 - Crocodile's tears.
"Why are you crying crocodile?" Asked an animal of the savanna.
"Because I killed and ate my best friend, the antelope" Said the crocodile.
"And why did you do that if you knew you'd feel bad and regret doing it?"
"But I'm not crying because of that..."
"Then why?"
"I'm crying because if I had known that my dear friend, the antelope, was so delicious sooner, I wouldn't have waited so long to kill him and eat him."
Monday, December 8, 2014
615 - The shooting star.
Rodolfo and Antoinette were walking through the park on a full moon night.
Rodolfo: Look, Antoinette, a shooting star! Ask for a wish! Quick!
Antoinette: I don't believe in such things, Rodolfo.
Rodolfo: (I wish for Antoinette to fall in love with me and that she loves me as much as I love her)
Antoinette: Those are children games.
Rodolfo: I've already asked my wish!
Antoinette: What did you ask for?
Rodolfo: It's a secret, if I told you it will not become reality.
Antoinette: You're so silly, Rodolfo, believing in such things.
Later that night.
Antoinette: (I have never realized how handsome Rodolfo looks under the moon light, nor how pretty his smile is, what am I feeling in my belly? Are those butterflies? Could it be...?)
Friday, December 5, 2014
614 - The eternal sneeze.
He spent the eternity sneezing, because every Saturday his family visited him in the cemetery and brought him a bouquet of flowers to his grave, forgetting, that in life, he was allergic to them.
Thursday, December 4, 2014
613 - The thief of time.
"Time is relative" said Albert Einstein, unaware that the Evil Brother of Father Time always sneaked through his window every time he had fun in his lab and stole his time right under his nose.
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
612 - Two zombies having lunch.
"Wha wrong wit your human?"
"Ewwgrh, this human bra-in tassste like reelity-show an comercial musik."
"Waaanna trade? Mine taste like one of dose humans who read literature an thought a lot."
"Yes! I'd luv to! Me hate the tassste the stupid humans."
"You crazy! They is the bests! They so soft an easy to eat!"
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
611 - Scared of dying.
She wasn't scared of dying; but just talking about it made her heart jump, gave her goosebumps and felt a knot in her throat.
She wasn't scared of dying; but she knew that once she were dead, one of her biggest fear would follow her to her grave.
She wasn't scared of dying; but she was scared of the bugs, and what if she died and got buried? All her flesh would be devoured by the bugs she was so afraid of.
She wasn't scared of dying; but she was scared of the fire, and what if when she died she got cremated? Her body would burn to ashes.
She wasn't scared of dying; but she wanted to live forever, anyhow.
Monday, December 1, 2014
610 - The Circus' Elephant.
Tired of being whipped and ordered around, the circus' Elephant broke the chains that kept him locked, and with a swing of his trunk sent his trainer to fly, and got ready to make his escape; but when the elephant saw all the smiling faces the children of the audience had, just because they were seeing an Elephant dance, he realized that maybe all his suffering and sacrifice was worthwhile.