Monday, November 30, 2015

790 - The mask.

That day I was tired, so I don't know if this story I'm about to tell is real or if it was just a prank of my imagination; but the other day, while I was in the dinning room of the witch waiting for my best friend, who was getting a tarot reading, between all the images of saints, the crystal balls, masks and the dream catchers that were hanging from the walls, the one that called my attention was one mask made of brown skin, with long black hair, two rounded holes for the eyes, big cheeks and a fine red line that represented the mouth slightly smiling.

When I saw that mask, I was so astonished by it that I couldn't take my eyes off of it during the whole time I was there, in the silence of the dinning room, where one could only hear the tick-tock, of the clock every time a second passed; therefore, you cannot imagine my surprise when, out of the sudden, the fine red line of the mask split into two finer red lines and said with a cold and deadly voice "Hello" but just in that moment, before I could even react to what had just happened, my best friend came out, pissed, of the room where the witch was reading her the tarot, and we left immediately afterwards.

Then, later on, when I told my best friend what had happened to me, she assured me that she hadn't seen any mask, in the dinning room of the witch, like the one I had told her about, and she also told me that I shouldn't worry about it, because it must have been just a cheap trick of that liar and fake witch.

The end.

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