Over the great chair where he read every night was laid his new e-book reader.
Friday, October 25, 2013
437 - His broken dream of having a library full of books.

Thursday, October 24, 2013
436 - The secret.
After they buried the body, they swore to carry their secret to their grave; and to make sure that everybody kept their words, he killed them all and buried them among what used to be their secret.
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
435 - The call that never arrived.
"Can I trust you?"
"Of course you can trust me!"
"Okay then, give me your number to call you."
"No, give me yours, and I'll call you when everything is ready."
"Okay, let me write it down..."
"No, no, no, don't worry, say it to me, I'll remember it, I have a good memory."
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
434 - The hot guy with the red speedo.
When I saw him, I threw myself in the deepest part of pool, well aware that I didn't know how to swim.
Friday, October 11, 2013
433 - Aware of the consequences.
I lighted up my cigarette while I waited for my therapist to arrive; and when he finally came in, he gave me a disapproval look when he noticed I was smoking and told me:
"Smoking is a long term suicide."
I, very happy for the comment he had just made because it would take us straight to the point, answered him with a big smile in my face:
"I know, and that's the reason why I've come to see you."
Thursday, October 10, 2013
432 - The unwanted guest.
I could feel him coming as my heart started to race and all my energy slowly started to leave my body, while my eyes filled up with tears getting ready for his arrival.
And the worst part is, that there is nothing I could do but wait for him with my arms wide open, because every time I've tried to scape or hide myself from him, he would find me, mad, and would make his visit longer than usual.
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
431 - Guilty conscience.
With the 30 silver coins he had in his pocket, he'd buy the rope with which he would hang himself to end with the guilt he felt for having sold his master.
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
430 - The short-cut.
Monday, October 7, 2013
429 - The marketer.
The marketer set his stand with a sign that read "Hugs for $1" just in front of the Hospital for people with psychological and emotional problems.
Sunday, October 6, 2013
428 - The second-hand book.
As soon as IT reached my hands, I asked myself who were ITs previous owners, if they had learned something form IT and how IT had ended in a second-hand book shop.
Saturday, October 5, 2013
427 - A self-esteem issue.
The monarch butterfly soared the sky feeling very sad, ugly and useless; unable to realize how beauty her wings were, and how its beauty made all the people, who happened to see her, happy.
Friday, October 4, 2013
426 - The guitarist.
The guitarist had cuts in his fingers from playing his guitar, but he didn't mind them, so he kept on playing his beloved guitar unstoppable.
Thursday, October 3, 2013
425 - The hamster.
The small creature, trapped in his cage, sleeps, eats and runs in its wheel everyday; without even thinking about how it would feel to run freely in the wild.
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
424 - Emergency call.
As soon as he hanged up the phone, he jumped into his motorcycle and rode it at high speed, evading all the cars and non stopping at the red lights; if the pizza cooled, he wouldn't get his pay.
Monday, September 23, 2013
423 - Human language.
When I ran into a couple of foreign travellers like me, we tried to communicate with each other, and even though we both tried, neither of us understand what the other was trying to say; so when we finally gave up, we shared an smile and a wave of ours hands saying goodbye, and that gesture we both understood.
Sunday, September 22, 2013
422 - Kukulkán.
Since the year 2012 started, Kukulkán had started to slowly lose all its feathers, getting ready to finally, after 5125 years, change its skin on the 21st of december.
Saturday, September 21, 2013
421 - Wet nightmare.
He snapped awake all wet in sweat, remembering the terrifying nightmare he had just had.
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
420 - Under the sea.
There were so many wonderful things under the sea, that when his tank of oxygen ran out, he didn't want to come back to the surface.
Saturday, September 14, 2013
419 - Last-ditch effort.
Even though the shark had ripped his head off, he continued kicking, flailing and splashing as if he could still scape from the tenacious animal.
Friday, September 13, 2013
418 - A brave blow.
There was a huge, horrible monster standing in the middle of the road I was walking, that monster was the representation of all my fears and would not let me go on, this monster hold me for a long time, because I was scared; but to my surprise, when I finally decided to face it, it only took me a brave blow to defeat it and see how it disappeared in the thin air, leaving the road free for me to continue walking.
Sunday, September 1, 2013
417 - Following the example.
"Have you think what would like to be when you become an adult, Sally?"
"Er... I don't know... When I become an adulteress I wanna be like mommy."
Saturday, August 31, 2013
416 - A fortuity, the story of a lucky man.
While I was riding the bus on my way to the office, my mind, which is never quiet, started to wonder what would a person do if they ran out of money in the streets and they would need to take the bus, so I wonder: Would they ask for change to pay the bus-ticket? Would they talk to the bus driver to let them ride for free?Would they walk home? and a thousand more question I forgot when I got to the office.
Friday, August 30, 2013
415 - Karen's Unicorn.
There is a Chinese Restaurant in a little town in the UK where the rumor has it that all the food it sells is magically delicious; because it's Karen's Unicorn who make them.
Thursday, August 29, 2013
414 - The marvellous adventures at the end of the slide.
He slipped at high speed on the slide, and when he reached the end of it, he went out flying, crossing the sky, and travelling to a far away land where he fought against dragons in order to rescue the most beautiful princess; but all his marvellous adventures ended when he woke up from his coma in the hospital.
Friday, August 23, 2013
413 - Electroshock.
Tied on the chair, he felt how the electricity hit his body and caused him those pleasant but at the same time painful seizures that ease his pain.
Thursday, August 22, 2013
412 - The Angel of (Dis)Grace.
Instead of taking care of me, my angel had his fun at my expense watching how I manage to deal with all the dangerous situations he should have protected me of.
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
411 - Women eagerness of doing several things at the same time.
They think they can drive and do her make up at the same time.
Monday, August 19, 2013
410 - Sleeping with the enemy.
He got home tired after a long day at work, and when he got into his bed and tried to relate to her wife how his day had been; she growled to him between snores:
"Shut up! I'm tired, let me sleep!"
And he spent all the night awake, silently crying and feeling more lonely than ever.
Sunday, August 18, 2013
409 - A very busy housewives.
Between the soap opera, making lunch, the soap opera, drinking tea with her friends and the soap opera; she never had time to take care of her children.
Saturday, August 17, 2013
408 - The lone wolf.
Even though he was very happy being a lone wolf, deep down his heart, what he wished the most was to form a pack of 2.
Friday, August 16, 2013
407 - The kite.
The kite wanted to get loose of the wild child who was holding her from the ground, and fly the sky freely; but she didn't know that if the child were to let her go, she would instantly crash into the ground.
Friday, August 9, 2013
406 - The man with the Phoenix tattoo.
Before he died, he clearly expressed he wanted to be cremated, so that he could reborn from his ashes.
Thursday, August 8, 2013
405 - I saw the devil.
When I saw him sitting on the pavement, asking for change; I realized his presence, and it gave me goosebumps and made my heart race; but before I could run away from him, he dedicated me an devilish smile of satisfaction that left me breathless, because he knew the reaction he had caused on me.
I swear that what I saw was not human, even though it looked like one.
I've never been so scared in my entire life.
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
404 - Error.
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
403 - Hemorrhoids and bad sexual education.
"Momma! Momma! Bring the camera! I've grown up! I've got my first period!!!" yelled the boy excitedly from the bathroom.
Monday, August 5, 2013
403 - A man of faith.
He always cross himself very proudly of his beliefs every time he passed by a church, but it had been years since the last time he had stepped a foot in one.
Sunday, August 4, 2013
401 - Emasculated and dumped.
Due to the complains of his wife because he always left the toilet seat up; he started peeing sitting.
Due tot he complains of his wife because he never helped in the kitchen; he started cocking everyday.
Due to the complains of his wife because he never clean the house; he started sweeping and weeping the floor regularly.
Due to the feminine his husband had become, she left him for a real Macho, whom splashed all the toilet seat with his pee, whom didn't even know how to make a sandwich and whom always left his dirty clothes all over the house.
Saturday, August 3, 2013
400 - The Super Hero.
He came out of the burning house smiling as if nothing bothered him; but in reality, he could hardly bare the heat of the flames and the pain of his broken bones.
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
399 - Burning passion.
I sat in front of the chimney holding in my hands, really tight, the letters I wrote you but I never sent, and started to threw them one by one into the fire, feeding the flames which rose and burned with the same passion I felt when I wrote those letters.
Monday, July 29, 2013
398 - The perfect plan.
His wife loved him so much that he knew she would never sign the divorce papers, so the only way of getting rid of her was killing her.
One night, while the couple were walking through a dark alley, a hooded and armed man cornered them, and asked them for their money and belongings, otherwise he would kill them; the husband refused to give him the money and got ready to fight with the wrongdoer, but when the hooded man heard the refusal, he fired his gun towards the husband without hesitation; and the wife, seeing all this, jumped in front of her husband, taking the bullet in her heart and giving her life to save her beloved one, she fell into the arms of her husband, who, with a smile in his lips, hugged her, and whispered into her ear "thanks" before she passed away.
The plan worked perfectly.
Sunday, July 28, 2013
397 - The hummingbird-man.
The hummingbird-man flew from flower to flower, penetrating them with its long peck and tongue, enjoying their nectar and beauty, pollinating them, and increasing the world population of humans.
Saturday, July 27, 2013
396 - At sixteen.
"Hi! My parents are going to be out of town this weekend and I'm planning this huge party, so I was wondering if you'd like to come?"
"Sorry, I can't, thanks."
"C'mon! The party is gonna be amazing! I've already got the beer and the weed."
"I can't neither drink nor smoke, so, no, thanks."
"Say whaaaat?! Don't tell me that you, the prettiest and more popular of the school, are one of those straight edge kinda of girl!"
"Fuck you! I'm not going to your party because I can't, not because I don't want to, my parents just found out that I'm pregnant..."
Friday, July 26, 2013
395 - Do not litter.
"Do not litter" was what the sign said, but no one was able to read it because of the pile of litter it has in front of it.
Thursday, July 25, 2013
394 - The worst enemy.
Every morning, before he went out of his house, he ran across his worst enemy, in the reflection of the mirror, who said to him:
"You're fat, ugly and the clothes you're wearing are out of fashion, no one loves you and no one would ever does, I hate you and I think you should kill yourself."
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
393 - Pheromones II
"So, tell me, What is it that you like the most about him?"
"I don't know, I like everything about him!"
"C'mon, think, there must be something specific that drives you crazy."
"Mmn, I don't know" She said doubtfully while she remembered the previous micro-fiction "Well, now that you mention it, I think that what I like the most about him its the smell of his sweated shirts."
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
392 - Pheromones
While she was cleaning the bedroom, she found the sweated shirt of her husband lying on the floor, she picked it up, brought it to her nose, breathed deeply, and sighed madly in love.
Monday, July 22, 2013
391 - Time to duel!!
Instead of wielding their swords and try to cut each other to death, they wielded their decks and fought in a cards battle, where luck was the only one to determine which of the two rivals were the best without causing any harm to the duellists.
Sunday, July 21, 2013
390 - Falling through the rabbit's hole.
She fell, and fell, and fell, and fell, and fell, and fell, and fell, and fell, and fell, and when she finally reached the bottom of the rabbit's hole, ready to live all kind of adventures, she woke up kicking the air and with her heart racing.
Saturday, July 20, 2013
389 - A midsummer night's dream.
Friday, July 19, 2013
388 - Honey, I'm home!
And when he closed the door behind him, he felt so good to finally be able to say that phrase!
Thursday, July 18, 2013
387 - The make up.
They knew they had forgive each other and all their troubles were part f the past, when the neighbours came to their door the following day complaining that they couldn't sleep the previous night because of all the noise the made in the make up.
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
386 - Free will.
"Why you didn't go to work?" She asked me.
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
385 - Mouthwash.
"Glublugluglbluglublgulbuglgublgbuglgbglubglubglg'Sssspppppptt" And with a last smile in front of the mirror, he was ready to go.
Monday, July 15, 2013
384 - Where once was fire, the ashes remain.
Their love, like a phoenix, reborn from the ashes that their previous relationship had left.
Sunday, July 14, 2013
383 - Sweet bulimia pot.
Even though they eat and puke, eat and puke, eat and puke, our friends, the bees are unable to lose weight, and to our own profit, they're still fat and dissatisfied with their bodies.
Saturday, July 13, 2013
382 - The dance of death.
They were looking at each other as they approached themselves, and when they were face to face, one evaded the other waving his red cape in the air...
And they danced, and danced all day long, until one drop dead to the floor.
Friday, July 12, 2013
381 - The brain-wart.
No one knew if what he had in his forehead was a really big wart or if it was a hole from where his brain was coming out.
Thursday, July 11, 2013
380 - Something in the eye.
"Honey! What happened? I came as soon as possible, why are you crying?"
"I'm sorry for making you come in such a rush; but we need to talk."
"Honey, what's wrong?"
"I cannot fake it anymore, so we better broke up. It's been a long time since I don't love you, and even your presence here everyday bothers me, I don't want to see you anymore."
" Honey, what are you saying? I love you, you love me, we were made for each other, if you wouldn't love me anymore you wouldn't be crying, let's go to couple therapy, let's try it again, do not send our relationship to the waste just like that."
"It's not useful we waste more of our time doing all that, I don't feel anything for you anymore but repulsion, and the only reason why I am crying is because I've got something in my eye, so please, go, I don't want to see you anymore."
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
379 - Shattered dreams.
He couldn't get off of bed due to heaviness of the pieces of the shattered dreams that had fallen over him when he woke up.
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
378 - This one, it's better to have him as a friend.
He didn't rest until he saw his enemy dead, quite dead, and used his enemy skin as a welcome rug, where he could clean the mud of his shoes with his enemy face.
Monday, July 8, 2013
377 - Nosferatu.
No one had ever seen him, nor being attacked by such a demoniac being; but everybody knew that he had come back from the death, and that he used his fangs to feed himself with human blood.
Sunday, July 7, 2013
376 - Bullseye.
When it felt the arrow piercing its body, the apple wished it had been cut by a knife.
Saturday, July 6, 2013
375 - Delirium 107°
He was lying in his bed with a wet towel over his forehead as he heard the roars of a terrible monster, he heard it purring, barking and he even could see the shadow of the terrible monster reaching his window and coming for him.
Friday, July 5, 2013
374 - Sunglasses.
Sunglasses hide behind them the lustful glares of the sexual stalkers, the sparks of joy in the eyes of the happy people, and the sad tears of the hopeless ones.
Thursday, July 4, 2013
373 - Poker face.
There was no possible way to know how he felt unless he told you himself, because his face never show any expression of feelings. He never talked anyway.
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
372 - The birthday wish.
Before he blew the candles, he had wished he were dead.
After he blew the candles, he looked around several times, hoping, waiting for something to happen.
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
371 - Love, as in baseball.
"Hi! I want you to meet a friend." - The pitcher throws the ball.
"Thanks, but no thanks, I'm not interested" - Strike one!
"C'mon give him a chance, you don't even know him yet" - The pitcher throws it again.
"No, thank you, I don't have time" - Strike two!
"Don't be like that, he is a very handsome guy and he will pay for everything on the date." - The pitcher throws the ball for the third time.
"Well, okay, make him pick me up on Friday at seven." - HIT!
Two years later the wedding bells announced the Home Run in the ninth inning of the game.
Thursday, June 27, 2013
370 - The woman with derp eyes.
Aware of her condition, she kept asking me to look into her eyes while she talked, and I kept getting confused and dizzy because I didn't know which eye to look at.
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
369 - Bubble bath.
Every time she got a little time for herself, she took a bubble bath to relax and think about her life; but all her relaxation and meditation POPPED as soon as her children got home.
Monday, June 24, 2013
368 - The monarch butterfly.
It landed on my nose and spread its majestic butterfly wings over my face, without letting me see nothing else but the bright colours of it wings, transporting me to a world full of happiness.
Sunday, June 23, 2013
367 - The driver who was talking to himself.
A: Yesterday my car broke.
B: Hmm...
A: I think I need to replace the tyres.
B: Hmm...
A: I haven't wash the car in like two weeks.
B: Hmm...
A: And It's been two days since I last put it gas, and I still have half a tank.
B: I see...
A: ...
Saturday, June 22, 2013
366 - The secret of surviving war.
After he came back from war and had survived gunshots wounds and the malaria, a reporter asked him what was his secret for having survived two years of war and such a terrible illness. Without saying a word, he pulled of his pocket a crumpled, stained and damaged picture of his beloved one.
Thursday, June 20, 2013
365 - The goal.
After trying and working so hard, he finally reached his goal, and now he looked at his results very satisfied; but at the same time, he was already thinking about setting his next goal before this feeling of emptiness ruined his brief happiness.
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
364 - Liar, liar.
He had told everyone so many lies about himself, that he didn't know who he really was anymore.
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
363 - The blockbuster movie.
"Really? You haven't seen it?"
"How could it be that you haven't seen it, I mean, everybody has seen it, in what planned to you live?"
Monday, June 17, 2013
362 - Rainbow glitter.
After he overcame his depression, he always carried, as a precaution, a bag of rainbow glitter in his pocket wherever he went, because he won't let his world to turn grey and monochromatic again.
Sunday, June 16, 2013
361 - The bad witch of the east.
The bad witch of the east was so powerful, that the only way to defeat her was that a miracle would happen and that a house would fall upon her; thing which was impossible to happen.
Saturday, June 15, 2013
360 - Degrees.
"Honey, don't be alarmed, but the house is on fire, I made the oven exploit!"
"What?!!! How did you make the oven exploit?!!!"
"I don't know, I was pre-heating it to bake you a cake, so I set it up to 600 degrees, just like the cookbook said and then it blew!! I think our oven measures the heat in °C and not in °F, but I don't know!
Friday, June 14, 2013
359 - Santa's hard work.
After a long night eating cookies and drinking warm milk while the elves did all the work, Santa claimed he needed a long vacation in the Caribbean because of all the hard work he did on Christmas night.
Thursday, June 13, 2013
358 - Santa is real!!!
The little boy set a hidden camera in the living room to catch Santa's doing when he was asleep during the Christmas night.
His father, who had help the boy set all the equipment of the hidden camera, had his red costume and his show ready for the night.
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
357 - An eco-friendly Christmas.
In order to preserve the planet, they decided to buy an artificial pine tree they could use several years than cut a pine tree every year, but their attempts to preserve the planet failed as they used a pine scented air freshener every five minutes because they missed the smell of Christmas.
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
356 - With a little patience and saliva...
Santa went down the chimney to deliver the gifts and coal to all the children in the world.
Monday, June 10, 2013
355 - Christmas lights.
Before he went out, he thought about turning the Christmas lights off; but they looked so pretty that he changed his mind at the last moment and decided to left them on; and when he came back, he found that all his house were on... fire.
Sunday, June 9, 2013
354 - The slave.
He was so tired of working day and night, that he decided to hide himself in a box and told to his friend slave to wrap the box like if it were a present and sent it to a far far away place; but his plan failed when Santa found out what he had done, and as a punishment Santa transferred him from the wrapping section to the barn cleaning one.
Saturday, June 8, 2013
353 - Volcanic Christmas Indigestion.
Hours after the great Christmas dinner, you could her scream form the bathroom:
"It's coming out of me like lava!!!! like lava!!!"
Friday, June 7, 2013
352 - Letters to Santa.
Every year the postman laughed and made fun of the stupid wishes the kids wrote on their letters to Santa, and sometimes, when he felt like doing something evil, he would write them back and tell them the truth about Santa, and that he, the postman, used the letters they wrote to this fictional character to clean the poo of his cat.
Thursday, June 6, 2013
351 - The assistant.
The assistant was like ten thousand more efficient than his boss; but he would never be more than a simple assistant just because he wasn't the son of the CEO.
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
350 - Tiredness.
"Could you help me with..."
"Sorry, I can't, I'm too tired."
"TIRED? Tired? Tired of what??!! if all you've done in the past few days is lay there doing nothing in the couch."
He, then, stood up from the couch really slowly and helped her, because he knew that if he answered her question saying that he was tired of living, it was going to be so much worse that carrying a few heavy boxes around.
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
349 - A day later.
He always turned in his reports and informs a day later of the dead line, and when he gathered with his friends to tell them the fresher gossips, they had already heard them a day before.
Monday, June 3, 2013
348 - Under observation.
"Would you like another cup of tea, sir?"
"And you, my lady?"
"Hahaha, what a lovely evening!"
And from the little windown of the door where I was watching, I knew that this patient needed a higher dosis of her treatment, and also that she will be, at least, two more years locked in this mad house.
Sunday, June 2, 2013
347 - Narcissism
He woke up confused and with hangover, he had drunk so much last night that the only thing he remembered was he had had sex with the more handsome guy in the universe, then he looked to the other side of the bed and realized, horrified, that the other guy was his twin brother.
Saturday, June 1, 2013
346 - Insomnia.
It was 4:38 in the morning and he was still up, he hadn't been able to sleep in 36 hours, even though he had taken his sleeping pills, they weren't working; and I don't know if it was because he was tired, or desperate to fall asleep, but he decided to take a dosis of his sleeping pills a little bit higher than the prescribed by his doctor, and he, finally, fell asleep... forever.
Friday, May 31, 2013
345 - The musical.
Her life was like a musical; but she got tired of singing about every little aspect of her life, so when the music started to play, she decided not to sing and keep her mouth shout; but when she did so, she dropped dead to the floor.
Thursday, May 30, 2013
344 - Xmas shopping spree.
He went to me mall feeling very excited about all the gifts he would buy; but came back home disappointed, empty handed and surprised of how the recession had made everything so expensive.
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
343 - Séance.
When the lights started to twinkle and the table to tremble, everybody got scared, specially the seer, because this time he wasn't doing any of his tricks.
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
342 - Eating a lollipop without biting it.
Lick, lick, lick, this time I won't bite it.
Lick, lick, lick, I'm excited, this time I'll make it.
Lick, lick, lick, focus, I'm almost done.
Lick, lick, bite! Damn! I did it again!
So I run to store to buy another lollipop.
Monday, May 27, 2013
341 - Vardogr
While he was waiting for the crossing light to turn green, he thought he had seem himself on the side of the road, staring and waving at himself, so, due to the confusion this vision had caused him, he gave one step ahead in order to meet with himself, but he didn't realize the crossing light was still red and that there was a truck coming at high speed.
Sunday, May 26, 2013
340 - Revenge.
He sat there, in the middle of the running field, watching how his students were trying to do the 20 crunches, the 50 push-ups and the 30 minutes of light jogging he had ordered them to do, and remembered when he was in their place and had vowed to, someday, make lazy adolescent suffer, the way his P.E. teacher had made him suffer.
Saturday, May 25, 2013
339 - The hidden treasure chest.
He followed, very scared, the directions the ghost of his grandfather had given him and found, very excited, a treasure chest, so thinking he would be rich, he opened the treasure chest at once, but instead of gold and diamonds, what he found inside of it was pounds and pounds of pure and crystalline salt.
Friday, May 24, 2013
338 - Final destination.
Standing on the edge of plank and one step away from falling into the ocean and become shark's food, he pledged for his life to the pirates, and told them he would do anything and even become his servant if they gave him a chance to live; but when the pirates decided they needed a new servant and let him live, the plank broke the moment he had given his first step back to the ship.
Thursday, May 23, 2013
337 - Ensuring.
"Did-did you kill him? Is-is-is he dead?"
"I don't know, let me check" he answered, then he loaded his gun and shoot him in the head and said "Yes, he is dead."
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
336 - You've got mail.
During the few seconds he took his eyes off the road to check his new mail...
He never knew what the mail was about.
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
335 - Fitting in.
Monday, May 20, 2013
334 - Wintering time.
He ate, and ate, and ate during spring to save energy for winter; but he spent all the energy he had saved when summer arrived because he played a lot with his friends; but it didn't matter at the end, because he was so tired of having played so much that he slept all winter and woke up again in spring to eat again.
Sunday, May 19, 2013
333 - Int he name of the father, the son and the holy spirit.
With a crucifix hanging from his neck, and the three friends he had invoked with the sign of the holy cross, he felt bless and save to do the misdeeds he lives off.
Saturday, May 18, 2013
332 - Imperial scandal.
From outside the castle, the villagers, not knowing what have happened, could feel the fuss of the people inside of it; because everyone, from the queen to the servants, were uneasy, whispering and gossiping with one another about the last the prince had done; and expecting that now, with a child coming in the way, the prince will grow up and stop being a rebellious boy.
Friday, May 17, 2013
331 - The wishing well.
Thousand and thousand of people travel from places of all over the world to see and throw a coin in to the famous wishing well, expecting that their wish would be granted; but what they don't know is that the wishing well can only grant one wish, and it is of the person who made it, whom had wished to become rich making a fake wishing well.
Thursday, May 16, 2013
330 - Stormy night.
- He couldn't sleep in the whole night, hiding under the bed and hugging his teddy bear, afraid that the sky were gonna fall to earth.
- He couldn't sleep in the whole night, sitting next to the window watching the rain fall and enjoying the sound of the thunders.
- He didn't even realized it had rained until he woke up the next day.
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
329 - The great garage sale of Mrs. Humphrey.
Every year, after the school is over, Mrs. Humphrey sets this great garage sale where she sells all the things she confiscated from her students during the school year.
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
328 - The pointers.
They spent their days sitting in front of their house, pointing and discussing between them the address they were asked by the people passing by; just to finish pointing to two different ways to get to the address they were asked.
Monday, May 13, 2013
327 - It's not his fault, it's society!!!
When the little boy, who was walking by his father hand, finished his candy, he threw the wrapping paper in the street, but his father, witnessing what his beloved son had done, didn't tell him anything and neither did the people who was walking near them who also saw what the kid had done; but the father and everyone complained about how littered the city was.
Sunday, May 12, 2013
326 - The cane.
He kept using the cane even though his knee was fully recovered, because, according to him "With this, my grandsons tends to be more obedient."
Saturday, May 11, 2013
325 - To Heaven the righteous, and to Hell the sinners.
When the bullet pierced his head, his lifeless body drop dead to the floor, and a second later, his soul rose in the air and saw his own corpse lying on the ground while it was raising to heaven; but out of the sudden, the ground under where his corpse was lying broke, and a bony hand came out of the deepest earth, grabbed him, and dragged him to hell, where he belonged.
Friday, May 10, 2013
324 - Seven Deadly Sins: Greed.
Unsatisfied with the income of the sales of his pianos, he also stared to sell his own organs.
Thursday, May 9, 2013
323 - Seven Deadly Sins: Wrath
"Hey! What's wrong?!"
"There was an stupid goddamned old lady in the mall who cut me in the line, treated me like sh*t and when I was about to put that wh*re in her place the security guard took me out of the mall, so I couldn't do anything of what I was supposed to do in the mall thanks to that stupid b*tch!!!!!"
"I see, but breathe, calm down!!"
"UUUUHHHGG!!! If only you'd seen her, she came with her smiley face and stood right in front of me in the line saying that I was too young, so I could wait longer that her, stupid old lady! Like if I didn't have any other things to do!!"
"And what did you do?"
"I couldn't do anything! When I was about to slap that sack of bones, she called the security guard!"
"Too bad."
"No, this is not settled, no, no, no, I know who that f*cking old lady is, I've seen her before, and the next time I see her, no one, I repeat, NO ONE, would save that b*tch from what I've planned to do her."
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
322 - Seven Deadly Sins: Envy.
The whole time she was helping her step-mother to get dressed, she look at her with bitter and grim eyes, wishing she was the one standing where her step-mother was; and waiting for the arsenic to do its job soon, so she could finally become the new matron of the house.
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
321 - Seven Deadly Sins: Gluttony.
Taking advantage of his youth and his fast metabolism, he ordered and extra piece of chocolate cake to go.
Monday, May 6, 2013
320 - Seven Deadly Sins: Pride.
"... And after you finish your report, e-mail it to me"
" Noted. Nothing else?"
"Well, now that you mention it, yes, could you please make 50 copies of this memo and handle it to all the employees of the office?"
"I'm sorry?"
"Make 50 copies.."
"No, I heard you the first time, but I didn't go to college for five years to 'make copies' for that kind of job you have that secretary of yours whom couldn't even write properly."
Sunday, May 5, 2013
319 - Seven deathly sins: Sloth.
He kept watching a long and boring tv show for hours because the remote was a little bit further of his hand reach.
Saturday, May 4, 2013
318 - Seven deathly sins: Lust.
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Friday, May 3, 2013
317 - Peanut butter and Jelly.
"...On my first day of school, the new weird kid sat by my side at the cafeteria and asked me:
"What do you have in you bag?"So did we, and we discovered that the peanut butter and jelly sandwich was the perfect combination of the salty peanut butter and the sweet jelly, and since that day on we exchanged an slice of our sandwiches everyday, and soon enough we realized that he and me were also the perfect combination, just like our sandwiches.
"A peanut butter sandwich, and you?"
"A jelly sandwich... How would like to trade a slice?"
"I mean, you give me a slice of your peanut butter sandwich and I give you one slice of my jelly sandwich, so we both have a peanut butter and jelly sandwich."
And that's how I met your father."
Thursday, May 2, 2013
316 - The lost man.
In order to not arrive late to his very important appointment, he came out of his house two hours early, and went to the bus station to wait for the right bus which would take him to his appointment place, but even though he waited and waited, his bus never came, so he lost his appointment, poor soul, if only he would have known that he was waiting in the wrong bus station and that the right one was just across the street.
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
315 - 11/11/11 at 11:11 .
He had been the checking the clock the whole day, waiting for it to mark 11:11 to make his wish, but he lost his chance because at 11:10 something happened that called his attention, and when check at the hour again it was already 11:12.
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
314 - The strongest.
A long time ago, the outer space was full of comets, which were divided in two big teams, the leaders of each teams were the strongest comet of them, which were praised by the other comets.
One day, to see which of the two leaders comets were the strongest, they decided to attack the planet Earth, even though they knew it was very dangerous, they agreed that the comet which could cause more damage at crashing against the planet, and come back to the outer space would be the strongest comet.
So the two comets, very excited about the challenge, and motivated by their peers comets, ran at high speed towards the planet Earth, and when they started to trespass the atmosphere layers they started to erode, leaving a trace of dust in the air behind them, so when the crashed against the Earth, they were not bigger than a nut.
Meanwhile, in the outer space, the rest of the comets saw, very disappointed, how their two leaders had lost the challenge, and they went back to their regular life as if nothing had happened.
Monday, April 29, 2013
313 - Suppositions.
"Hi, how are you?" I asked.
"Hi, not as well as you" he answered me.
"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!" And even though I tried, I couldn't stop myself from laughing out loud at his response.
Sunday, April 28, 2013
312 - The Monarchy of Casanova.
He established a Monarchy between the three women in his life, so he addressed his wife as his Queen; to his lover as his Princess; and that girl he had met on a Friday night in the pub of his town, he called her "My Lady."
Saturday, April 27, 2013
311 - Don't touch me!!!
While we were speaking, I couldn't take my eyes off his dirty hands, stained with mud, oil and sweat, they were also full of pustules, and his fingernails were long, and dirty-black, with coagulated blood under all of them.
Friday, April 26, 2013
310 - Escape.
He wrote a goodbye letter, grab his luggage and took the first train that could take him to a far far away place, where he could start a new life, leaving all his problems and sadness behind.
Thursday, April 25, 2013
309 - Reality-Check.
I remember how I used to lay my head over your chest to listen to his heartbeats and check that you were real, that what I felt was real; but I was wrong, because now that you're gone, I feel trapped in this cruel and real world, and those moments of unreal happiness seen so long ago.
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
308 - In a night out.
I realized how pretty the lights of the city were, even though they outshone the light of the stars in the sky.
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
307 - A bad habit.
She had the bad habit of biting her nails.
One day I saw her squatting int he middle of the street, rocking herself like if she were a rocking chair, biting her bloody bones that once had flesh and were her fingers.
"What would have happened to her?" I wondered, but I didn't stop by to ask her, because I had more important things to do that day.
Monday, April 22, 2013
306 - Dyslexia.
Once upon there was once time enchanted a Prince Far Far Away love Witch in freezing lips a love one in a land of a real Princess who kiss up and saved her.
Sunday, April 21, 2013
305 - Stereotypes.
While I was sitting on the back of the bus, I started to watch the people around me, whom, maybe, would be going home just like me, then I started to wonder about what they were thinking, so I created all this hypothesis in my mind according to their physical appearance:
"That smiley fat girl must be thinking about hamburgers an cake."
"That black guy must be waiting for the right time to rob us."
So I did, with all the passenger on the bus, and now I think that if I would had been able to watched myself in that moment, I would've thought: "And that quite guy, who looks so shy and lonely, must be thinking about withdrawing the gun he has in his pocket, kill us all and then kill himself."
Saturday, April 20, 2013
304 - Jack O'Lantern
Once a year, all those decapitated heads with candles inside of them lighted his path, which was always full of horrible monsters carrying bags of candies.
That was the only day he felt alive, because even though he was afraid of the monsters, he felt guided by the heads, and didn't feel he was lost nor was loosely wandering between worlds.
Friday, April 19, 2013
303 - Sunday.
Between visiting his parents, going to the church, shopping the groceries, washing and ironing his clothes, and cleaning his apartment, he spent his day doing all this chores, without having a break to think that tomorrow it all begins again.
Thursday, April 18, 2013
302 - Saturday.
IT starts when the clock mark the 00:00 hours, but with a drink in his hand he doesn't care about time, but when he wakes up at 12:00 hours with a terrible headache and backache he starts to worry about time, because he have a lot of things to do that can't be arse due to the hangover he has.
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
301 - Friday.
Even though you woke up way before the sun even came out, and had spent a long at work, all the tiredness of the day fade away when you saw your friends calling your name with beer bottles in their hands, the fun was about to start, as it usually does every Friday night.
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
300 - Thursday.
Mixed emotions, the weekend was so close now, yet so far away.
Monday, April 15, 2013
299 - Wednesday.
He was never able to find a parking spot on this day, so he had to left his car in a corner far away from his workplace, he was always interrupting others conversation, and everybody was telling him to move away because he was in the middle of their way, so he wondered if all that had something to do with this day, if they were mere causalities, or if it was some kind of lame jock from the destiny.
Sunday, April 14, 2013
298 - Tuesday.
He was very happy, because he had overcome the first day of the week, so now he spent all his day checking the clock, waiting for it to mark 5 p.m. to leave his work, it had only been two days, but this week looked like it was eternal; but at least the weekend was getting closer.
Saturday, April 13, 2013
297 - Monday.
The ring of the alarm clock was drilling his ears, telling him that it was time ti start a brand new week; so with all the tiredness that Sunday had left on him, he woke up and came back to his depressing and boring routine.
Friday, April 12, 2013
296 - The first love.
"Excuse me, Helena?"
"Yes, have we met before?"
"I don't think you remember me, but we went to the same school when we were kids, I'm Zachary, Zack, the boy who always wore a red cap backwards."
"Of course I remember you Zachary! How could I forget you if you were the one who made my school days a living hell! You used to hit me, bite me, say lies about me, break my books, send me disgusting draws, call me nerd and even insult me! And yes I do remember that day you put my pony tail in a cup of painting and tried to cut it off!!!"
"Ye-yeah, that was me" Said Zachary blushing.
"Well, in that case, I'm so NOT glad to see you, bye!"
"Wait! I still like you!"
Thursday, April 11, 2013
295 - Cured.
Here it comes my friend George, it's so good to see him with an smile on his face, It's been ages since I last saw him smile, since his depression attacked him, I think, I'll say hi to him:
"Hey, George!"
"How are you?"
"Fine, I'm doing fine, you?"
"I'm great! I just noticed you were smiling, I'm so glad to see that you are a little happier than before, you know, because of your sickness and stuff, I thought I'd never see you smile and happy again."
"Thanks buddy! And you know what? I promise you that you'll never see me sad nor depressed again."
"Awesome! It's so good that you have such a positive attitude, so you better keep your word, uh?"
"Of course! You know I am a man who keeps his promises. Oh my god! Look at the time! I'm sorry but I gotta run, I have something very important that I gotta do."
"Mkay, George, It was good to see you this happy."
"Thanks man! Bye!"
I am so glad George is getting better, but I still don't understand why such an intelligent man like him had to suffer so much due to a stupid illness.
I cannot believe George is dead! I saw him yesterday and he was doing so good! Could it be that the very important thing he had to do was that? But... but how I could not notice what he was planning to do? He looked so well!! Goddammit!!!!
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
294 - The one-legged cripple.
After a long day of limping through the city asking for some change, he came back home counting how much he had collected that day, with a bottle of Jack under his right arm and a terrible pain in his legs for faking his limping all day.
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
293 - The Scarecrow.
The Scarecrow spent all his days firmly fixed in the middle of the crop fields, afraid that someday the crows would discover his secret, and decided to attack the crop fields instead of just watching them from the distant trees; because the Scarecrow knew, that if the crows changed their mind, they would eat all the crops, because he would not be able to do anything to prevent nor defend the fields from the crows attack.
Monday, April 8, 2013
292 - Project CO-9: Reformed Criminal.
"Just before going to sleep, all those blurry images come to my mind, confusing me, I don't know whether they are dreams or lost memories; but they're always the same: my hands spilled with blood, doctors tying me up to a chair, a switch and a flashing light... And every time I try to clear those images in my head I feel sick and drained, so I've stopped trying and have learned how to ignore them, nevertheless, I really would like no know more about my past.
Sunday, April 7, 2013
291 - Old-fashioned.
In our last family vacation we went to the old-fashioned, country house of my grandpa, there was an old-fashioned clock, an old-fashioned tv, an old-fashioned portrait of our family, an old-fashioned kitchen, several old-fashioned rooms, and of course, my grandpa was also there; and he scolded me when he saw me playing with my laptop, because, according to him, the real games were meant to be play in the nature and with real people.
Saturday, April 6, 2013
290 - The cursed ring.
He found a ring with a warning note about it being cursed in a little black box in the park, but fascinated with the beauty of the ring, he didn't pay attention to the warning note, and put the ring in his index finger, murmuring how credulous people may be.
Since that day, a series of unfortunate events ruined his life: he got divorced, lost his job, his parents died, was diagnosed with cancer, went bankrupt, his house fired...
Now, the ring lies at the bottom of the ocean.
Friday, April 5, 2013
289 - Following the advise.
When he was a child, the inventor of the first time machine was visited by the future version of himself, whom warned him about not to spend all his time in creating a time machine, but to find a way to escape from the planet earth instead, because in the future everything was chaotic, humans were hunting and eating each other, the water supplements had run out, all the forest had been deforest, also...
But the future version of the ex-inventor of the first time machine hadn't finished his warning lecture, when he drop dead on the floor, and vanished in a flashing light a few seconds later.
Thursday, April 4, 2013
288 - The bomb.
... 5 ... A drop of sweat is running down my forehead.
... 4 ... Time is running out.
... 3 ... Hang in there...
... 2 ... Get, ready...
... 1... NOW!!!
1 ..........................
And I saved the world from the noise pollution that the microwave oven would've made to announce that my ramen was ready.
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
287 - Passional emergency.
Elise was very excited because she had finished her work early, so she run to her house to set a surprise for her husband, whom she found in their bed, naked, between the legs of her own sister; unnoticed and full of rage, Elise ran to the greenhouse and break the protective glass of that red ax which was meant to be use only in emergencies.
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
286 - The wild heart.
To protect herself from love, the Princess hide her heart in the deepest part of the forest, where it grew as a savage, killing and eating all the gentlemen brave enough who had tried to allure and tame it.
One day, a young lady who was wondering in the forest, accidentally found the wild heart of the Princess, and with the caring love and soft touch that only a woman could have, she successfully tamed the heart, and came back to her village with the heart of the Princess under her domain; so the Princess fell madly in love with the young lady, and soon enough the village was ruled by two beautiful Queens, but when the peasants and countrymen heard what had happened, they took over the castle of the Two Queens and burned them alive for reasons they could not understand nor much less accept.
Monday, April 1, 2013
285 - A dead man in the city.
Sunday, March 31, 2013
384 - @ the classroom.
Time 13:05 hours:
"The second world war... 1939... Europa... Nazis... United States... Hiroshima... 1945..."
Time 13:10 hours:
The students think: "This class is so boring and eternal! It felt like years ago since I check the time and it's only been five minutes."
The teacher thinks: "My God! I feel I've talking, and talking, and talking for hours and it's only been five minutes, will I ever finish this class?!"
Saturday, March 30, 2013
283 - While the Past was committing suicide.
The Future was running unstoppable, because the Present was approaching him, and it didn't want to get caught so fast.
Friday, March 29, 2013
282 - The civilized specie.
"We are the civilized specie" they say, but they don't give water to the thirsty unless they've got something in return, they sell their dignity for drugs, sex and alcohol, they hate themselves and they cheat and kill each other without feeling any regrets.
Wow, that sure is civilized!
Thursday, March 28, 2013
281 - Jello.
As he eats his jello, he gently hits his big fat tummy, to see which one of the two stop its wobbling first.
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
280 - The assault of the stingy Priest.
When the Priest counted the spare change that his followers had put on the alms basket, he felt insulted because of how little he got, so he designed a sinful plan to make his followers be more generous with the alms.
The next Sunday,when the Priest was reading out loud the word of the Lord, an armed and hooded man came in the church screaming "This is an assault!!!" and the Priest very calmed, told to his congregation:
"Brothers and sisters, please do not panic, and cooperate with this young man whose steps have been carried away of the Lord's path, remember that our lives are more valuable than any other material good we may have, and also remember that God knows what he does, and maybe in the near future we will regain and multiply everything that we are going to lose today to this young thief."
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
279 - When autumn arrived.
It wasn't until the last day of summer that the last bud of the tree bloomed into the most beautiful flower, so all the other flowers and leafs rejoiced and party all night long because of the blooming of the last bud, therefore the next day, tired and hangover, all the flowers and leafs of the tree lost their colors and started to fall down of it, one by one.
Monday, March 25, 2013
278 - The battery toy.
The little boy played, and played, and played with the battery toy until its lights fade away and it batteries drained. Now, the battery toy has been laying unused in the corner of the little boy's room for weeks, months and maybe years.
Sunday, March 24, 2013
277 - The rock on the road.
Everyday he walked for the same old road and tripped with a rock which were lying in the middle of the road; but since he always was in a rush, he never stopped for a minute to move the rock out of the road, nor even tried to dodge it, so he kept tripping on the rock every time he walked for the road.
One day, when he tripped on the rock, he lost his balance and fell flat on the pavement, fracturing his skull and dying instantly; the rock which had seen everything what happened, laughed out loud, and moved a little to right, to see if it could make the women with pink stilettos who always passed by its side trip on it too.
Saturday, March 23, 2013
276 - The new King.
After the King's death, the Princess announced that she would marry the man who win a challenge that she would reveal in the following days, so that he would become the new King.
All the knights, peasants, and countryman of the land, took their swords and started to train right away, excited for a possible combat which would show who was the stronger man of the village.
The day of the challenge, all the knights, peasants and countryman were using their finest armor, and their swords were so sharp that they could cut the wind; but all the training, armor and swords didn't help them at all, because when the Princess announced from her balcony, that the challenge will measure their intelligence, only the Erudite of the land smiled under his filthy robe.
Friday, March 22, 2013
275 - Designated driver.
He, the designated driver, only drank a couple of beers and enjoyed the party more than everyone else, because the following morning, he made fun of all the crazy stuff his friends had done while they were drunk and that now they didn't even remember.
Thursday, March 21, 2013
274 - Salvation.
When people heard that the end of the world was near, the files for getting into the church confessional were infinite, the paper headlines were all about the good deeds people were making, everybody was doing the right thing to do, because everybody wanted to be saved by a great divinity, but when the day of the end of the world came, their prays nor their good deeds were enough to saved them from the terrible catastrophe.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
273 - Drought.
Two worried country men were talking:
"This drought has been eternal, yo!"
"Yeah, if it doesn't rain soon,we'll lose all the crops."
"And I've heard that a swarm of moths is heading toward here from the north."
"Just what we needed! We're doomed!"
"Yeah, well, but at least it couldn't get any worse, could it?"
And when the country man said this, both of them shared a quick glance into each other eyes and looked up to the sky... Maybe?.. But not, the sky was clear and without any rainy cloud on it.
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
272 - Feeling smallness.
When the ant came out of the anthill, it looked up to the sky and felt small, so small like a particle of dust in the vast universe; a few seconds later, the foot of an distracted human being who was looking up to the sky and feeling the same, stomp over the ant and killed it.
Monday, March 18, 2013
271 - The sacrifice.
Drops of blood fell from the table where the dead body of the 16 years old virgin girl was laying, filling the duct which lead it to the stone that kept the God sealed, and fulfilling the tribute needed to bring it back to this world.
When the blood touched the stone, it broke into two pieces and a dark large shadow with red eyes emerged from it; but it was very weak, because the sacrifice hadn't been enough, so it killed the six people who had gathered together to bring it back to life in order to regain its strength.
Once all its power was back, it came to the table where the dead girl was lying, pulled the dagger out of her chest, and with a deep kiss it bring the girl back to life, whom, as soon as she opened her eyes, threw her arms around it and said:
"Honey! I was so scared, for a moment I thought that those six douchebags had ruined everything!"
Sunday, March 17, 2013
270 - The Godfather.
After the dinner with the Godfather, and his fellas, a napkin with the amount of money I would have to pay to get rid of my enemy was passed to me before the bill came in.
Saturday, March 16, 2013
269 - The last human on earth.
The day that everything comes to an end and just one human remain on earth, I just wish that human will be a misanthropic one, whom enjoy solitude; because I want him to realize sooner than later that philanthropy is something innate in the humans beings.
Ha-ha, I can already hear him cry.
Friday, March 15, 2013
268 - The ugly duckling, Part II.
The ugly duckling spent most of his youth watching his reflection on the lake and waiting for him to become a beautiful swam; but as time past by, his look never changed; and even though he waited all his life to become a beautiful swam, his ugliness never left him, so at the end he died being an ugly duck.
Thursday, March 14, 2013
267 - The ugly duckling.
The ugly duckling made fun of his brothers and bullied them because they were pretty ducklings, which meant, that unlike him, they would become regular ducks when they grew up.
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
266 - The fairy-girl.
A girl visited the fairy land in her dreams, and there she found miles and miles of flowers field, where she played along with all her fairy friends; and before waking up, the Queen of the Fairies gave her a pair of beautiful wings so she could come back and play with the fairies any time she wanted.
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
254 - The grandpa.
"So... What do you say little buddy? are you ready to listen how Cinderella story ends?"
"No, daddy, let's start a new story tonight, I already heard how Cinderella story ends."
"But, how? If I worked 'till very late last night, and when I came home you were sleeping already."
"Yep, but since you never arrived and I couldn't sleep without listening to one of your stories, grandpa came and finished Cinderella story for you."
"Yep, he came floating through the window, sat down right there where you are sitting now, finished the story and then he disappeared... Why are crying daddy?!... Aren't you going to tell me a story?!"
Monday, March 11, 2013
264 - From the eggshell.
While his mother was hatching him, he overheard all the problems of the world: misery, starvation, corruption, global warming, etc; so he decided not to come out of his eggshell and live inside his own little world, free of any worrying thought, and under the protection of his mother.
Sunday, March 10, 2013
263 - Daniel's story.
Daniel was a 13 year old an unusual boy, because at such young age he already made the difference being nice and gentle to everyone he met; but since he was so nice and gentle, people started to doubt about his real intentions, so they spread rumors about Daniel being a two-face hypocrite, so everyone turned its back to him and started to reject Daniel every time he did something nice for some else.
Daniel realized what was happening around him, and very disappointed, he turned all his kindness into evil, leaving all his good deeds behind to become what people expected him to be, a two-face hypocrite; but as soon as Daniel changed his attitude, all the rumors about him disappeared in the thin air, and everybody started to treat him like a regular person again.
Saturday, March 9, 2013
262 - The doctor.
After suggesting all his patients to quit any bad habit they would have, he ran to the nearest bar to feed his own bad habits up.
Friday, March 8, 2013
261 - The fisherman and the fish.
Once upon a time there was a fisherman who went fishing everyday by the side of the river; but every time a fish bit the bait he pulled it out of the water, weighted & sized it and then he set them free back in the river.
In one summer day, the fisherman had caught six fishes in less than an hour, and curiously they have weighted and sized the same; but when the seventh fish bit the bait, it came out of the water screaming:
The fisherman, shock by the talking fish, kept him hanging in the air, while it swung from one side to the other.
"But if I do what you say, you'll die!" said the fisherman.
"I want to die! Winter is coming, the river will froze, I am going to die anyways."
"But, but I'm not a murderer, I don't want to kill you!"
"But I want to die!! Why else do you think I've bitten you bait so many times?"
"Of course! Everything makes sense now, it seemed so strange to me that I had caught so many fishes in one hour and all of them with the same weight and size, but they weren't many fishes, it was only you; you, trying to use my bait as a way to escape from your future death; you, using my bait to commit suicide, just like a human would do it by hanging himself off the roof of his house; you, taking advantage of me; but I'm sorry, I won't let you die, so go find someone else, I'm putting you back in the water."
But by the time the fisherman stopped talking, the fish had already died.
Thursday, March 7, 2013
260 - The black angel.
We had lost the control of the wheel, and the car was heading straight to the cliff, I unsuccessfully tried to push the breaks, but as the car didn't stop I jumped out of it, but when I did it, it was too late, we had already fallen off the cliff.
As I was falling, I saw a shadow come to me from the sky, and as it came closer to me I noticed it was an skeleton lined with a thin black skin and with two black feathers wings, it was death, and it was coming for me.
Death tried to grab me and take me with it, but I wasn't let it take me away that easily, so I fought with it for my life, or at least that was what I thought at that moment, so between punched and kicks I slipped away death bony arms and saw it go away.
Then I looked down and I realized I was about to hit the bottom of the cliff, and there, a tall blonde women with fully red lips and blue eyes was standing and waiting for me with her arms wide open.