Around his bed at the hospital had gathered all his relatives and friends to celebrate his birthday number 107 even though his medical condition; but what was supposed to be a nice celebration, turned out to be a tragedy when his head drop dead over his birthday cake after he had blew off all the 107 candles with just one blow.
Wednesday, December 31, 2014
632 - The last breath.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014
631 - The power of the tears.
She was shocked to hear her beloved tell her that he hated her and that he didn't want to see her never again, after she had given him his drink with the love potion on it.
The fool had gotten the recipe wrong, and instead of adding three tears of sadness, she had added three tears of joy.
Monday, December 29, 2014
630 - The tragedy of the cut silver thread.
After he had seen the pyramids of Egypt and had walked the Great Wall of China, he decided to come back to his body from his astral projection; but when he pulled the silver thread, he realized, horrified, that it has been cut.
At his home, his son was shaking him, strongly, by the shoulders trying to wake him up, because he had had a terrible nightmare and he wanted his daddy to tell him that it was just a dream.
Friday, December 26, 2014
629 - My best friend, the rock on the way.
"And... tell me more about your childhood, how did you do on school? Did you have many friends?"
"To be honest with you, doc, no, I had a lonely childhood, I never had friends, all my classmates always mocked me because I was different, although..."
"Although... what?"
"Although I had one friend, if you could call it like that... it wasn't human."
"How come it wasn't human? And what was it instead? Did you have an imaginary friend?"
"No, doc, this friend of mine wasn't human, it was a thing, it was a rock I always found of the way to school and that I'd kick all the way there, and while I did so I used to tell it all my problems, then, when school was over, I'd find the rock on the same spot I had left it in the morning and I'd kick it back home, so in that way, it always accompanied me. "
"And, what happen to that rock?"
"Well, one day, while I was in class, they cleaned the street in front of the school and since then I never saw it again."
Thursday, December 25, 2014
628 - The room 69.
He was running, desperately, through the corridor full of doors, he had to get to the room 69 as soon as possible; but when he passed the door with the number 68 on it and stopped in the next one, he saw, disappointed, that the golden number on it was 70 instead of 69.
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
627 - Faith is powerful.
When the little demon sneaked into the church, he went to the small chapel where the humans light candles to the image of the Providence asking for their wishes; there, the little demon breathed in and then maliciously breathed out with all his forces to blew off all the candles that lighted the Providence; but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't blew off any single candle and instead, they burned and lighted the Providence more brightly.
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
626 - The secret of the demons.
"And those, my little demon, are the things you always have to carry with you every time a human opens the portal towards their world."
"What are those, dad?"
"Those are GPS, my little demon, and every time a human opens a portal to their world, you have to grab a bunch of them and and leave one in each of the humans who had participated in the ritual of the opening of the portal."
"Why do I have to do that, dad?"
"Well, my little demon, because in that way, after the ritual, you can track them down and know where they are all the time."
"And why do I wanna know that, dad?"
"To scared them and hunt them down for the rest of their life, my little demon, because that's our job, scare and hunt the humans who play with the unknown."
Monday, December 22, 2014
625 - The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
"And you go to room right now!!!" I yelled to my son.
I couldn't believe it, I had yelled to my son; even though I had promise to myself a thousand times that I'd never be like HIM, that I was gonna be different, and now...
Now I realized that everyday that passes I'm becoming more and more like HIM, no matter how much I try to not to be like HIM.
Friday, December 19, 2014
624 - Samson's hair.
When she got home from the hairdresser, she admired her new extensions in front of the mirror, because she looked so beautiful with them that she felt powerful and full of strength; then, when she tried to grab a glass to drink something, the glass broke in her hand because of the strength she had grabbed it with, and so did the broomstick when she tried to grab it to clean the glass.
Surprised by the new super-strength she had just developed, she tried to pick up the couch that, before, she had never been able to even move an inch; but this time, she raised it into the hair with just one hand, she could not believe it, with her new extensions came along a new super-strength unimaginable.
Thursday, December 18, 2014
623 - The last test.
I was standing in front of the last test, if I really was the chosen one I wan't going to feel any pain and I would walk out it harmless, with my chin up and as the new governor of the village; but even though I had doubts about whether I could do it or not, I kept on because it was too late to go back, so, when I heard the gong, I, sure of myself, took the first step to what was, indeed, my last test.
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
622 - Self-esteem problems.
At Notre-Dame:
"Hey Hunchback! You are ugly! Get out of my sight, because your ugliness is hurting my eyes!" Said the Gargoyle to the poor Hunchback to feel a little bit better about her own ugliness.
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
621 - The devil always(never) keeps his word.
"Who are you, human? And why have you call me?" Asked the Devil, mad.
"I am a young writer, and I have called you because I want to offer you my soul in exchange for a wish"
"And what is it that you wish for?"
"I want to write the best novel ever, and that it get published and translated in thousands of countries and tongues."
"That's it?" Confirmed the devil, annoyed.
"Then sign here with your blood."
A few months later, when the young writer finished writing the word "end" in the last page of his novel, a fire broke out on his house and it killed him and destroyed everything in the house but the novel he had just wrote, which was so good that after being recovered from the ashes, it got published immediately in all the countries of the world and translated into a thousand of tongues.
Monday, December 15, 2014
620 - The black rose.
When the maiden was wandering in the park, she saw a black rose, and, fascinated by it, she approached it and tried to touch it, but when she did it, her finger got pinched by a thorn and all her blood was drank by the black rose, which is now a regular red rose.
Friday, December 12, 2014
619 - The bad guys never win.
When the bad guy won at the climax of the movie, he couldn't believe it, "it is a miracle!" he thought and celebrated his victory endlessly; but what the poor bad guy didn't know, was that, that movie was only the first part of the trilogy.
Thursday, December 11, 2014
618 - The house of the modern witch.
Since the old house made of candy wasn't attracting any children, she could eat, lately; she had to re-invent herself and built a brand house made of smartphones, laptops and tablets.
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
617 - The feminist ogre.
Under the only bridge there was to cross the river lived an ogre, whom, every time, he saw that a woman was going to cross it, he would hurry himself to help her get to the other side; but. every time a man tried to cross the bridge, the ogre would hurried himself to attack him, instead.
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
616 - Crocodile's tears.
"Why are you crying crocodile?" Asked an animal of the savanna.
"Because I killed and ate my best friend, the antelope" Said the crocodile.
"And why did you do that if you knew you'd feel bad and regret doing it?"
"But I'm not crying because of that..."
"Then why?"
"I'm crying because if I had known that my dear friend, the antelope, was so delicious sooner, I wouldn't have waited so long to kill him and eat him."
Monday, December 8, 2014
615 - The shooting star.
Rodolfo and Antoinette were walking through the park on a full moon night.
Rodolfo: Look, Antoinette, a shooting star! Ask for a wish! Quick!
Antoinette: I don't believe in such things, Rodolfo.
Rodolfo: (I wish for Antoinette to fall in love with me and that she loves me as much as I love her)
Antoinette: Those are children games.
Rodolfo: I've already asked my wish!
Antoinette: What did you ask for?
Rodolfo: It's a secret, if I told you it will not become reality.
Antoinette: You're so silly, Rodolfo, believing in such things.
Later that night.
Antoinette: (I have never realized how handsome Rodolfo looks under the moon light, nor how pretty his smile is, what am I feeling in my belly? Are those butterflies? Could it be...?)
Friday, December 5, 2014
614 - The eternal sneeze.
He spent the eternity sneezing, because every Saturday his family visited him in the cemetery and brought him a bouquet of flowers to his grave, forgetting, that in life, he was allergic to them.
Thursday, December 4, 2014
613 - The thief of time.
"Time is relative" said Albert Einstein, unaware that the Evil Brother of Father Time always sneaked through his window every time he had fun in his lab and stole his time right under his nose.
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
612 - Two zombies having lunch.
"Wha wrong wit your human?"
"Ewwgrh, this human bra-in tassste like reelity-show an comercial musik."
"Waaanna trade? Mine taste like one of dose humans who read literature an thought a lot."
"Yes! I'd luv to! Me hate the tassste the stupid humans."
"You crazy! They is the bests! They so soft an easy to eat!"
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
611 - Scared of dying.
She wasn't scared of dying; but just talking about it made her heart jump, gave her goosebumps and felt a knot in her throat.
She wasn't scared of dying; but she knew that once she were dead, one of her biggest fear would follow her to her grave.
She wasn't scared of dying; but she was scared of the bugs, and what if she died and got buried? All her flesh would be devoured by the bugs she was so afraid of.
She wasn't scared of dying; but she was scared of the fire, and what if when she died she got cremated? Her body would burn to ashes.
She wasn't scared of dying; but she wanted to live forever, anyhow.
Monday, December 1, 2014
610 - The Circus' Elephant.
Tired of being whipped and ordered around, the circus' Elephant broke the chains that kept him locked, and with a swing of his trunk sent his trainer to fly, and got ready to make his escape; but when the elephant saw all the smiling faces the children of the audience had, just because they were seeing an Elephant dance, he realized that maybe all his suffering and sacrifice was worthwhile.
Friday, November 28, 2014
609 - Contagion.
All of them who knows my condition despise me and look at me with disgust, everyone avoid touching me and talk to me as if I were to contaminate them that easily, no, that's not easy, but I've had enough of everyone despising me, so from now on, I don't care, I'll go out wearing my best clothes and I'll make others go through the hell I'm living.
Thursday, November 27, 2014
608 - A thing about her name and my bad memory.
After we'd been talking for a few minutes, she told me that I was addressing to her with a mistaken name, and I, ashamed, apologized. We continued talking a little bit more, and again I called her by a mistaken name, which pissed her off and made her walk away. Nowadays I'm still ashamed for what happened that day; but I'm even more ashamed of the fact that I still can't remember her real name.
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
607 - The teddy bear.
There was the Teddy Bear in the corner of the cradle, ready to make his attack, sure that no one, ever, will suspect of him because he was so cute and hug-able.
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
606 - The master piece.
A:"I think this painting represents the big depression we all go trough when we feel we lose ourselves."
B:"No, for me, in the other hand, I think that what the artist wanted to express with this piece of art is that even though we change and grow as humans being we're still the same in the inside."
A:"Are you out of your mind? Look at those dark colors, with that shinnies ones, they only mean depression..."
B:"No, look! Here comes the artist, let's us ask him."
And when they both told the artist their theories about his painting, he was shocked to see all the things people could thing of that useless piece of canvas he used to clean his brushes with.
Monday, November 24, 2014
605 - Karma: The curse of the pregnant witch.
To the witch, the pregnancy was the worst thing that had happened to her, the nausea, the extra kilos, the hormonal changes that always made her cry and laugh out of the sudden...
Therefore, for her, the only one to blame for her condition was the man who had fecundated her, so, to get her revenge, she cursed him and transformed him into a Sea-Horse so he would go through all the suffering she was going through during the pregnancy.
Friday, November 21, 2014
604 - The Man-Seahorse.
The man was shocked, he couldn't believe what his eyes were looking at, it couldn't be... it was biologically impossible; but, still, in his trembling hands, he was holding the results of the pregnancy test... He? Pregnant?
Thursday, November 20, 2014
603 - The monkey's wish.
The monkey sat, tired, in front of the mirror, he had just came back from his practice of Walk Upright, and he saw, hopeful, the small replica of the Vitruvian Man he had attached to the superior left corner of his mirror; soon he we'll be like him, soon...
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
602 - Inverse psychology.
"Darling, when are you going to call your lawyer to sing the prenup?" She asked her fiancé.
"Uh? What? What prenup?"
"The prenup, darling, I want you to make one for me to sign, because I don't want anyone to think that I'm marrying you for your money."
"What are you saying honey??!! I love you, and I trust you, I won't make you sign any prenup!"
"But, darling, I..."
"No, no, no, I told you I don't want you to sign anything, so end of the conversation."
"OK, darling, I won't insist, I love you!" She said while she gave him a kiss on his cheek with a malicious smile on her face.
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
601 - The hidden Princess.
A long time ago, to find a husband for the Princess, the King invited all the nobleman between 23 and 25 years to his castle and organized a big hide and seek game; where all the nobleman should close their eyes and count to 100, to give time to the Princess to hide, therefore they would have to go find her, and the one who did it, would become her fiancee; but since the Princess didn't want to marry any of those guys, she hide herself so well that no one could find her; and to today's date they haven't found her yet, so most of the people of the town believe that that big hide and seek game wasn't real but just a story their ancestors had made up to tell the children of the town.
Monday, November 17, 2014
600 - The priest's daughter.
All the men of the town knew the secret under the robe of the priest's daughter, because all of them had been a victim of her charms and had fallen into the claws of such a 'diabolic woman' as they called her.
The priest's daughter was very peculiar, she liked to play; but at the same time she defended her beliefs, and that's why all the men of the town had been ashamed by her, because when they took her to bed, and pull up her robe, they'd find a silver chastity belt and before they could say or do anything about it, she would start screaming:
"Sinner! You will burn in hell, sinner, for trying to take advantage of someone as pure as me!"
Friday, November 14, 2014
599 - Rules were meant to be broken.
"Hey, hey, hey! What are you doing?!"
"I'm just picking up this cookie I drop a moment ago."
"I see, but you can't do that, you dropped that cookie like ten seconds ago, and you know the rule..." but before I had finished talking, he had already eaten the cookie.
Thursday, November 13, 2014
598 - The shy Prince.
"Wait, wait, wait! Before you kiss me, could you please bring me some clothes? because when I turn back into a human, I'll be naked and I don't want you to see me like that at least until our wedding night" said the frog, ashamed, to the Princess.
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
597 - February 17th 1978: the day it snowed on the Sahara.
"And if you lose, you would have to make it snow in the Sahara" said Father Time to Mother Nature.
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
596 - A marriage full of lies.
A few weeks later they had signed the divorce papers, she decided to sell the engagement ring her ex-husband had given to her; but when she went to the jewelry store and there they told her that the diamond on her ring was fake, she was not surprised at all.
Monday, November 10, 2014
595 - One knows when it's not true love.
"How come you broke up with your boyfriend?"
"Yeah, I found out he wasn't my true love."
"What? How? You two were perfect for each other! How could you know that?"
"I just know, you see, the other day when we were talking on the phone and I had to go I said goodbye to him and he told me 'bye!' but he didn't hang up, so neither did I; then he told me 'you hang up' and I told him, 'no, you hang up' and out of the sudden he hung up, so I called him back immediately and told him 'we are over!' and since then he has been calling me and texting me but I haven't answered his calls nor texts, I don't want to know anything bout him anymore!"
Friday, November 7, 2014
594 - The price of saving a life.
The ambulance was insane, going at a high speed with its siren on; making all the cars in front of it move throw themselves to a side of the street to give her way, inside the ambulance was a man about to die, and behind, it had left a few already dead ones due to all the cars crashes it had induced.
Thursday, November 6, 2014
593 - The test of the sensei.
There was once a Great Sensei who was famous for training the best fighters of martial arts, and because of that, everyone wanted to be trained by him; but very few mothers passed the test of the Sensei to admit their children into his academy; because he thought that to be a great fighter of martial arts, one must have the attitude for it even before being born.
"And, tell me Mrs, how was your child when he was in your belly? Calmed? Or did he kick a lot?"
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
592 - Just a little bit dizzy.
"Are you alright?"
"Yes, yeah, I'm fine... I'm just a little bit dizzy" He answered as he counted 15 fingers in the hand that was right in front of his eyes.
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
591 - The golden shower.
In her home, she had a golden bathroom, where everything was made of gold, the shower, the toilet, everything; so every time she had stayed out, and she would have to take a shower in a regular bathroom, she would say, sadly, "I wish I could have my golden shower" ignoring the fact that that she had just said had made all the vicious man look kinkily at her.
Monday, November 3, 2014
590 - The hacker.
Since he couldn't crack the computer, he smashed it to pieces with a hammer.
Friday, October 31, 2014
589 - The thief.
The Queen was wandering around the town to make sure that everything was going fine, when, out of the sudden, she saw a young handsome man, white as the snow, with blue eyes and brown long hair; The Queen, breathless, stopped, pointed to the young man and said:
"Arrest him! Arrest him and cut both of his hand! He's a thief!"
"But my Queen, I haven't stole anything in my life, I'm just a humble commoner." said the young man, defending himself from the accusation of the Queen.
"Don't be a liar! Thief! That just a second ago,when I posed my eyes over you, I've felt that you have stolen my heart!"
Thursday, October 30, 2014
588 - Shampoo: avoid contact with the eyes.
One day, I don't know why, I decided to videotape myself while I took a shower, and when I saw the tape, I was horrified to see that all my fears were true, because every time I closed my eyes to wash my hair with shampoo, a tall shadow materialized itself behind me and its head approached mine and breathed my hair; and to my horror, it vanished as soon as I opened my eyes after I had washed the shampoo away, but when I repeated, the shadow came back again...
All this years... my fears of closing the eyes while putting on shampoo...
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
587 - The curious crow.
A scream was heard in the woods, and all the crows that were laying in the trees, around the place where the scream had take place, flow away, scared, well, all the crows but one, one crow stayed on the three he was laying with his eyes wide open and looking everywhere trying to find out exactly where the scram had come from and what had cause it.
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
586 - She never liked roses.
I once had a girlfriend very peculiar, and all my friends kept on telling me that she was an ungrateful bitch, because every time I bought her roses, she would throw them at my face and scream to me very pissed: "How many times do I have to tell that I don't like roses? You're an idiot! I like orchids!!" but since I loved her, I didn't mind her ungratefulness.
Today, I heard she died, yesterday, of a heart-attack, because she had gotten mad to her current boyfriend; and to show my respect to her memory, I went to the burial and brought to the tombstone a bouquet of roses. I was the only one who remained until the end of the burial, and saw, very sad, how the coffin was put down and covered in sand.
Before coming back home, I put the roses over the tombstone, and my left eye broke a single tear that showed my sadness; but that feeling was shaded away quickly by the impression I got when I saw the bouquet of flowers levitate in the air from the tombstone and then fly straight to my face as if it were thrown by an invisible force.
I had forgotten once again that...
Monday, October 27, 2014
585 - The canvas of the hear.
"Why are you crying?"
"M-m-my boyfriend, br-broke up with me!"
"No, don't cry, I assure you that soon enough another painter will arrive."
"B-b-but, I don´t like a-a-artists."
"I know, but I say 'another painter' because my grandma used to say that the heart was like a white canvas which is painted little by little by the people we love, and now, with your tears, you're erasing the draft that you're ex-boyfriend had painted in your heart, leaving it white and available again so another painter will, soon, arrive to paint a majestic master-piece in the canvas that is your heart."
Friday, October 24, 2014
584 - Driving in a foggy night.
It was late at night, I was driving at high speed, the road was lonely, I was signing and listening to my favorite song on the radio at full volume, I can hardly see the road because the fog was too heavy; but since I was used to drive at night through that road and it was always lonely, I ignored the fact that I could hardly see the road and kept on driving at high speed, I knew the road.
When I was getting closer to my destination, the fog had gotten heavier, and my vision got even blurrier; but I kept on driving at high speed; then I looked down to the radio for a few seconds, because it had turned off mysteriously; and when I looked to the road again, I saw her...
A women, white as the snow, was standing in the middle of the road with her arms wide open, one could easily confound her with the heavy fog, because she was wearing a robe as white as it, and the only thing that made her apart from the fog was her long and blonde hair that reached her waist.
Scared, I stomp on the brake and close my eyes tightly, I was waiting for the impact, I was driving so fast that I knew that no matter how much I tried to brake or to avoid the women I was going to ran over her, I'd kill her.
I kept my eyes closed for what seems like hours, just listening to the creak the brakes was making trying to stop the car that was going a so high speed; I was waiting the hit, the sound that would make the women when I hit her with my car; but it never happened, and when the car stopped, the radio turned on again, and started to sound so high that I jumped on my seat.
When I opened my eyes I looked for the women through the rear-view mirror, but I didn't see her, and then, suddenly, even though I had the car's heater on, I felt my blood cold and got the goose-bumps; and without wasting a second, I took my feet off the brake and stomped the accelerator instead.
And that's the story I tell every time anyone ask me why I don't like driving in foggy nights.
Thursday, October 23, 2014
583 - Damocles' sword.
'D-A-M-O-C-L-E-S' forged Damocles in the blade of his sword so everyone know that it was his.
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
582 - The superpower.
When he posed his eyes over me, I felt so weird, intimidated, like if he were checking each millimeter of my body with his gaze, as if he had X-Ray vision eyes... And then I remembered: He does have X-Ray Vision Eyes!! And without thinking anything else I turned myself invisible.
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
581 - A deal with the devil (bank)
"Sign here... here... here... and here; tomorrow you'll have the money available in you account, remember you have to make us 60 payments the first 6 days of each month, and if you want, in two years, we could extend your credit, so you could loan more money and accomplish all your dreams."
Monday, October 20, 2014
580 - Love confession.
"I just wanna tell you that I like you very much, that I think you are the most handsome boy I've ever seen in my life, and I think you're perfect, so, I love you with all my heart" said Narcissus to the reflection of the little mirror he was holding in his hand.
Friday, October 17, 2014
579 - Stage fright.
After she had practiced her lines a thousand times in the backstage until she said them perfectly; when she finally got into the stage and picture the pubic in underwear, she laughed so hard that she ruined her presentation.
Thursday, October 16, 2014
578 - The lonely python.
After the python had spend a lot of time alone, when she saw an animal coming near her, she got so excited that she crept stealthily towards it, and she surprised it from behind, jumping over it and hugging really, really tight, with all her strength, she was happy, she wasn't going to be alone anymore and she would finally have a friend to talk with.
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
577 - Time flies, or, in the blink of an eye.
One second I was looking my beautiful reflection in the mirror, so young, pretty and delicate; and the other, when I blinked, my reflection was ugly, full of wrinkles and graceless.
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
576 - Dried but dead.
When the storm broke, he ran to under a big tree to keep himself dry, regardless of the awful memory of his ugly school teacher with curly blond hair, yellow teeth and big red glasses which made her eyes look bigger, who said in a alarming tone of voice "Trees are the lighting rods of nature, when it rains, never, I repeat, NEVER, save yourself from the rain under a tree."
And the last thing he thought before the lighting struck him and the tree under which he was standing was "Yeah, my school teacher was way too crazy."
Monday, October 13, 2014
575 - Winning is what matters.
"For two points! I lost for two points!"
"Two? I thought you had scored 65 and your opponent 66."
"Then, why do you say you lost for two points? You lost only for one point."
"No! I lost for two points, if I had scored one point more it could have been a tie, and I didn't want to tie, no, I wanted to WIN."
Friday, October 10, 2014
574 - The promise: the day he didn't promise it.
Everyday before her husband left to the police station, she would make him promise her that he would return home alive; and regardless any kind of danger he faced, he would always return to his home, not always sound, but safe.
One morning, after a previous night of screams and fights that are so common in marital life, she didn't say good bye to her husband before he left to the police station, therefore she didn't make him promise her his safe return.
That day, around noon, the phone rang, and when she heard it, her soul fell to her feet, the phone had never rang so early in the day; and soon all her rage and resentment she had against her husband for the previous night disappeared and gave way to a feeling of guiltiness and desperation.
"Why I didn't make him promise me he would return home alive this morning as I always do?" She asked herself as the phone continued ringing "Why?.."
Thursday, October 9, 2014
573 - A gifted gift.
Just three days before the Saint Valentine Gift Exchange of his office, he didn't have a clue of what to buy to his secret friend, until he remembered the gift he had received the previous Christmas and that had never wore, once again, the gift will be gifted.
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
571 - The pen of love.
When they became boyfriend and girlfriend, he gave her a pen of red ink which represented the love he felt for her. With that pen they wrote a lot of stories about the dates they had had, the kisses they had shared, the fights and the make ups they had had, the gifts they had given each other...
They wrote so many stories with that pen, that one day, the pen ran out of ink, and they only thing left from all the love they had for each other was the stories they had written with that pen of red ink; but when re-read, the stories looked like as if they were written with a regular black ink.
Monday, October 6, 2014
570 - The fall of the King.
When the king, who was hated by everyone because he was merciless and kept the taxes so high that no one could outcome poverty, was taking his walk around his kingdom, all the people looked at him with hate from the doors of their houses; but when the King tripped with a rock on the path and fell to the ground, all the people of the town got excited and hurried to help him stand up and clean his delicate clothes.
Friday, October 3, 2014
569 - The murdering hand.
At the jury:
"I'm innocent, I tried to protect her; but my hand, my hand was stronger than me!"
The murderer was trying to defend himself pledging that his hand had life itself, and that it was his hand that had killed all those persons.
The judge and the jury were confused, the man sounded so innocent; but the proofs said otherwise, therefore he was sent to the guillotine to pay for the crimes he had commit.
The man accepted his fate; but he asked that before they cut off his head, they cut his right hand first; and the judge feeling pity for him accepted his petition.
The day of the execution, just like they had promised, they were going to cut the right hand of the man before beheaded him; therefore he put his arm where his neck should have gone in the guillotine and when the scythe fell over his wrist, he screamed in pain; but then...
"I TOLD YOU! I TOLD YOU! DIDN'T I??? IT WASN'T ME!! IT WAS MY HAND!!! NOW YOU BELIEVE ME?" the man screamed, excited, when his hand had jumped out of the basket where it had fall and had started to strangle everyone around.
Thursday, October 2, 2014
568 - Tied!
The twins had spent their whole life challenging each other to see whom of them was the best, the fastest, the strongest... but the outcome of those challenges was always the same: tied, always tied, even way before the were born, when they both reached the ovule of their mother at the same time.
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
567 - The lost kid and the feckless mother.
"Dear costumers " said the speaker of the supermarket "we have found a lost kid."
"Oh dear Lord! Mothers nowadays are so feckless" said Tommy's mother "How could a mother lose her child? That happens because they don't pay attention to their children."
"The kid's name is Tommy" said the speaker " And we would appreciate if his mother or father would come to pick him up at the reception. Thank you."
"What? Tommy?! My Tommy?! If I had him by my side just a few seconds ago!!"
And in fact, when she looked around to find her Tommy, she couldn't find him anywhere, therefore she ran to the reception to pick him up there.
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
566 - Starving.
A: "I'm starving!"
B: "C'mom, hold it up a little bit more, the camp mustn't be too far now, I think it is just behind that hill."
B: "Wow, you really are starving, uh?!"
A: "That wasn't me."
And when they turned their backs to see what had made that weird sound, they saw an starving dinosaur running toward them at a high speed.
Monday, September 29, 2014
565 - Every penny worth.
When the rich woman finished paying her bill at the supermarket and the cashier gave her a few pennies as change, the rich woman looked at them with disgust and threw them to the floor like if they were worthless.
I, who was watching everything in the line to pay for my products, ran to where the rich women was, pushed her a littler and picked up all the pennies she had thrown, those few pennies were just what I needed to buy a chocolate milk that I had left on the shopping car because I was short of money.
Friday, September 26, 2014
564 - Robots.
"These robot will be installed there, where all your workers are, and it will produce 5.000 units daily, approximately 4.500 units more than what all your workers produce together in a day, and you won't have to pay him extra-shifts, nor bonus, nor anything, so... What do you say?"
"Mmn, I don't know... 5.000 units you say?.. Mmn... I don't like these new technologies, and I don't like the idea of having something without intelligence nor soul doing all the work of my company."
"And, do you really think that your workers, after being working for you for years, repeating the same action one time after the other, eight hours a day, everyday, still have a soul? Believe me, my friend, when I told you that my robot has more souls than all you workers together, its because it has."
Thursday, September 25, 2014
563 - The lost muse.
The writer used to sit everyday at the same hour in front of his computer to write, where his muse always waited for him to inspired him the most brilliant ideas.
One day, the writer sat in front of his computer but his muse wasn't there, and without her, he couldn't write a word worth reading.
The next day and the following, the writer noticed that the muse wasn't there, next to his computer, anymore, so he packed his stuff and went travelling for searching his lost muse.
The writer traveled the world and tasted all kind of delicious meals, but he couldn't write about them because he didn't have his muse by his side; he saw beautiful landscapes, but he couldn't write about them either without his muse; he met awesome people, but as you know, he couldn't write a word about them.
When the writer came back to his home after having traveled all over the world searching for his muse without finding her, he got really surprised when he saw her standing next to hes computer; and without losing any other second, he put all his luggage away and sat to write with his muse by his side.
While he was writing, the writer asked the muse:
"Where have you been? I've tasted delicious meals, seen beautiful landscapes, and met awesome people."
"I've always been here, waiting for you to come back" answered the muse.
"But, I went away to search for you!"
"I know."
"I had to hide myself from you for a couple of days because you were running out of ideas, and I needed you to get out and see the world, taste delicious meals, see things you've never seen before and meet all kind of people different from you; so now, you have tons of storied to be told, so stop talking and focus on writing."
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
562 - The rabbit with the peg-leg.
The rabbit with peg-leg was always limping all over his pirate ship, with a glass of brandy in his hand and looking to the horizon, remembering the old times when he used to live in the forest and hopped everywhere without nothing to worry about; but now...
Now his only goal was to get his revenge...
To get his revenge against that old pirate who had chopped his leg off in order to have a good luck charm to commit all his piracy.
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
561 - "Everything is fine"
"Everything is fine, everything is fine, everything is fine" he kept on telling me, when in reality, for me, nothing was fine, nothing.
Monday, September 22, 2014
560 - Early suicide.
Scared of living a meaning-less life, the fetus tied the umbilical cordon around his neck when he was just one week away to be born.
Friday, September 19, 2014
559 - Laughing instead of crying.
Everyone was shocked when he approached the coffin of his father and he started to laugh and laugh like a mad-man, laughing so hard and loud that he gave everyone in the funeral the goosebumps.
Thursday, September 18, 2014
558 - Heavy sleep.
"Look dad! There's a dog sleeping in the middle of the road!" Said the little kid to his father looking through the window of the car.
The father, when he heard his kid, looked back through the driving mirror and noticed that his son was right, there was a dog lying in the middle of the road.
"How that dog sleeps in the middle of the road, dad? How he's not awakened by the sound of the car that pass so near him?" wondered the kid.
"I don't know, kid... He must be a really, really heavy sleeper..." said the father, doubtful, because he didn't have the guts to tell his son the truth about the dog.
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
557 - The polar bear.
When the polar bear came back from his vacation from the Caribbean, no one recognized him, because he had tanned so much that all his fur wasn't white like the snow anymore but brown and dark like the fur of any other regular bear.
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
556 - The lost treasure chest: the best employees.
After firing his almost new employee, the employer withdraw a box full of resumes to evaluate for hiring a new one, and while he was looking for the best candidate to fill the post, he got a brilliant idea.
Since he was tired of hiring someone who had a the best resume and to fire him or her a few weeks later because the person turned out to be the complete opposite of what his or her resume said; he decided to make a little game which would provide him the best employee; therefore he hid five treasure chests through the city at the same time he send a booklet of instructions of how to find those chest to everyone who had applied for the post, implying that those who found the treasure chests would receive a great surprise.
Half of the persons who received the booklet didn't even try to find the treasure chests, and a lot of those who tried, gave up when they were half way because there was a lot of things to do before finding one.
Only three people found the treasure chests, and to their surprise, there not was gold nor a prize inside of them but an employment contract.
So the employer found the best employees he had had in years, and to his surprise, a year later, when he re-checked their resumes, he found out that according to their resumes, those three people didn't have what it was needed to fill the posts they had earned in the game, and in regular conditions he would have never hired them.
Monday, September 15, 2014
555 - The rooster alarm..
After having break hundreds of alarm clocks, she bought a rooster who could wake her up at dawn, and since it was a living animal, it'd be able to evade the pillows, shoes and punches she'd usually throw at her alarm clocks to turn them off, and the best part was that if any or all of those things ever hit the rooster instead of turning itself off, he would cry louder for the pain it would feel and would definitely wake her.
Friday, September 12, 2014
554 - Message from the underworld.
Thursday, September 11, 2014
553 - The hide and seek of the safety box.
The safety box always ran in a rush to hide herself behind the painting of the living room when she played hide and seek with her others safety boxes friends.
Needless to say that she always got caught first.
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
552 - Chloroform: The love potion.
He got home feeling very happy and cautiously smelling the strong scent of the little bottle of love potion he had purchased and that would make his lover to accept all his cares, his kisses and his love without complaining and without saying a word about how much she disgusted him and hated him, nor how she wished for him to be dead or in jail.
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
551 - The stains in the ceiling.
He had been several minutes quiet, laying in the couch, looking at the ceiling with a thoughtful expression on his face.
His roommate, who had noticed that, invited him to go grab a beer in order to cheer him up; but he refused because he didn't want to go out that night; therefore his roommate made him go out and grab a beer because according to him, he wouldn't let him become one depressed and bitter guy for not having found the meaning of life.
Later, when he was drinking his beer and talking with the waitress in the bar, his mind was still in his room, wondering how many stains there was in the dirty ceiling.
Monday, September 8, 2014
550 - Omne ignotum pro magnifico.
When he first saw the magician perform all his tricks he was speechless, and thought the magician was some kind of deity, someone superior to human kind; and since that day he got interested in magic, so he started to search and discover each and every one of the secrets behind all the tricks the magician had made.
When he saw the magician for the second time, all his tricks seemed dull to him, and thought that the magician was nothing but a big fake.
Friday, September 5, 2014
549 - The earthquake and the massage chair.
"Ye-e-e-eah!!! I know! Isn't this great? I've never been able to afford a massage chair, but not I can imagine that it must feel something like this" he said, clinging hard to the armrest of his regular wooden chair.
Thursday, September 4, 2014
548 - The black rhino.
When the black rhino noticed that the poaching was wiping out his race, he started to disguise himself as a white rhino every morning using baby powder all over his body; and that's how he have make it to survive even though all his relatives are extinguished, confusing the hunters whom, everyday, ask him if he had seen a black rhino around.
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
547 - The black sweater.
When Jimmy turned 12, he received a black sweater as a present for the winter; but Jimmy got so attached with his black sweater that he never took it off whatever season it was, because it made him feel warm and secure; so everyone could see him wearing his black sweater even in the hottest day of summer.
Jimmy was wearing his black sweater when he got his first kiss when he was 14, and also he was wearing it when he crashed his first car at the age of 17; but one day, when Jimmy was 21 and was in the middle of a date with the girl of his dreams in a very cold night, Jimmy, for the first time in his life, took off his black sweater and offer it to the girl, who accepted it gladly.
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
546 - The endless love-story.
"I love you."
"And I love you more."
"No! I love you more!"
"No way! I love you more!"
"In your dreams! I love you more!"
Monday, September 1, 2014
545 - The bodyguard.
He was hired for protecting the back of the president, therefore he focused so much on doing a very good job that he didn't even noticed when the president got stabbed on the chest.
Friday, August 29, 2014
544 - The mistake of the intern.
On his first day as a intern, he made a mistake, a terrible mistake, which could had been solved by his superior in a few seconds if he had told them then; but since it was his first day, and being afraid of getting yelled or fired, he decided to keep it a secret and not tell anyone about it, thinking that with time and practice he would fix that mistake by his own.
Time passed by and the intern learned a lot of new things in his new job, and eventually he learned how to fix the mistake he had made on his first day; but when his internship were over, his superiors called him to tell him that his work on the company had been exceptional and that if it wasn't for the mistake he had made, they would hire him blindfolded; but due to that mistake they'd have to fire him.
The intern, trying to keep the job, apologized a thousand times for having made that mistake and tried to excuse himself pledging that he had fixed it; nevertheless, when his superiors heard what he had said, they told him that they always knew of the mistake that he had made on his first day, but that wasn't really the mistake why they were firing him for; but for the mistake of keeping it a secret and never looked out for help when he needed it.
Thursday, August 28, 2014
543 - The greatest writer alive.
The greatest writer alive writes and writes the best stories and texts that have ever existed; but no one read them nor appreciate them; because even though his stories and texts are the greatest, while the greatest writer alive keeps on living and writing, nor his stories and texts will make it.
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
542 - Traveling light.
After all she had lived and suffered in that awful city, she decided to run away and never come back, packing only the essentials in her little bag: a few dresses, her nail polishes, and her designer heels; and leaving behind all the bad things that city had done to her.
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
541 - Peter's reward.
At first hour in the morning, when Peter's mom came into the kitchen to make breakfast, she screamed loudly because in the rat-trap was the villain who had been stealing their food, and soon everyone in the house went to the kitchen to see why she had screamed.
"What happened, darling?" asked Peter's dad.
"Look! There's a rat in the rat-trap" answered Peter's mom.
"Kill the rat, dad, kill it!" screamed Peter's sister, scared and disgusted by the little creature.
"Give me a second, darling, let me get my hammer."
"NO! No, dad, don't kill it" screamed Peter and started to cry "That little rat is just an animal, it didn't know what it was doing, please dad, don't kill it, it hasn't done anything wrong to us."
"Okay, Peter, I won't kill it"
"But dad! It is a disgusting animal!" argued Peter's sister.
"No dad! Don't kill it!"
"Okay, this is what we are going to do, I'll take the little rat to the park and I'll set it free there, so it won't bother us anymore and I won't have to kill it, do you agree children?"
"YEAH, DAD! THANKS!" screamed Peter.
"Alright, but the next time there's a rat in the rat-trap, you kill it, dad!" said Peter's Sister not very happy with the agreement.
That night, during dinner, Peter lost his sixth milk tooth, and very excited he put it under his pillow when he went to bed so the Tooth Mouse would change it for a dollar; but for Peter surprise, when he woke up the next morning, instead of finding one dollar bill under his pillow, he found two.
Monday, August 25, 2014
540 - School for Princes Charming.
"Hey, could you tell me where is the classroom 207?"
"207, hmm... If I'm not mistaken it's the classroom upstairs to the left, what class are you going to see?"
"Thanks! I'm going to see Types of Princesses, I think..."
"Ew, with Professor D?"
"I don't know, I'm new."
"Oh, I see, nice to meet you, my name is Prince Charming."
"Really? I'm Prince Charming too!"
"I know, don't get too excited, everyone here are Princes Charming."
"Well, I figured, It is a requirement for getting in into the school, isn't it?"
"Yep, and having a kingdom, and blue blood..."
"Blue blood?! I thought it was a metaphor."
"Yeah, me too; but, hey, I gotta go to class now, I don't wanna be late to "How to behead a dragon""
"Sure, I don't want to be late either, talk to you later?"
"Sure! See ya!"
Friday, August 22, 2014
539 - Brainstorm.
After drinking his cup of warm milk, getting cozy between his sheets and having blow his candle to finally go to sleep; a thunder lighted the room and the storm broke.
He stayed on his bed, enjoying the sounds and lights the storm made, while he tried to sleep, he started to get the best ideas ever; but since he was so tired and his bed was so cozy he didn't get up to write them down because he thought he would remember them the following day.
The next day, when the sun came out, there wasn't any trace left from the storm of last night, and when he woke up, all his ideas, just like the storm, had gone away with it.
Thursday, August 21, 2014
538 - The end justifies the means.
When he came out from behind the curtain, everybody raised before him, and the flashes of the cameras blinded him instantly, he had finally made it, his dream had become reality, he had become the center of attention and he didn't care that now that he was standing before all of them, they were screaming "Hang him!" "Death penalty to him!" "Jail him forever!"... because it was about him and only about him they were talking about.
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
537 - His friend, Prozac.
"What are you doing laying on the floor?"
"Come, get up, let's go out to do something".
"I don't want to, go away!"
"No! leave me alone, I don't want to go out, I don't want to do nothing, life isn't worthwhile, so it's the same if I go out or stay here on the floor."
"Shh... Shh... Shut up!, get up and let's go."
"Bur nothing!"
"So... How was it?"
"It was amazing!!! The rain!.. The cotton candy!.. Escaping from the police!.. Wow!!! I think this has been the best day of my life!"
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
536 - In a regular day.
That day I woke up at the same hour, I brushed my teeth, I took my breakfast and went to my office following the same routine I follow everyday, but then, out of the sudden, everything changed attacked when the fire nation attacked.
Monday, August 18, 2014
535 - Forever sleepy.
Friday, August 15, 2014
534 - The traitor.
He walked around the agency thinking he was fooling everyone; but in reality everybody knew that he was a traitor and that he was being used to confuse the enemy.
Thursday, August 14, 2014
533 - Big foot.
He searched and searched in every shoe-stores for a pair of shoes that would fit his big foot, but he never found his size.
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
532 - The myopic spinster.
Even though the love of her life had passed several times in front of her, she hadn't been able to see him because she had never had her glasses on.
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
531 - A really boring exciting movie.
The other day I was watching a really, really boring movie about animals, and out of the sudden a dragon came out of the screen and started fighting against a gigantic dinosaur, and between fangs and claws I saw how the dinosaur kicked the dragon's ass and when he was about to behead it and eat it alive...
The alarm clock rang, and in a hurry I made the report I was due to do about the movie I had seen, which, needless to say, I failed, because according to my professor, dragons don't exist and dinosaurs are already extincted.
Monday, August 11, 2014
530 - Ladies first.
"Ladies first" was his last wish, so when the death penalty would take place for him and his wife, she wouldn't have to see him die.
Friday, August 8, 2014
529 - Ghosts aren't real.
He went upstairs, to the attic, to see what was causing so much noise, and when he stepped inside, he noticed that the lights were flickering, and that all the toys that were stored there were turned on and flying across the room, he saw the rocking chair which was on the middle of the attic rocking itself and that no one was singing that awful lullaby.
Seeing all this, he ran out of the attic, scared, and locking the door behind him, he said to himself "it must have been the wind, yes, it must have been a wind stream" even though he knew that there wasn't any windows in the attic.
Thursday, August 7, 2014
528 - The collection of disobedient kids.
In front of the door of the mad scientist's lab was a warming which read in bold red letters "NO KIDS ALLOWED" which tons of disobedient kids ignored, and when they stepped inside the lab, a shrinking ray shoot them and shrunk them to the size of a rat. This the mad scientist loved, because he then would have the chance to hunt them and catch them in jars which he put on a shell where he collected them.
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
527 - Following orders.
Several years later after the aliens had kidnapped him, a weird sound coming out from his skull awoke him:
"Search and destroy... Search and destroy..."
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
526 - A man not so smart without his smart-phone.
There he was, sitting in his cellar, hitting his head, trying to remember a number he could call...
"Ugh! If only they hadn't taken my phone" he said to himself hastily.
Monday, August 4, 2014
525 - The drowned man.
Glug-glug, glug-glug, glug-glug, glug-glug, glug-glug, glug-glug, glug-glug, glug-glug, glug-glug, glug-glug, glug-glug, glug-glug, glug-glug, glug-glug, glug-glug, glug-glug, glug-glug, glug-glug, glug-glug, glug-glug, glug-glug, glug-glug, glug-glug, glug-glug, glug-glug, glug-glug, glug-glug, glug-glug, glug-glug, glug-glug, glug-glug, glug-glug, glug-glug...
Friday, August 1, 2014
524 - The price of a life: the victim.
When I was young, my parents and teachers used to tell me that life was a gift from God, that it was priceless, invaluable; but now that I've grown up, I realized how wrong they were, because it looks like that my life is only worth a couple of thousand of dollars, which is what they payed to the killer I have after my head.
Thursday, July 31, 2014
523 - The price of a life: the victimizer.
When I was young, my parents and teachers used to tell me that life was a gift from God, that it was priceless, invaluable; but now that I've grown up, I realized how wrong they were, because nowadays, just by signing a check of four or five digits I could have the life of any person I want.
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
522 - The stork.
She waited until nighttime and came out wearing a black coat that would disguise her in the darkness, so no one would notice what she was about to do, very stealthily she walked the town, searching for the house of the adorable couple she had met that morning while she begged for change on the streets.
That couple was the perfect candidate, they had a house, money, and more important they didn't have and could not have children because of that thing they had told her that morning but that she didn't remember anymore.
When she finally found the house of the couple, she checked that no one was watching, and from inside her black coat she withdrew her newborn baby, she looked at him with tears of sadness and happiness in her eyes, kissed him for the last time and left him on the doorway of that adorable couple.
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
521 - A regular couple.
A couple, that looked like a regular one, was sitting on a bench in the park, kissing and hugging each other in a regular way and whispering regular things into each other ears; whoever saw them would have though nothing bad of that couple that looked like a regular one; but when a elegant women walked in front off them, the girl, who also looked like a regular girl, told her boyfriend:
"I like the purse she is wearing."
"Do you want it?" Asked the boyfriend.
"Yes, would you get it for me?"
"Of course, honey, I would get everything for you!"
And the boy, who looked like a regular boy too, ran after the woman, grabbed her by the hair, whispered a few threads in her ear and let her go once she had given him her purse. Then, on his way back to where his girlfriend was waiting, he cleaned the purse, trashing all the belongings of the precious owner and saving to himself the few cash that was inside of it, and put a red ribbon, he had on his pocket, on it.
When the girl, who looked like a regular girl, saw her boyfriend coming back with the purse as a gift for her, she ran to his arm in a way any regular girl had done if their boyfriend had given them a purse. She loved her boyfriend, who also looked like a regular boy, because he always get her everything she wanted.
To them, all that had happen was very regular in their lives, and that's why they looked like a regular couple.
Monday, July 28, 2014
520 - The hut in front of the sea.
When he heard that a tsunami was coming, he heart jolted, because this was the chance he was waiting for accomplish his dream, so he ran to the bank, withdrew all his savings and bought a hut in front of the sea for an excellent price, taking advantage of the fear of the owners of losing everything due to the tsunami.
As soon as he got the keys of his new hut, he came in and sat next to a window which look to the sea, finally his dream of having a hut in front of the sea had come true; so ignoring the evacuation alarm, he sat still next to the window, smiling, and seeing how the big wave of the tsunami became bigger and bigger as it came closer. He had never felt so happy in his whole life.
Friday, July 25, 2014
519 -One's trash is another treasure.
His eyes lit when he found that rotten tomato in the trash can that was in the alley behind the restaurant, because it was just what he needed to make himself a sandwich with the green stained bread he had found that morning and the loaf of cheese he would buy with the spare change people had given him during the day.
Thursday, July 24, 2014
518 - Holding your breath underwater.
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
517 - Letter to a dead friend.
Dear friend;
Since you left, my heart has filled with a deep sadness I cannot get rid off, and now that you are gone you're always on my mind as I remember the way you used to look at me and the sound of your laugh. I ask myself when will day come that I could see those green eyes of yours again and listen to you laugh out loud like you used to do when you were by my side.
Here, in the mortal world, everything is the same; even though it looks to me that everything has worsen because you are no longer by my side, and without you everything seems difficult, the sun doesn't shine so bright, the sky looks grayer and the lawn turns yellow faster since you left.
I miss you so much my dear friend, and some times, I think about altering the divine order of the world so could meet you faster than it was planned by the Providence, because the wait is harder everyday and it doesn't seem to become shorter; because unlike you when you were alive, I have a very good health and plenty of money that assure me a long and prosperous life; but why do I want a long and prosperous life for if my heart is bleeding of sadness inside of me and I cannot enjoy the little pleasures of life with you.
And that is my situation right now, I am living a life where my only motivation is to die soon, so we could see each other again like you promised me just before your last breath in that terrible moment when I had you in my arms and your soul left your body and this earthy world.
I hope you are doing fine over there, and that you are waiting for my arrival just as much as I'm waiting to start my journey to you.
Always yours.
Sir. D.W.
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
516 - Diamonds are a girl's best friend.
And that's why I gave her so many diamonds when were dating, so when I left her for another one, she would have many best friends to rely on.
Monday, July 21, 2014
515 - The fame is everything.
A twenty-something years old boy wanted to be famous, and when he saw a shooting star, he wished upon it to become famous and that every body would claimed his name.
When the aliens, who were passing near the planet earth disguised as a shooting star, read the mind of the twenty-something years old boy, they shoot him with his abducting ray and took him to their galaxy; where they caged him, and showed him to the public as if he were an animal in a zoo.
The twenty-something years old boy, instead of feeling sad or worried for his situation, was happier than ever, because since he was the only human there, he had become the center of attention and all the aliens of that galaxy claimed his name and would die to see him.
Friday, July 18, 2014
514 - The wooden sword.
"Since this is your first class, take a wooden sword and practice some moves with it."
"A wooden sword? How old do you think am I? Five? Six? I'm already a man..."
"Take a wooden sword, and as you progress you'll use a real sword."
"But nothing. Wooden sword."
But he disobeyed and took the sharpest sword he found to prove his master wrong, and way before the class ended, they had to take him to the he hospital in a hurry due to all the cuts he had done himself practicing with a real sword.
Thursday, July 17, 2014
513 - Do not disturb.
A couple arrived to a fancy hotel to spend a weekend as their second honey moon after being married for five years; and right after they came into their room, they put the "Do not disturb" sign on the doorbell, just as they had done on their first honey moon; but this time the couple didn't want to be disturb so they could sleep and rest like they hadn't been able to do it since their first offspring had arrived to their home.
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
512 - Mystery on the train.
There had been a murder on the train, and all passengers were suspects, the policemen and detectives were dismayed, they had thousands of clues that lead them nowhere, "Who and why did it?" the asked themselves.
The deceased had a cold and fixed smile carved on his face even though he was six feet underground; his plan had came out perfectly: the letters addressed to the other passengers, the fingerprints on his wagon, the trace of blood, the hair strands... He had left everything perfectly placed, the policemen and detectives would never realize that he was the murderer they were so desperately looking for.
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
511 - The giant and the midget.
"What does it feel to be so... short?" asked the giant to the midget.
"Lonely" answered the midget "you go around the world waiting for someone to look down upon you and realize that you're there; but as the time pass by, you get used to the loneliness, it doesn't bother me anymore, feeling alone and that nobody realize I actually exist. And you? What does it feel to be so tall?"
"I feel the same way, or maybe a little bit worse, because unlike you, they only realize I exist when they look up to the sky, and nowadays nobody stops for a second to look up to the sky, and when someone actually does it they scream "AHHH!!! A GIANT!!!" and run away from me".
Monday, July 14, 2014
510 - Waiting for the food to cool.
In a branch of a dried tree were two Condors watching how their dinner was dying of dehydration; and when it finally drop dead, the first condor spread its wings to flew over it to dine; but the second one stopped him and told him.
"Why? I'm hungry!"
"He's just died, he's still too hot, if you ate it right now, you'll get a stomachache."
Friday, July 11, 2014
509 - Visions.
"Come! Come quickly!"
"What happened?!"
"There he is! There he is again!"
"Who? Who's there?!"
"The boy! The boy with the red cape!"
"There! In the bedroom!"
"Where?! I don't see anyone!"
"There!.. There!... He was there, standing in the middle of the bedroom with his long red cape!"
"But there is no one there in the bedroom!!"
"I swear it! He was there!"
"There is no one there, you must be having visions."
"But... but..."
"But, nothing! Stop it, don't make me lose my time with this stupid things, I'm busy!"
And when I turn my eyes back to the bedroom, there he was, standing in the middle of the room with his long red cape, but this time he was holding a sign with the words "I AM NOT A VISION" written on it.
Thursday, July 10, 2014
508 - The fashion theft.
On a sunny day I went on a walk wearing my new designer shirt and a lot of people who passed me by told me how pretty my new designer shirt was, until one weird man stopped in front of me and told me:
"I'd like your shirt."
"Thank you! It's new!" I answered him, a little bit concerned.
"I'd like your shirt."
"Thank you! I like it too."
"I'd like your shirt."
"Thank you! I bought it..."
"No, no, you're not understanding me, I would like to have your shirt." He told me, pulling up his own unbranded shirt and showing me a gun.
"Oh! I... get... it..." I answered, scared " Well, if you like it that much, here, you can have it."
And there I stood, half naked, seeing how the theft run away with my new shirt and thinking that maybe in a couple of days he would wear it for stealing a pair of pants what would matched it.
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
507 - The come back.
I reached out, I almost attained the warm light that blinded me and fill me with happiness; but just when I was a few inches away from reaching it, I felt an invisible force pulling me from my foot back to the darkness, and my mind started to recall all my problems, my sadness, my failures... I opened up my eyes.
"WE GOT HIM!!!" screamed the doctor.
Tuesday, July 8, 2014
506 - Animal instinct.
He couldn't believe that two years ago he was a successful busyness man that spent most of his time locked in his office, refusing to go out without sun-cream protection on the sunny days or his umbrella on the rainy ones, and that he kept a vegan diet because he used to believe that eating meat was bad for the body; and now, that he had been lost on the jungle for two weeks, he was hiding in the bushes, waiting for his pray to come closer enough to grab it and kill it with his own hands.
Monday, July 7, 2014
505 - To his image and likeness.
Late in the night, one can hear God crying, regretting his creations and asking himself what had he done wrong and why he had never done anything right.
Friday, July 4, 2014
504 - The witnesses.
That morning, there was a revolt on the jungle, the animals were coming and going in a rush, everyone wanted to know was was happening at the court, where the King of the Jungle was judging the Albino Panther for having eaten his breakfast.
The theft of the King's breakfast was a mystery, because it had been perfect committed, the burglar hadn't left not a single trace of evidence that could help the King of the Jungle to find him out; but some witnesses said they had seen the Albino Panther around the King's breakfast minutes before the crime was committed.
At Court, the King of the Jungle was calling one by one the witnesses to recall the little they know about the theft, which was only seen, heard and commented by three monkeys that were on the top the tree where the King usually takes his breakfast; but when these three monkeys were called to testify, all they said was:
"I saw nothing" said the first monkey as he put his hands over his eyes.
"I heard nothing" said the second, as he put his hands over his ears.
"I say nothing" said the third, as he put his hands over his mouth.
And because there wasn't evidence enough to condemn it, the Albino Panther was set free.
Thursday, July 3, 2014
503 - The ladder-man.
Even though he was just 5.0 feet tall, he didn't care about his height, because wherever he went he carried with him his ladder, and with it, there was no object that would be out of his reach.
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
502 - Blood test.
According to his blood test results, he was going to have a successful life and accomplish all his dreams.
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
501 - American dreamer.
While he was waiting for the bill of the table number 6, he closed his eyes for a few seconds and imagined himself in the cover of the most prestigious magazines, he imagined hundreds and hundreds of paparazzi stalking him on the street as they shoot their flashes to him, he imagined his millions of fans screaming his name and asking for his autograph...
The bell ringed, the bill was ready, he opened his eyes and sighted.
"Some day, some day..." He told himself while he took the bill to the table 6, where they complained about the restaurant's high prices and didn't even left him a tip.
Monday, June 30, 2014
500 - Days of summer.
She went out everyday to the park,
looking the best in her red summer dress,
she was bored of her daily life,
a summer love was what she desired,
to ride a bike, and walk around the beach
to stay up 'till sunrise talking shit,
to go to the movies holding hands,
to runaway a weekend unplanned,
Oh! Why her summer love took so long to arrive?
She asked herself very sad,
as autumn was about to arrive,
the time to have fun was running out,
the water of the beach was getting cold,
while she sat, on the park, waiting for her summer love.
Friday, June 27, 2014
499 - In her period.
I'm never gonna understand women, the other day I went out with my girlfriend to have some ice-cream, and when I asked her if she wanted something, she said she would have just a bottle of water because she was on a diet; I, instead, bought a big ice-cream made for two.
While I ate my ice-cream, she looked at me smiling, and I kept asking her if she wanted some to taste it, but she said no; once I finished eating my ice-cream the woman started to cry and told me between sobs:
"How could you eat that big ice-cream for two without me?"
And she left the ice-cream shop running without saying anything else.
Thursday, June 26, 2014
498 - The Ku Klux Klan rats.
In the night, as soon as the scientists and researchers left the lab to go to their home to get some rest, the lab rats went out of their cages to hunt and burn the sewer rats alive.
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
497 - Movies night.
7:00 pm Dramatic Movie: He proposed to his girlfriend and she rejected him confessing to him that she loved someone else.
8:30 pm Detective Movie: He gathered all the clues and found out that the other person his ex-girlfriend love was his best friend.
10:00 pm Action Movie: He searched for his best friend and when he found him they fought because he had betrayed him and stole his girlfriend.
11:30 pm Suspense Movie: When he got home, he thought someone had broken in, so he took his precautions.
1:00 am Comedy Movie: He found out that the people who was inside his house were his girlfriend, his best friend and all his family, who had played a prank on him and had gotten an engagement party ready.
2:30 am Porn Movie: ....
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
496 - Bottom out.
When the big rock that was tied to his feet reached the bottom of the sea, he bottom out too and realized that the decision he had made was the easy way out to all his problems, yet, the hardest one; but by the time he realized this, it was too late for him because even if he was able to untie himself, he didn't have enough time to reach the surface.
His corpse hasn't been found yet, and it's still lying in the bottom of the sea.
Monday, June 23, 2014
495 - After the pay rise.
When he got into his office, he noticed that his secretary didn't welcomed him with a hot cup of coffee over his desk, that she was always bad humored and that she had stopped doing her paperwork before going home.
Friday, June 20, 2014
494 - Post-mortem shopping.
The Pharaoh, holding his rod on his hand, went out to downtown Egypt to buy all the things he would need to embellish his tomb.