That day I was tired, so I don't know if this story I'm about to tell is real or if it was just a prank of my imagination; but the other day, while I was in the dinning room of the witch waiting for my best friend, who was getting a tarot reading, between all the images of saints, the crystal balls, masks and the dream catchers that were hanging from the walls, the one that called my attention was one mask made of brown skin, with long black hair, two rounded holes for the eyes, big cheeks and a fine red line that represented the mouth slightly smiling.
When I saw that mask, I was so astonished by it that I couldn't take my eyes off of it during the whole time I was there, in the silence of the dinning room, where one could only hear the tick-tock, of the clock every time a second passed; therefore, you cannot imagine my surprise when, out of the sudden, the fine red line of the mask split into two finer red lines and said with a cold and deadly voice "Hello" but just in that moment, before I could even react to what had just happened, my best friend came out, pissed, of the room where the witch was reading her the tarot, and we left immediately afterwards.
Then, later on, when I told my best friend what had happened to me, she assured me that she hadn't seen any mask, in the dinning room of the witch, like the one I had told her about, and she also told me that I shouldn't worry about it, because it must have been just a cheap trick of that liar and fake witch.
Monday, November 30, 2015
790 - The mask.

Friday, November 27, 2015
789 - The shortcut through the graveyard.
Every time he went back home from work, he took the shortcut through the graveyard; but, this time, since he had worked extra hours and was really late, he decided to take the long road and not to go through the graveyard because there must lots of ghosts and he was afraid of them.
When he got home, he, himself, looked like a ghost, pale and cold, after seeing, through the long road, hundreds of ghosts whom, bored of being always in the graveyard, went out of it to take a walk, leaving the graveyard completely empty to not scare the people who take shortcut through it.
Thursday, November 26, 2015
788 - Superstition, the umbrella and the heritage.
When he was little, the heir, he was never allowed to play with the umbrella inside the house because, according to all the women of the mansion, if he opened the umbrella inside the house his mother would die.
When the heir grew up, he asked his mother to change his last year car for one of the current year; although his mother, for teaching him a lesson of humility, said no. And he, pissed off, ran out of the studio of his mother, went down the stairs and to the lobby, where he picked up a black umbrella and opened it inside the house.
His mother, who had run after him to try to calm him down, saw him opening the umbrella inside the house and was so shocked for what he had done that she had a hear attack and dropped dead in the high part of the stairs.
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
787 - The pillbox.
At five to eight he took out his pillbox, played with it for a moment in his hands and, then, he stared at it, feeling disgusted, angry and impotent; he was sick and tired of depending of that little object and its content to feel good. Then, in his frustration, he threw the pillbox to the floor, just to pick it up, defeated, five minutes later because it was time to take his medication and he had started to feel bad.
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
786 - The color of depression.
When the therapist saw the shades of gray and black on the painting that brought him his patient, to whom he had recommended painting to let him show and express his feelings. He knew, immediately, that he had a lot of work to do.
Monday, November 23, 2015
785 - Blue blood.
When the doctor told the king he had the same flu, all the other commoners had, the king felt confused and doubted, for a moment, of the color of his blood. "Is it possible that through my veins run red blood as well as it does in my people?" he asked himself; but then, he looked around and saw the walls of his bedroom covered in Da Vinci's paintings, the floor made of marble, the big chandelier hanging from the ceiling and the big canopied bed.
"No" he answered himself, dissipating all his doubts "What was I thinking? It is impossible that I'm like one of them."
Friday, November 20, 2015
784 - The crystal ball.
"So, what do you see?" ask the client.
"How come you see nothing?" demanded the client.
"I'm sorry" answered the witch, worried "but the crystal ball just doesn't show me nothing in your future..."
"You are nothing but a great fake, rip off!" screamed the client, furious, and without letting the witch finish her sentence, she stood up and left the tent.
The next day, the witch read, sadly, the obituary of her client in the morning newspaper. The crystal ball never fails.
Thursday, November 19, 2015
783 - The magical headphones.
When he got home, he found his mother and father fighting and yelling at each other; therefore, without losing a second, he pulled out his headphones from the pocket of his jacket, untangled them, put them on and, magically, his parents vanished in the thin air along theirs fights and yells, leaving him home alone in the peacefulness that only his favorite music could provide.
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
782 - Migration,
When she looked out of the window of her office to check if it had stopped raining, she saw a rainbow in the sky and that, towards it, hundreds of monarch butterflies were flying; but before she could smile for such picturesque scene, her phone rang and, forgetting about everything she had just felt and seen, she picked it up, angry, and went on her day like if nothing had happened.
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
781 - The impossible dream.
He dreamt about being the best swimmer of the world and winning tons of gold medals at the Olympics; but every time his coach ordered him to make 20 more pools, he whined and did then lazily.
Monday, November 16, 2015
780 - A little white lie.
"Yeah, yeah mom, don't worry, I'm fine, everything here is okay, we're fine, yeah, we're fine, I'll call you next week, love ya!"
Friday, November 13, 2015
779 - The cycle.
"Humans are born, grow up, have offspring and die." Said the biology teacher.
And I just looked at her, confused, because if that was the cycle of humans, what is it gonna be of me? I hadn't planned grow up and much less have offspring.
Thursday, November 12, 2015
778 - The excuse.
"Did you get the french lesson?"
"Sure, it was really easy."
"You think? I didn't understand a word, what are you doing after class? Could we meet in a coffee or in your home, if you want to, to study together to see if I understand it better with you?"
"Sure, why not? What do you think if we meet...?"
Wednesday, November 11, 2015
777 - "IMMORTAL"
He passed for months and months of pain getting the word "IMMORTAL" tattooed on his back; just for becoming a great feast of tattooed skin for the worms of his grave.
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
776 - Friday night.
Meanwhile she went to bed crying because she was feeling lonely, thinking that nobody ever could love her; he went to bed with the biggest smile, because he had seen her that day, for only two seconds, pass in front of him in the parking lot of the university.
Monday, November 9, 2015
775 - The lucky clover.
That day had started in a bad way, he had overslept and he was going late to work. In his way to the bus station, he saw, what it seemed, a clover of four leafs growing up in the pavement, but since he was in a rush, he picked it up without giving it a second look and saved it on the pocket of his shirt.
Miraculously, he got in time to work and, after being congratulated for his latest project, he thought it was all thanks to the lucky clover he had found that morning. His luck had changed.
That day, he kept gently hitting the pocket of his shirt, trusting in the lucky charm he had inside of it, so, he dared to ask for a rise, which was given to him without a doubt. He got a date with the girl he liked and was called from the bank to inform him that his credit had been approved.
Later that day, when he was going back home, he, wanting to abuse of the lucky clover, bought a lottery ticket. He started scratching it and when there was only one number left, he noticed that all the numbers matched the jackpot; but he got so excited that he dropped the coin with which he was scratching the ticket and it fell through the sewer he was standing over. Therefore, when he took out another coin from the pocket of his shirt, he took out, also, the lucky clover, and horrified, he noticed that the clover only had three leafs, like any other regular luckless clover.
After he found out, he tried to think that luck was more about attitude than luck itself, and if he had accomplished all those great things that day just by thinking he was lucky, he was going to keep thinking he was, to scratch the last number of the lottery ticket and win the jackpot; but when he did, he wished he hadn't let the stupid coin fall down the stupid sewer.
Monday, November 2, 2015
774 - Self-steem problems.
Two guys with self-steem problems were sitting in the same table at the party, one had always his phone on his hand, taking selfies ans publishing them on the web so everyone could see how handsome he was; meanwhile the other kept himself hiding from the camera because he thought he was too ugly to be appearing in photos.